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(Revised) Just a suggestion....


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Have you ever been fishing for lobsters at Karamja when you realized your inventory was full? Then the thought of the grueling run back to the Falador bank crosses your mind. Some teleport to Falador, others make the horribly long sail/walk back, but what if you could instead teleport your items to the bank? What if you could also withdraw your items this way? This would mean no matter where you where, you would have remote access to your bank account. All you would need to do is cast a spell that required a law rune and 15 air runes (the type and amount of runes is simply an example and needs some consideration) and your bank page would open up giving limitless deposits and withdrawals (just like if you went to the bank) all in one spell. For me this would solve many headaches, for others it might cause some. Please leave your opinion (as long as it is helpful and nice ::' :anxious: ), and together, we can alter and correct this suggestion, and in the end try to make this dream a reality (pretty corny eh? ::' ).








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If people wanted to level up quickly, they would just drop as they went -.- . My idea is for people who want to make money by gathering items and then selling. Or, if you are doing a quest and you remembered that you left a vital item at the bank and you donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t want to run all the way back.

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Bad idea. All of the items (such as lobs, coal etc) would drop in value, because its way easier to gather a large amount now. Instead of running back to bank, you would just tele m away and start fishing/mining again.


You would have tons of an item, within no time.

Why do we bake cookies, but cook bacon

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Not necessarily. One of the reasons coalÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s value is high is because it is hard to get. It is hard to get because everyone is mining it. Everyone is mining because there is a big need for coal once you get to higher smithing levels. If people had the option to use this spell, they wouldnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t need many breaks from mining. If they didnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t take many breaks, then the coal mines would never stop being busy, making it even harder to get coal, there by discouraging other player from mining it. This would keep coal at the same price (or possibly increase), because only the dedicated would be able to obtain it.


When you think about it, the people who buy coal are people willing to pay a lot of money because they are unwilling to mine coal themselves. Since there will always be a need for coal for smithing purposes, there will always be some player who needs coal, meaning there will be one more buyer in the world. Thus, an almost guarantee that coal will not decrease in price. That is just my logic, but maybe someone can show the errors of my thinking.






I wish at least one person would actually give me some advice on improving my idea instead of just downing it!

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I guess I'd better weigh in here.




Sorry, I don't like the idea, either. I've thought about it before, and I've considered it, and wondered what the level should be and the runes it would require and all that. I've also wondered what it would take to open your bank from anywhere.




Here are the reasons I don't like it (and the economy isn't one of them - I could care less what the affect such a spell would be on the economy)




1. Power-skilling. Jagex has repeatedly stated that they don't encourage power-skilling - such as drop mining/woodcutting/fishing/etc. You'll notice that just about every "gathering" skill has a corresponding "processing" skill. This isn't quite as true for F2P as it is for P2P, but the point remains: Mining -> Smithing; Fishing -> Cooking; Woodcutting -> Fletching. If you power mine one skill, you actually hurt yourself in training the companion skill.




2. PKers. Ok, I hate PKers. However, if such a spell existed, PKers would have nothing to gain. With this spell, your possessions are virtually safe within the wilde - you have your nice weapon? zap! off to the bank it goes. Your clue scroll goodies! whoosh! You get skulled? Oh, no problem - no risk because off to the bank goes my things if I start losing the battle. Just gotta stay alive long enough to cast the spell. (Did I mention that I hate PK'ers? Even so, they are part of the game)




3. Monster combat. Again, no risk to your things for tougher monsters, and for lower level monsters, you'd be able to train all day and still bank the goodies. As it is now, you have to actually made decisions on what to pick up and what to leave behind if you are fighting to collect stuff. Shoot, with this spell, I could bring 10k arrows into the ogre enclave, and pluck away at those poor blue dragons for hours on end and never have to come up for air, yet not lose a single hide or bone.




So, this spell will unbalance the game. I will make power-skilling too easy and attractive by taking away the drawback to this type of training.




And, for you F2P'ers who like to fish, it actually takes away your incentive to become a member, because as you probably know, there are two awesome places to fish for lobbies (and better) that are much closer to banks.




Don't feel bad, though. When I was a nooby, I thought that this spell would be awesome for the same reasons you do. I also thought it would be cool to introduce firearms into the game. Amazing what you learn with experience, isn't it?




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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yeah, sligo pretty much summed up why this is a Bad Idea, but he missed one: Quests. There are certain quests that require you to go through a specific process to obtain items, and with this spell, you could completely bypass that process and make the quest way too easy. A perfect example of this is the Pirate's Treasure quest. Specifically, the part where you have to get the Rum from Karamja by smuggling it in a banana crate. With this spell, you would be able to skip that entire section of the quest (ever wonder why there aren't any banks on the f2p section of Karamja?) and lose out on important parts of the quest, like gathering bananas for 30 coins.


In addition to Wildy PKers, there's also the valuable training areas that can be found out there; the Chaos Altar, the Abyss, the dragon and demon spawns, moss giants, the Rune and Hobgoblin Mines, etc. I'm sure that the TeleBank spell would have the same restrictions as a normal teleport spell, i.e. can't be used past lvl20 Wild, but it would still destroy the game as we know it.


Been suggested in various forms before, and every time has been shot down for the same reasons. Sorry, but it's just a Bad Idea.


Part of the Star Traks network. (^^Clicky!)


Irony: An amnesiac rediscovering they have an eidetic memory.

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i think you actually have really good idea here.. people automatically just poo-poo it without considering it.. i think it would work as long as the cost of the runes balanced the increased income from faster collecting... i think it's an excellent idea.

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(Sligo) Well, let me start off by saying thanks for explaining your reasons better and not downing me in a harsh way (except the part about ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬Åwhen I was a nooby I thoughtÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ

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i think you actually have really good idea here.. people automatically just poo-poo it without considering it.. i think it would work as long as the cost of the runes balanced the increased income from faster collecting... i think it's an excellent idea.




Thanks, you are the first one, lol. I am starting to give up here, my head hurts. :wall:

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99 RC would be such an easy acomplishment. Bring air rune, sit in the Law Atlar, make laws like crazy.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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99 RC would be such an easy acomplishment. Bring air rune, sit in the Law Atlar, make laws like crazy.




Apparently you didnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t read my last large post. In that post I determined that for this spell not to interfere with leveling, depositing items into your bank should be the only transaction you can do. You could NOT withdraw from your bank remotely. This would prevent people from sitting in one place, teleporting the supplies they need to them, then when done teleporting the finished products back to their bank. This seem logical to me, but I can be wrong. Please keep responding.






If I don't respond to your post for awhile, it is because I am busy today (not because I have forgotten). I will try to respond to all your new posts when I get the time. And please, actually read all the posts and then make your comment. I donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t want to answer something twice.

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99 RC would be such an easy acomplishment. Bring air rune, sit in the Law Atlar, make laws like crazy.




Uhm. You're missing one part - getting the ess to the alter, so your comment doesn't make sense. Since crafted runes stack, you can already do this if other people run ess for you.




Regarding the Pirate's Rum quest, that issue is already solved - if you teleport with the Karumja Rum in your inventory, the bottle breaks.




Jdn92 - enabling and disabling the spell is an idea, but I think it puts too many constraints on it. Sure, I'd agree with the level 20 limit just like with teleporting.




I think you misunderstand my point about power-skilling. Jagex discourages this technique, because they want people to experience different parts and aspects of the game in moderation. Drop mining (and its various forms) isn't productive except for increasing that one skill. However, banking what you produce will ultimately help other skills, which is what Jagex wants to encourage. Your spell will allow people to power skill without the penalty of losing the materials they produce. That's the unbalanced aspect.




Truthfully, it wouldn't suprise me if Jagex introduces some form of this spell eventually. With the updates we've been seeing lately, I'm a bit amazed - new agility shortcuts (with the grappling hook), the fairy rings, etc. Pretty soon, you'll be able to transport yourself to and from a bank anywhere in the game - if you have the skill level and/or quest requirements to use them.




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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Have you ever been fishing for lobsters at Karamja when you realized your inventory was full? Then the thought of the grueling run back to the Falador bank crosses your mind. Some teleport to Falador, others make the horribly long sail/walk back, but what if you could instead teleport your items to the bank? What if you could also withdraw your items this way? This would mean no matter where you where, you would have remote access to your bank account. All you would need to do is cast a spell that required a law rune and 15 air runes (the type and amount of runes is simply an example and needs some consideration) and your bank page would open up giving limitless deposits and withdrawals (just like if you went to the bank) all in one spell. For me this would solve many headaches, for others it might cause some. Please leave your opinion (as long as it is helpful and nice ::' :anxious: ), and together, we can alter and correct this suggestion, and in the end try to make this dream a reality (pretty corny eh? ::' ).








Everyone who reads this, please make a comment whether it be good, bad, or neutral.




Although it would be INCREDIBLY helpful, it would also make people INCREDIBLY lazy. I say no due to one thing that I hate and you have: Laziness.


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You can get a skill to 99 easy that way. No.




I wouldn't say you could introducing an update such as this would make 99 fishing easy (easier, yes).




On topic, I'm quite sure an update like this would be highly argued about throughout runescape. Maybe not such a good idea. Besides, this would dramatically decrease the price of fish, not good for us fishermen :(

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Just put a bank deposit box on Karajima and make the Karajima Rum unbankable ( if it isnt already) and problem solved. This way Jagex has less work, and you get what you want. If you say all that good stuff about, " Oh! but theres other stuff too! You didnt think about the other stuff! Why didnt you think about the other stuff?! You need to think about the other stuff! I dont know why you didnt think about the other stuff!" Then I say this: "TOUGH!!!"

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Ok, ok. It is very apparent that this spell is not wanted. I can understand that and I will quit trying to argue. To zaaps1, I am curious to know if that babbling you did toward the end of your post was supposed to mockery of my writing. And to Rcty, I must say I did not come up with idea out of laziness, I did it out the thought of productivity. Actually, believe it or not, I am quite the opposite of lazy. I have never power leveled or any thing of that sort, because I enjoy doing the different tasks associated with the skills. I wanted this skill mainly because I was just annoyed with walking so far (lol, that does make me sound lazy). But I would like to close by saying this, any member of the Runescape society who is lazy, will continue to be lazy no matter what new feature comes out; any true Runescape player that enjoys the game will never abuse the help given but will continue to play honest work ethic.








If anyone has a comment about this, please just send me a message. Thanks.

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