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Making Free sigs.


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Yeah... I've got a lot of time for the next week before school starts. I'll be making free sigs.. haha ;).








To order tell me:
















Bright or Dark:








If you have any images you want in it send me the link or post it ;).








Start Asking!








Examples(these are other sigs I made.. not for sale):












































^ err...








^ I can add your name in this and make the text fancyish. ;).








^I know no such word.. lightness... tsk, lol.

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Yeah... I've got a lot of time for the next week before school starts. I'll be making free sigs.. haha ;).








To order tell me:








Quote:"Be aware of the dummy"




Colour:Red and Black




Bright or Dark:well dont care




Animated:Well, if you want to try an animation out on it, but its not a thing that i desire.








If you have any images you want in it send me the link or post it , sorry got no pics.

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Name: Jimmie




Quote: Blue Nose 'til i Die!




Colour: Icy Blue




Bright or Dark: Bright




Animated: Yes, quote flashing on and off.








Thank you so much for this,









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hey can you make an avvy for me? I'm preaty sure you remember my old avvy right? (rz3) if not just search for rz3 counter-strike flashes or something and watch them, you will get an idea what he is :P








If you can (and i will thank u forever :D) This is the stuff for it:








Name: Nadril




Text: Rz3




Colors: Blue




Description: Just a nice avvy with rz3's big head in the middle, like me old one :D












Anyways, if u can do this it will be ownage :D

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Name: Sliceman




Quote: "Only the best get the big ones"




Colour: Well umm watery, blue, green , yellow




Bright or Dark: Bright and dark lol idk in between?








If you have any images you want in it send me the link or post it .








just add some fish lemme get u some images in 1 sec








http://www.getfreeforum.com/bass/largem ... shing.html








theres a bass jumping in water i lie kthat 1

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this is taking long...








Sorry guys I was out today.. lol and on top of that got hit by a car while biking. I'm starting the sigs now.. just hold on ;).








lol that sux :P heh will you be able to do an avvy? :P

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this is taking long...








Sorry guys I was out today.. lol and on top of that got hit by a car while biking. I'm starting the sigs now.. just hold on ;).








lol that sux :P heh will you be able to do an avvy? :P








yeah no prob dude. Probably not exact and all but i'll try ;).

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Name: le mad01




Quote: none. . .




Colour: you can choose.. dark colors though .. like black white. . or blue black. .red black .. your choice :)




Bright or Dark: dark :)




Animated: um .. .le mad01 can turn into le mad11 i guess. . so simple animation ;)

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Lol.. I understood your sig so I threw in an animation. The sig would be too plain if it didnt have one.
















Do you think 297 bytes would be punished? Just incase i'll have another reduced one ;).
















Pm me what you want changed... lol a lot more sigs to do.

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Lol.. i'm sooo sorry for v sig :P.... lol ;).
















I noticed the colour.. eww.
















I dont know.. :shock: I cant make the colour better unless I totally redo the sig. If you really, really want me to i'll try :).








EDIT: I took out that horrible pic of the guy on the bike and drew my own.. lol.
















That helped alot.

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Lol.. i'm sooo sorry for v sig :P.... lol ;).
















I noticed the colour.. eww.
















I dont know.. :shock: I cant make the colour better unless I totally redo the sig. If you really, really want me to i'll try :).








EDIT: I took out that horrible pic of the guy on the bike and drew my own.. lol.
















That helped alot.








lol those are awesome, color doesn't matter. Thanks lol!

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could you make me one please, name would be sohaib68 for quote just put 70+ combat , u can put an animated name in it, i think the style of yours and the sig u made for eissob so somethin like that for the background thanks

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