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Bank Vaults


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I've recently seen some posts in Help & Advice that were asking about bank vaults and if we could get in them or not and if so, how we could. People were also wondering about what was in there if we could get in. After seeing these questions, I stood waiting to go to the dag kings and made this discovery:








This is the upstairs of Seer's bank...mebbe a way in...? :-k


There are 10 types of people in the world - those that understand binary and those that don't!

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nice find lol. and your sig is very clever :P

The world would be a whole lot better if little green men in UFO's came down to earth to abduct rednecks.
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That's really weird! For two things actually, I never knew there was an "upstairs" to the seers bank, never even tried to look for one! But nonetheless that's crazy, I wonder how long it's been there (the crate). Perhaps it's a secret that no one has yet to discover. DUN DUN DUN :anxious: .

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nice find lol. and your sig is very clever :P


Nah, not really. That sig is hackneyed; I've seen it a thousand times... He probably just copied someone else :? .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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nice find lol. and your sig is very clever :P


Nah, not really. That sig is hackneyed; I've seen it a thousand times... He probably just copied someone else :? .




Probably didn't start out This Way but it's very possible that it did.




Edit:Just had to add that the afformentioned link is where I first saw that phrase and I've never seen it on a forum anywhere but someone had to've said it in the past to put it onto a shirt.

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nice find lol. and your sig is very clever :P




Got it from some1 else and t-shirt...didn't know it was illegal to resuse lines :roll:




Think it might have something to do with the crate you hide in to fight that like vampire in a certain quest (where you get in crate to go to their house cuz it next to water or something)


There are 10 types of people in the world - those that understand binary and those that don't!

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nice find lol. and your sig is very clever :P




Got it from some1 else and t-shirt...didn't know it was illegal to resuse lines :roll:




Think it might have something to do with the crate you hide in to fight that like vampire in a certain quest (where you get in crate to go to their house cuz it next to water or something)




It's not illegal it's just a bit scandalous :wink: .




On-Topic: The time you hide in a crate to get to a castle was in the Merlin Quest where you had to get into the LaFaye keep via the Candle Shipment. The crate you hide in is next to the candle shop in Catherby and when you get in there you'd be taken to the back of the castle.




Maybe you're talking about a more recent quest (I haven't done a couple of the higher up ones such as Desert Treasure or the Fairy 2 quest)?

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Allright, if you do that once more i am going to seriously get annoyed and report your post. Stop * spamming noob.




Anyway: Maybe this is connected to the new monkey madness series?

If anyone remembers me... PM ME. having nostaligia issues D:

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Allright, if you do that once more i am going to seriously get annoyed and report your post. Stop * spamming noob.




Anyway: Maybe this is connected to the new monkey madness series?




yes everythings connected to monkeymadness now <.< as I said before its been there for well over a year its nothing new. it might have even been out before the first monkeymadness.

Previously known as Monkeybeast0.


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Been there since the start of RS2, nothing new about it. Posted Multiple times before.




Probably just an error where Jagex used the wrong crate ID when placing the item.




It doesn't effect the game in anyway due to it being inaccessable. Just ignore it, it's pointless.

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