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I'm doing Legends as a 74 with a d long, think I can do it?


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Yes, I'm doing legends as a 74 with a d long, because I want a legends cape. After spending 5 hours pickpocketing Master Farmers 1200 times, and 5 hours running around the Barbarian Outpost course 450 times, and finally getting 44 herblore, which plus a Greenmens Ale equals 45 herblore, I am finally ready to do Legends.




Granted that I still need to do Temple of Ikov, Family Crest, and Underground Pass, I will be doing Legends this Saturady.




Do you guys think I can do this quest at my level, and defeat all the monsters with a D long?




My stats are below.


Me doing staff.

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Should be at p2p general section, a moderator could move this for you. Anyway..




Yes you can kill the demons ect, bring sharks & prayer potions and you will be fine. :)


Signature made by the one and only, Friz.

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Is 20 prayer pots enough?




Maybe I'm slow, but what exactly is the benefit of Holy Water, some tell me not to waste my time on it, but your telling me different? :?




I've completed Legends when I was about your level, so it's possible. You need to pray during the fights - 20 prayer potions are more than enough. I also advise bringing some super attack, super str potions - they will shorten the fights. As for holy water, you can throw it on the demon and it will inflict damage (quite a lot) - it's not really necessary, but it might help.


Good luck!

103 combat | 1M+ xp in each skill (lvl73) | 1800+ skill total | quest cape

Level 86 herblore, 85 farming

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why not bring a dbaxe and maybe a dd? if you cant afford, fair enough, but thast combo will be much better than d long

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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Thank you, you guys are so encouraging.




I also advise bringing some super attack, super str potions




Thanks. I'll make sure to buy 3 super sets.




As for the dds, I only have one word, 'wow'.




And at the moment I drained all my money, so a db axe is kind of out of the way, besides, I don't like how it lowers your defence, but wait, if I'm using prayer...hmm I'll half to look into that. :)


Me doing staff.

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i would personally reccomend not using the dbaxe special - it is good, but dd's spec will do better, i suggest dbaxe as hit it hits much harder, and almost as fast, as d long(although doing MM and gettin a scimmy would be best)

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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(although doing MM and gettin a scimmy would be best)




I thought about this, but I don't feel like putting off Legends any further. I'll it a give go with what I have. Hmm...maybe I shouldn't have traded my db axe for a dss, ok joking. I'm sure I can find enough money to buy a db axe, but isn't the axe much slower?


Me doing staff.

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slower, but hits harder. of course, if you are praying, it is hits, not speed that matters, but if you are not praying, you need speed, so bring the dd in case prayer wears off

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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You shouldn't have any trouble at all, Legends is way overated, and the quest is easy if you meet all of the requirements. 20 prayer pots will be more than enough. I did it with a d long too, no trouble at all.

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Alright, I did it a few days ago. It was pretty easy, the demon was easy, however it was a bit frustrating. The one part I hated was when I did Underground Pass, I had to kill that giant spider Kralag, while being attacked by every spider in the cave, it was really tricky and annoying.




I also decided to beat Desert Treasure as well.




Thanks everyone for all of your tips.




I decided Holy Water was a waste of time.


Me doing staff.

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I did legends with rune and a d baxe at combat 70.. easy and didn;t use a single prayer pot or any other potion for that matter, Not even skill up beers! I had prayer level over 44 though at the time btw.




oh and no outside help other than a mod that charged me 10k for a soul rune hehehehe. Yah I knew he was ripping me off but like I cared about a one time expense.




Getting the starts to do legends is the hard part.







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