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Need money..


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Try running ess at the World 16 Air Company. You can get 60k an hour if conditions are right, plus you need barely any starting money.




i second this. whenever someone needs money advice i suggest the air company.




just make sure you check their forum topic first (official forums, not tip.it) there's a link in the "are you official" issue of tip.it times



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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mining essence is going to be better for making money. they sell at 1/2 the price of coal, but you get them like 5 times faster than you get coal. so id recommend that.

liek omg rly?

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mining essence is going to be better for making money. they sell at 1/2 the price of coal, but you get them like 5 times faster than you get coal. so id recommend that.




1/2 the price of coal? Only if you're a member, which, from the looks of his stats, he's not. Ess isn't very good money for f2p, unfortunately...


taking a break

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I don't know very much about F2P, but I think I can help.




Now let's see, what can F2Pers get that P2Pers can't?




Sorry can't think of anything.




You could runecraft natures and........No, no that's members only.




The best thing I would do is mining coal and sell them, they are worth 300 each.

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mining essence is going to be better for making money. they sell at 1/2 the price of coal, but you get them like 5 times faster than you get coal. so id recommend that.




1/2 the price of coal? Only if you're a member, which, from the looks of his stats, he's not. Ess isn't very good stats for f2p, unfortunately...




oh yea, sorry i forgot pure ess is p2p only.

liek omg rly?

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Try running ess at the World 16 Air Company. You can get 60k an hour if conditions are right, plus you need barely any starting money.


What's air company?


And can't I make many with making full iron? ( Smithing is 34 now )


How many money do I get of 500 Air runes? And 1000?

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What's air company?






air company is a group of people on world 16 (at the air altar :roll: ) that give you money for running ess to them. its a fast way to level runecrafting at higher levels, but a great way for the rest of us to make decent cash. all you need is 25 ess to start and an air talisman/tiara. you usually get 2.5k gp per run. If you need better instructions, check the air company's forum topic on the runescape official forums. Theres a link in a recent tip.it times, like i said earlier :P








And can't I make many with making full iron? ( Smithing is 34 now )




unfortunately, the price of full iron is very low, since most people can make it. in fact you make MUCH more just by selling the equivelant number of iron ores/ bars. At your smithing lvl, i would actually recomend steel bars, since they are worth 600 ea.






or, take this idea... go to the wildy with full iron plus a steel scimi (you make all of it yourself) go to a high level area, and start killing low levels, take their armor and food, and keep killing better and better people until you finally have full addy. :wink:



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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What's air company?






air company is a group of people on world 16 (at the air altar :roll: ) that give you money for running ess to them. its a fast way to level runecrafting at higher levels, but a great way for the rest of us to make decent cash. all you need is 25 ess to start and an air talisman/tiara. you usually get 2.5k gp per run. If you need better instructions, check the air company's forum topic on the runescape official forums. Theres a link in a recent tip.it times, like i said earlier :P








And can't I make many with making full iron? ( Smithing is 34 now )




unfortunately, the price of full iron is very low, since most people can make it. in fact you make MUCH more just by selling the equivelant number of iron ores/ bars. At your smithing lvl, i would actually recomend steel bars, since they are worth 600 ea.






or, take this idea... go to the wildy with full iron plus a steel scimi (you make all of it yourself) go to a high level area, and start killing low levels, take their armor and food, and keep killing better and better people until you finally have full addy. :wink:


They say they won't give me money


And I don't understand it..

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