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Why do people get so offended on runescape?


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Ok, i see no reason why this post should be locked at all. its totally un-offensive ~




Also move the post if in the wrong forum.




Ive got two questions -




1, why are people offended on runescape or the internet? ( dont use "theres a person behind every character" or something like that.. That is true, but it doesnt mean you need to be offended over rs just because your a person?) I dont really get how people can even show offence over the net, since well.. How can you tell emotions over it in the first place?












let me start off with....




Ive been observing runescape, and tipit over the passed week.. One thing i notice the most is how people get so offended over on runescape, let alone, the internet. I dont get exactly why either.. Let me start with a brief example of a thread ive seen in rs forums.




" im so tired of being offended by players in runescape . today i walked to falador, and was harrased repeatidly , by being called a noob.. I tryed to take the matter as mature as i could, he ended up swearing of course, yadda yadda yadda so i blocked him. "




Than this is the point where the guy talks about how mature he was in the situation, which he was of course.. but than he goes on to the part that really bugs me..




"But atleast i remembered one thing! that the guy is obviously some 35 year old virgin that lives with his mom... or some 10 year old "


And everyone in his thread agrees, that the guy was obviously a 10 year old, or a 40 year old living with his mom..




It appears to me that people use things like the above qoute as a sort of, security blanket, in order to feel better about the situation.. which leads to a second question..




so the question is : Are you actually any better? - in a scenario like this of course..




I mean the guy called you a noob, or some other remark, you think you act mature(depending on the situation) , but really are the same as him, by going on a forum, bringing up the situation, and than calling him a 10 year old or 40 year old virgin..

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First of all the post is


a little to long next time


make it short and simple.


Second,Maby if the person


says somthin offencive then


im thinkin they feel offended.


Third,Never say anything


rude or offencive to a girl :shame:

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Guest Armagedon46disabled

yea, i agree i dont get how u can get offeneded, because if someone is sitting there flaming you, chances are they are half mentaly challanged anyways :wall: , so just ignore them that all i do i never get offeneded i find it funy when im on my lvl 3 and people are calling me nub cuz they think i bot cuz i got tons of money

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How is it any different from being harrassed or insulted in real life? Someone who probably doesnt even know you is saying offensive things to you, so in my opinion, the normal reaction would be to get offended, unless youve been insulted and harrassed in real life so much that it doesn't bother you anymore...




Correct me if im wrong, but im guessing from this thread that you are probably one of those ppl that goes around talking s*** to other ppl, all the while expecting them to just take it and not defend themselves.


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Guest Armagedon46disabled
How is it any different from being harrassed or insulted in real life? Someone who probably doesnt even know you is saying offensive things to you, so in my opinion, the normal reaction would be to get offended, unless youve been insulted and harrassed in real life so much that it doesn't bother you anymore...




Correct me if im wrong, but im guessing from this thread that you are probably one of those ppl that goes around talking s*** to other ppl, all the while expecting them to just take it and not defend themselves.

its different because its a game, if u get offened over it, you take it way to serious
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First of all the post is


a little to long next time


make it short and simple.


Second,Maby if the person


says somthin offencive then


im thinkin they feel offended.


Third,Never say anything


rude or offencive to a girl :shame:




I dont


get offended


just really


annoyed in


runescape. Especially


when people


type just


like this. :evil:


i once saw ruby and ash in the wildy, thought it was a santa hat.

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First of all the post is


a little to long next time


make it short and simple.


Second,Maby if the person


says somthin offencive then


im thinkin they feel offended.


Third,Never say anything


rude or offencive to a girl :shame:




I dont


get offended


just really


annoyed in


runescape. Especially


when people


type just


like this. :evil:

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Ok first maby i was not talkin


to you guys ok and im a girl


too so i know and i really


dont ever get offended but


you really should make a


point on this topic because


its not making one its


cousing arguments


this topic is point less :roll: :roll:

[Admin edit: you need to upload your picture if you want it displayed]

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rude or offencive to a girl :shame:






I hope your not referring to rs, considering only 10 percent of runescape are woman


My char is a girl, but irl I'm a guy. :XD:




If someone called you an idiot, in RS or real life, you will be offeneded. If not, Hi idiot.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Since this thread is devolving into a flame war, it probably should get locked.




As for people getting offended easily over the internet, I submit it is similar to the phenomena of road rage. There are two components, and both are equally important to the equation, because they are grounded in the same truth - anonymity




1. "Offensive People" People who are being rude because it is fun or they find it in some way entertaining. They like to make others upset. I don't fully understand the pathology here, but they can "get away" with it to some extant because we are all cloaked by the shield of the internet. The same person who insults you online very likely would never insult you in the same manner if you met in real life. The "cloak", if you will, allows them to behave at a baser level.




2. Getting offended easily. A lot of people take things personally. Because we are ego-centric in nature, we often don't see things from other peoples' points of view, and it's only natural that we internalize things that happen around us. Someone may be making an innocent comment and because you heard it out of context, you are offended.




So what to do about it? First of all, if "someone makes you angry," It's because you are giving control of your emotions to them! You should remain in control of your own emotions at all times. I'm not talking about Mr. Spock Vulcan Logic and suppress your emotions. Emotions are appropriate. However, anger (derived from offensive comments or insults) is one you can avoid completely because when you give in to it, you are allowing that other person to control YOU.




Secondly, cliche's aside, do remember that people are people, and people are sensitive (not just the women, but the men too), and you should consider your actions just like you were in a room full of complete strangers. If I were to walk into a classroom at a school and started shouting out that everyone there was a "noob" and that I can "pwn" all of them, do you think I'd be allowed to stay for long? So why should it be any different in the game? Just because you can get away with something doesn't make it right or appropriate. It's called integrity.




Here's something to think about. Say the owner of a company is talking to the HR director about how to do laundry (why they'd be talking about it, who knows, but say this is the case). They are having this conversation in a public area, and just as the owner says "...And you should remember to separate the whites from the coloreds," an African American co-worker happens to walk up.




Think about the example. Is it appropriate that the African American guy be offended?


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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I also don't see how people can actually get offended.. unless you care about/respect the person speaking to you. I personally don't get offended, but will usually say something back to prove to them how immature they are acting. It is really no different than real-life except you can't see the person to point out physical flaws, but rather character flaws in-game.




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Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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... but will usually say something back to prove to them how immature they are acting...




Interesting... Doing this often labels you as the immature one. I would think the mature person would ignore the original comment completely. I'm sure there's a difference of opinion here, but here's the point. If a person is acting immaturely, and they don't know it, "proving" it to them won't make a difference. If they are acting immature and do know it, "proving" it to them won't make a difference. Either way, your counter to their comment will do nothing with the possible exception of escalating the "argument." This is how flame wars get started on forums.




It takes two to tango.


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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