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Dermatologist, anyone?


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Afew days ago I went to the dentist for a checkup/cleanup. One hour before I went there, I had to take 4 large pills (forgot the name of them) so that I wouldn't get sick. Anyways, so I get to the dentist office and they scrapped some tarter etc out from between my teeth, then gave me some grape flavoured stuff to wash it all out.




Afew days later (yesterday acutally) I began to develope this 'lump' type of thing that looks like a large zit, developing on the out side of my mouth, close to my lower lip.


The following night it's still there and seems to be bigger. Stupidly, I decide to cut it open to stop the swelling and to see if it was puss built up inside. After I cut it open, all that came out was blood, but it seemed like there was some puss mixed in with it.




Afew hours late (now), it's much bigger and almost touching my lip, and this Saturday, I'm meeting up with my wondering ex and we're gonna be partying, but if I still have this damn welt thing on the side of my mouth, it'll all be over.




So my question to you, if you know ANYTHING about skin etc, is how did this occur?


Was it the pills I took? (Wish I knew the name of them)


Or was it the dentist?




Any feedback would be grateful, because I do not wanna show up at my ex's place looking like the way I do now.




EDIT: Just took this pic not long ago:



If you're wondering why I'm sweating, it's because I started feeling sick a little bit before I took that picture.




PS: I'm gonna trying getting an appointment with doctor, hopefully today.

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Lol no. I very rarely devolpe zits now. And this one I can just tell isn't a zit because it's bigger than any other zir I've had in my life, and you cannot just simply 'pop' it, I've tried and it doesn't budge.

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it's bigger than any other zit I've had in my life, and you cannot just simply 'pop' it


Is it a super zit?




Thats what im thinking, i get ones around my mouth once in awhile, and they are extreamly hard to get rid of... although they dont get as big as you are describing it and no blood.


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It's not a zit, otherwise it would hurt upon contact if it were so large.




It's probably some sort of infection...I'd go get that checked out. From the sounds of it, it's not going to just go away anytime soon. The fact that you are sweating really makes me think that...




Btw I'm no doctor, but my dad's a doctor and my mom's a nurse, so you'd be surprised how much I pick up on. Anyway, go visit your doctor...it's your best bet.

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The fact that you are sweating really makes me think that...




Well I WAS sweating and felt sick for about an hour or two, not anymore though.


But yeah, I will probably get it checked out if it stays in the same condition it's in now. Thanks for the help everyone.

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first off there's only two things it can be. 1. an infection as stated above. 2. a water pimple. Yes that's right, i've had these devils before. They swell very large and don't pop. FYI don't pick at it because is probably already infected. What you need to do is get some salve that has antiseptic properties. Rub it on and cover it with a band-aid so it don't get touched again. If you do this soon enough the swelling should go down. Also it might come to a head but that could take 4-5 days after you draw the infection out. I hate to say this but you'll have it for a little bit, there no instant fix for those. remember tho DON'T TOUCH IT!

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The fact that you are sweating really makes me think that...




Well I WAS sweating and felt sick for about an hour or two, not anymore though.


But yeah, I will probably get it checked out if it stays in the same condition it's in now. Thanks for the help everyone.




My dad says one sign of internal infection is fever. Get it checked to be safe :-).

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I sorry I did miss it lol, must of clicked page 2 after reloading the page, missing your post.


Anyways, I dunno if it looks like a "bubble forming". It's just like a zit, a bit flatter mabye, but much larger.

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Ohh, well I had a little bubble/bump form in my mouth a while ago.


Sometimes they go away, and sometimes you have to get them cut off.




I had to get one cut off, and stiches. But three more have come that have just gone away. Good luck. :P

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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I hate dermatologist, I go there like once a week. But I hate, hate her! Its kinda painfull everytime I go there... :(




it's bigger than any other zit I've had in my life, and you cannot just simply 'pop' it


Is it a super zit?


Heres the biggest zit ever (Clicky)


Its disgusting, do not enter if you dont wanna see domething a bit disgusting....

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Who gave you the pills? My mom, and I'm guessing she got them from our family doctor




What were they called? Can't remember, can't find the container :(




Roughly how old are you? 17, 18 in January




Do you have any medical allergies or pets? No, put I'm supposed to take antibiotics (those 4 pills) before going to a dentist so I won't get sick, even though I've never been sick before after seeing a dentist.




PS: I just woke up an hour or so ago, and the swelling has gone down, and I used some Polysporin to control the infection (if there is one)

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I think cutting/popping it was a bad idea...




Just a future warning?




Anyway, go see a doctor or just wait for it to go away. Use skin medicine as well. I don't know if acne cream would work...

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