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I just finally dicided to whip out my debit card and try out members for a month. I see all of these members walking around with wierd objects in their hands and clear shields and odd capes and clothing. Where do you get all this stuff from?

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clear shield = elemental, do elemental workshop quest


god capes (black, blue, green with trim at bottom) do mage arena


obby cape (shiny black) buy for 250k or get from txhaar


god books (shields) do Horror from the Deep, then buy pages


whip buy for 2.5m


d mace and battle axe do Heroes Quest


d scimmy do Monkey Madness


d long do Lost City




that about all i can think of




There are 10 types of people in the world - those that understand binary and those that don't!

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The clear shield was probably the Elf Crystal Shield you get from the quest Roving Elves. There are many "wierd things" that can go into your hads, I cannot help you there.

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clear shield = elemental, do elemental workshop quest


god capes (black, blue, green with trim at bottom) do mage arena


obby cape (shiny black) buy for 250k or get from txhaar


god books (shields) do Horror from the Deep, then buy pages


whip buy for 2.5m


d mace and battle axe do Heroes Quest


d scimmy do Monkey Madness


d long do Lost City




that about all i can think of



Legends cape from legends quest. Imo it looks better than obsidian. :wink:




Just start questing and doing mini-games. A large majority of the nicer stuff in the game comes from that. If you have any questions you can PM me.

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Do quests that give items, so that you can enjoy members.




Also, if you are onyl having members for one month, I would raise agility constantly. Why? Because it helps your run energy regen a lot faster, and can be used in F2P as well as P2P. It is a really useful skill, and wll carry onto your F2p expirience.




Agility = pwn :thumbsup:

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Legends cape from legends quest. Imo it looks better than obsidian


Best looking cape ever.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Legends cape from legends quest. Imo it looks better than obsidian


Best looking cape ever.




Because i wear it.

If anyone remembers me... PM ME. having nostaligia issues D:

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