tyluke Posted June 11, 2006 Share Posted June 11, 2006 I have already posted this once but only got a few posts and i still hear complaints about money making so im going to post it again with more detail. please feel free to comment or bump Tyluke's guide to the economy in runescape first of this is a length and apologize for any spelling errors I would like to say that anyone here can make 1 mil or beyond if they are commited; nothing comes free in runescape. to start off you should find out what kind of product workers do you wish to be: -primary -seconday -final here i will go over the different types of workers stations primary worker provide the raw materials that people use or further develop these are items such as copper,tin,iron,coal,mithirl,coal,clay,silver,addemtine,rune,feathers,raw meat(cow,chicken wool,cowhides,flax,fish,logs,essence,bones,fruit/veggies,seeds these products are basic raw materials used to create finer goods i felt the primary worker has the most work but gets the most exp in certain skills secondary workers takes primary goods and creates them into other products like bars,food,headless arrows,shafts,bow strings, runes,molten glass,unfished potions,leather etc these products are reuseable and sell sometimes for more than basic product. *secondary is proabbly the easiest form because they have so many routes to choose to go down* final workers these people take secondary products and turn them into their final forms such as: armor,weapons,arrows,cooked fish,lanterns,rares, fused runes,(steam,mud,lava) and all other products that cannot be made from scratch or reused. after you figure out which type of worker(s) you are you search for what type of product you wish to work in. to determine what kind of market you wish to be in you have to think about several things. -is there a market for it? -are the prices in the range that i want? -what am i good at or how long till i reach that point? -is it reasonable? -is there business' that i can join (e.g. magna mining) that could help me? -what do i want for myself(armor weapons) and how much will it cost to get those? after you consider these questions you can get started in your market of choice whether it be armour,range equipment,mage tools, ores, herbs, food, crafting materials you name it. all that you have to think about is what are you capable of doing. and thats it you'll be on your way towards making money here is an example of my character i provide for my self entirely i make my own runes arrows everything i only need to buy armor. so i work in all three stations please feel free to comment,correct,query,question and quote anything listed above here are lists of ways to make money and their requirements *please note that all of these forms require Patience *these are estimated gusses -iron ore requires 15 mining sells for 150-200 -coal 30 mining sells for 200-450 -gold ore mining 40 sells for 200-500 -mithirl ore requires 55 mining sells fior 400-600 -addy ore requires 70 mining sells for 500-700 -rune ore requires 85 mining sells for 800-1500 -flax no requirements sells for 100-150 -bow strings requires 10 crafting sells for 150-200 -fish lobsters requires 40 fishing sells for 200 -fish swordies requies 50 fishing sells for 200-400 -fish sharks requires 76 fishing sells for 800-1800 -get cow hides sell for 50-200 -steel bars require 30 smithing and sell for 600 -mith bars require 50 smithing and sell for 700-1500 -high alch steel plates require 48 smithing and 55 magic earn 1200 -high alch Yew long bows 70 fletching 55 magic earn 768 you can also merchant when u buy something at a low price and sell it for higher -gamble in the duel arena for high stakes -fight in the wildreness for other peoples stuff -training on monsters and selling their drops finally there are some cases where people are not in it for the money yet -an example of this is titan01's smithing service where he trades coal and iron in an equal ammount to someone in bars he wants only mining experience so he mines coal and iron for the smithers the smither would give him 1k bars or 4k cannonballs he would give them 2k coal and 1k iron which is equal to the ammount u gave him this way u get smithing exp he gets mining exp and the rest of the profits it isn't really a money maker but theres no faster way to get exp. :wink: B.T.W titan will ether pay your bonus in gp or in ore -Tylukes gem exchange: "you give us uncuts we'll give u preetier cuts" -magna-mining a business founded by imhomer which will hire u to collect iron,coal,mith ores for cash. in his system you will gain cash as you rise through the miner ranks :!: i am not biast these are the top three businisses that come to mind sorry if i forgot yours :!: i personally wrote this because i was feeling bad and a little anoyed at all the people asking how do i make money thank you for taking the time to read my guide and i hope it will help you...again..... feel free to comment,correct,question,query,improve :evil: no flaming :evil: :lol: jus kidding :lol: if it gets that bad heres some smileys for you :D :D :D only 2 skills below level 50 :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
drgnrider Posted June 20, 2006 Share Posted June 20, 2006 good guide however some of your prices were wrong iron ore goes for 50-100ea coal goes for 150-200ea rune ore can cost as much as 11.5k ea other than that good guide Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sheepdean Posted June 20, 2006 Share Posted June 20, 2006 the grammer and spelling is a little out occasionally - fine for posts, but for guides it should really be coorect (sorry if English isnt your first language) Back by popular demand!And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
neovenator Posted June 20, 2006 Share Posted June 20, 2006 its a really good guide but there should be a bigger part with more details about merchanting RSN:neovenatorproud fire cape ownerproud fighter torso owner Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ValaraZ Posted June 20, 2006 Share Posted June 20, 2006 its a really good guide but there should be a bigger part with more details about merchanting It's clearly meant for newer players trying to gather theirslef the first big M. Merchanting comes into play when you have that mill and wish to turn it into another one. to do this here's one thing: Buy bloods, deaths and chaos from shop and resell. voilÃÆÃâÃâá, in an hour you have made about 500k if you find a buyer fast. Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both. For a wounded man shall say to his assailant: "If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven." Such is the Rule of Honor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stormveritas Posted June 20, 2006 Share Posted June 20, 2006 Is it fair to assume that Titan01, imhomer and yourself are all working together in a guild of some sort, and using this as a way to generate new business? [*:2703vx0b]Everyone is willing to trade cuts for uncuts. That's almost a no-brainer.[*:2703vx0b]Free smelting is a very common practice.[*:2703vx0b]Paying people to mine is not exactly novel, although that system may have some unique twist. Your advice is relatively good, although your price ranges are extremely broad. In all but the most extreme examples, you can narrow those price windows down considerably. No one is paying 450 for coal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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