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Tears of Guthix MINI-game guide -info needed!


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Info I need is in parts three, four, and five.




Anyone who has completed Tears of Guthix, please help me on how much time you get from your amount of qp, Stories told to Juna, interesting remarks from Juna, How many tears & how much exp you got from it. Much appreciated. This is my first guide ever, so I may need some helpful critcism.




Part 1. What to bring & Getting there




You will only need a Spiny helmet and a lightsource of some kind. Do not bring a plain candle, as these will explode further down in the cave causing damage and making it almost impossible to get out. Should you extinguish your lightsource by accident, this will cause insects to constantly hit 1's on you, and dim the light making it near impossible to see.




Getting there:


Go south-east from draynor village, or you can use the shortcut from the dorgeshuun area near lumbridge castle basement(You do not need a spiny helmet when taking this route). Keep your spiny helmet on at all times, and bring some sort of teleport to get out once you have done Tears of Guthix or for emergencies. You can also bring a tinderbox to avoid the "Are you sure you want to go in without a tinderbox?" messege.




Part 2. The mini game




Firstly, you can only do the minigame once a week, and in that week you must have earned at least 1 qp OR 100,000 experience.




The minigame is quite simple. Collect as many blue tears from the blue walls, and avoid the green ones. There is a time limit, which depends on your quest points, the more you have, the more time you have in the cave.




When you are done, you will receive exp towards your lowest skill. The experience depends on how many tears you collected. However, if your skill is under 30, you will receive a different amount of exp per tear, and if it is over 30, you will receive the same amount of exp per tear no matter what. The exp per tear has been found to be 60 exp per tear if your lowest stat is over 30.










Part 3. Time from questpoints NEED INFO


Please time your cavetime with timer, stopwatch, etc, and post it here, along with your questpoints. I will not list all the qp below, but please tell me anyway.






44 qp (minimum qp): ?


50 qp: ?


75 qp: ?


100 qp: ?


125qp: ?


150 qp: ?


175 qp: ?


200 qp:?


221 qp(max qp)Times: 2 min 20 seconds, 2 min 14 seconds.






Part 4: Quest descriptions & Juna's comments (if any) NEED INFO




I will use the form below for descriptions of every quest from YOUR CHARACTER, However, I have no info at the moment, so it is blank :oops: Post me your info!




Quest: Mountain Daughter


Descript:"...I was too late to save the cheiftain's daughter, but at least I gave her a proper burial."


Juna's comments: "brief is life, but more precious if its passing is properly honoured."




Quest:Shadow of the Storm


Descript:"...So Denath was Argith-Naar all along! But I managed to summon the demon again and slay him."


Juna's comments: "Argith-Naar was one of the demons my master banished at the end of the great war. But it seems he found a way to circumvent the ban."








Juna's comments: (if any)




Part 5. Skill messeges NEED INFO




What I mean by skill messeges is the messege it says when you drink the tears and gain your experience for that skill (E.G. Construction exp = "You feel homesick.")








Agility: ?


Cooking: ?


Construction: "You feel homesick."


Crafting: ?


Farming: "You gain a deep understanding of the cycles of nature."


Firemaking: ?


Fishing: ?


Fletching: "You gain a deep understand of wood/sticks." -Need confirmation on this one.


Herblore: "You gain a deep knowledge of all kinds of strange plant."


Magic: ?


Attack: ?


Strength: ?


Defense: ?


Hitpoints: ?


Mining: ?


Prayer: "You suddenly feel closer to the gods"


Ranged: "Your aim increases."


Runecrafting: "You gain a deep understanding of runes."


Slayer: "You gain a deep understanding of many strange creatures"


Smithing: ?


Thieving: "You feel your respect for other people's property diminishing"


Woodcutting: ?






As of now, it looks kinda empty... -.- Again, help me with some of this info

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it's gonna be hard to find some1 that got exp in att/str/def/ and i think it's impossible to get in HP.




If you think it'll help i think u get 60 exp per tear


Dragon drops: D med x3, D Spear x2, Left Half x1, D2h x1

Crawling Hands X4, Cockatrice heads X2, Basilisk head X2, Kurask head X1

Support me in the drop race

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I don't have much to contribute since my lowest skills have always been construction and herblore (herblore currently..) but I can confirm that the writing displayed under herblore is indeed correct.




"You gain a deep knowledge of all kinds of strange plant."




That's what I was talking about, that statement is true.

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i dont think you will need a spiny helm if you use the lumbridge basement passage




If you'll look at the Lumbridge Caves Map you'll see by going into the Basement of the Lumbridge Castle and using the little shortcut you've got a straight shot to the cave and no Wall Beasts are about.




Also you might want to include the fact that the Bullseye Lantern is the best as it will never go out. All the others can be destroyed/explode/run out of gas(Not sure on this one) also it's important to bring a tinderbox to avoid another message when entering the caves.

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Bullseye lantern? doesn't that have an extinguish option as well?




Also, I have a sapphire and emerald lanterns, they don't run out of fuel or anything, cannot be destroyed, but have an extinguish option as the first option.

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Bullseye lantern? doesn't that have an extinguish option as well?




Also, I have a sapphire and emerald lanterns, they don't run out of fuel or anything, cannot be destroyed, but have an extinguish option as the first option.




Yes it does have an extinguish option but with my sapphire one I have never had it go out even when I fall in water at stepping stone.

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Bullseye lantern? doesn't that have an extinguish option as well?




Also, I have a sapphire and emerald lanterns, they don't run out of fuel or anything, cannot be destroyed, but have an extinguish option as the first option.




Yes it does have an extinguish option but with my sapphire one I have never had it go out even when I fall in water at stepping stone.




Bullseye lanterns won't go out unless extinguished. Just put it in the bottom-right slot and you won't have to worry about an accident.




Next time I am down there I can test the max qp time-limit on rc. Maybe in a month I can test it on agility, lol.


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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i have 221 qp, I'll post next time that I do the minigame. I did get tears on thieving once, but I cant remember what it was. It's something like "you feel your respect for other people's property diminish". dont quote me on that one though.




Prayer="you suddenly feel closer to the gods"


Best Barrows Chest: guth skirt, dh helm, dh axe, racks, gp (23/08/06); best tt reward: robin, guthix helm, guthix legs, nats, rune legs

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I'm going to do a Tears of Guthix game Sunday or Monday with 125 QP. I'll do the time and the message. I told stories about Monkey Madness and Sheep Shearer but don't remember it. Sheep Shearer was something like: It was hard work to shear all those sheep, but ...(don't remember)




EDIT: There's a small chance I'll once have Fletching lowest skill, not sure, if I once get that one,I'll write it down.

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Brings up an interesting point though. You know what I've always wanted to try?




Make a newb character and only train him with the skills he needs to do the quest,


then send him in there and collect as many tears as possible.




500k says the game would freak out and send all your skills to 99.

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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yeah i never bring a spiny helm with me, bullseye lantern can not be put out by falling in the water, and its brighter then the gem lanterns




ive also gone to tears with a torch before, but i cant guarntee that it wont exlode

(Quit: tallest please come to the death altar, give me 1,337,000,000 gp, a golden tinderbox, and a spade, also steal one of zidanes phats and give it to me.

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