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How dare you! :evil: You are asking members to pay out of their own pockets for more bank space that won't even be used by us! If F2P players want more bank space then don't be cheap and expect other people to pay for it. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Action: F2P gets more bank space. Reaction: Members pay more. I bet you lot didn't even think of that. Server upgrades cost money. And who is going to be paying for it FREE To Play or PAY To Play? Hmm... I wonder! :-k You would have a very difficult time convincing a million people to pay more money for people who are to lazy to pay for themselves. As for you sir you have reached levels of stupidity that I have never yet seen! =D> And yes I know I am flaming, I am amazed that you figured that out! :thumbsup:




You're really not one to talk about stupidity, because just your flaming has gotten you a free report on your post. ;)




Who said anything about members paying for it? Did you even read my actual post? Somehow, I doubt it... If you *had* read my post, you would have seen it clearly stating that the increase of 12 new bank slots would require minimal effort and cost, and could easily be paid for by the advertisements we sit through every day of playing.




And I do reccomend that you don't post back here again until you read my post.




12 bank spaces for 9 million players? Somehow I doubt that advertising would pay for that.




Think of it this way: You'll also get 12 exta bank spaces, because you know its not going to ONLY be freeto play.




They would probably give P2P about 24 or so bank spaces to shut them up.

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I managed to get a pol up, asking people why they became P2P. It seems that so far, it's for the increase in items. Though bankspace was included in the same poll option, the posts in the discussion thread clearly show that it's the items they really joined P2P for.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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Yeah, I kinda didn't like how those were grouped. I wonder what would win if it was just narrowed down to items and bank space.




I honestly wanted to become a member when I realized the items and skills. That was it. The bank space pressure just makes drop trading very tempting...

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I've decided to take away the hair style restrictions, and just ask them to change the hair to white. I may change a few more things in the future, but for now, that'll be it.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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i support :) even tho im a member \' also a more organsied bank space would be appriciated :thumbsup:



Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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ya i agree f2p dose need at least 12 more bank spaces. i collect random event clothing, i got 9 pices of it so far and i had to throught out some skilling stuff for that. so im with u all the way on this one :wink: .


ill try to make it to the rally and add me to the potition if there is one :o

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Random events are a killer.




Full mime = Mask + shirt + pants + boots + gloves


Full Zombie = Head + shirt + pants + boots + gloves


Full Camo = Hat + shirt + Pants


Full Lederhosen = Hat + Shirt + Leggings






18 spaces right there and add in frog tokens that is +1 (or +3 when you count them as the head shirt and pants)




That could be up to 22 spaces gone from your bank, leaving you only with 38 spaces which is no where near enough.




Just 12 spaces would really help. It would leave 50 spaces for skilling which would be much better than 38. Who knows, maybe I could actually keep my runecrafting gear, or my cut gems.

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Random events are a killer.




Full mime = Mask + shirt + pants + boots + gloves


Full Zombie = Head + shirt + pants + boots + gloves


Full Camo = Hat + shirt + Pants


Full Lederhosen = Hat + Shirt + Leggings






18 spaces right there and add in frog tokens that is +1 (or +3 when you count them as the head shirt and pants)




That could be up to 22 spaces gone from your bank, leaving you only with 38 spaces which is no where near enough.




Just 12 spaces would really help. It would leave 50 spaces for skilling which would be much better than 38. Who knows, maybe I could actually keep my runecrafting gear, or my cut gems.

Your math is a little off in the first part. It is, in fact 16 spaces plus the Frog items, whether you keep tokens or outfits.That leaves a maximum of 41 spaces. However, it is still not very much for skilling purposes.
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Random events are a killer.




Full mime = Mask + shirt + pants + boots + gloves


Full Zombie = Head + shirt + pants + boots + gloves


Full Camo = Hat + shirt + Pants


Full Lederhosen = Hat + Shirt + Leggings






18 spaces right there and add in frog tokens that is +1 (or +3 when you count them as the head shirt and pants)




That could be up to 22 spaces gone from your bank, leaving you only with 38 spaces which is no where near enough.




Just 12 spaces would really help. It would leave 50 spaces for skilling which would be much better than 38. Who knows, maybe I could actually keep my runecrafting gear, or my cut gems.




Exactly the point with me. Every time I want to use little things for skilling like talismans and crafting stuff I have to get rid of it and buy new ones every time, which to be honest gets very annoying after awhile. I know it doesn't cost much, but it's annoying to have to keep buying a tinderbox because it's just not worth having in my bank. That and I want to be able to put ALL of my armor which includes full rune, full green dragonhide, and full wizard robes with about five different runes and two staves. The main reason for that is I want to go into the Wildlerness's boneyard without risking anything period (Yes, I know I can keep 3 items, well 4, but just in case I accidentally attack someone and get skulled out there and die). It's just little things like that, that would help us F2P's out tremendously and Jagex doesn't seem to take any mind to that whatsoever. And if you tell me it's because I don't pay to play, Id Suge (read the sig), because F2P is important to the Runescape world and without it you'd miss the thing's it provided for you [i.e. cheaper goods like yews(yes I know it's because of autoers)] so you can make the millions that F2P's can't. Thought I'd add my two cents about this topic again.


Heres a hammer, some planks and a few nails, now all you gotta do is build a bridge and get over it.


Id Suge- Latin for "Suck It"

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Random events are a killer.




Full mime = Mask + shirt + pants + boots + gloves


Full Zombie = Head + shirt + pants + boots + gloves


Full Camo = Hat + shirt + Pants


Full Lederhosen = Hat + Shirt + Leggings






18 spaces right there and add in frog tokens that is +1 (or +3 when you count them as the head shirt and pants)




That could be up to 22 spaces gone from your bank, leaving you only with 38 spaces which is no where near enough.




Just 12 spaces would really help. It would leave 50 spaces for skilling which would be much better than 38. Who knows, maybe I could actually keep my runecrafting gear, or my cut gems.

Your math is a little off in the first part. It is, in fact 16 spaces plus the Frog items, whether you keep tokens or outfits.That leaves a maximum of 41 spaces. However, it is still not very much for skilling purposes.




Wow, thanks. I think I might have been counting something else...




Let me check my bank to see what else I was counting.

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F2p is essentially a DEMO of RS. You get the demo, but it doesn't receive updates and the whole point is to give you the feel for the game.
Did you read the first post? It shows how F2P has outgrown the rank of demo. Although it was never truly a demo at all.
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F2p is essentially a DEMO of RS. You get the demo, but it doesn't receive updates and the whole point is to give you the feel for the game.
Did you read the first post? It shows how F2P has outgrown the rank of demo. Although it was never truly a demo at all.




how is it not a demo? it has all the characterristics. it's free, it doesn't offer the whole game, in fact only a small portion. let's say 9 million people play the final fantasy 13 demo but only 1 million people buy the game. does that make the demo an actual game? no, it's still a demo.



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F2p is essentially a DEMO of RS. You get the demo, but it doesn't receive updates and the whole point is to give you the feel for the game.
Did you read the first post? It shows how F2P has outgrown the rank of demo. Although it was never truly a demo at all.




how is it not a demo? it has all the characterristics. it's free, it doesn't offer the whole game, in fact only a small portion. let's say 9 million people play the final fantasy 13 demo but only 1 million people buy the game. does that make the demo an actual game? no, it's still a demo.


An extension also fits your description perfectly.

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I'm P2P and I support this.




I perfectly understand that bank space is meant to be restricting (it is restricting on P2P as well if you think how many P2P-only items we have to store). But everything has to be reasonable. There's a difference between a luxury and a bare nessecity. P2P should offer the luxury.




If you can't store every single instance of a potion dose (so you don't waste any), it's a lack of a luxury.




If you can't store every quest item or key you might need, it's a lack of a luxury.




If you can't store every single crafting mould, every single ore and bar, every single arrow/bolt type, etc, it's a lack of a luxury.




Go to P2P if you want these luxuries.




If you can't store enough items to be able to level your skills and play the game as it was intended to be played, it's a lack of a bare necessity!




Bare necessities should be met on both F2P and P2P.




F2P should cut down on luxuries to entice players to switch to P2P, but when it crosses the line and becomes simply unplayable, then it's morally an extortion, not an enticement, and it's wrong.




Imagine if F2P only had full bronze armor. Imagine if F2P wildy only went till level 10. Imagine if F2P combat spells only included the strike spells.




All those things would make F2P pretty much unplayable. And the same thing goes for bank space. Given the current ratio of barebone F2P items to the available bank space, F2P is getting unplayable, plain and simple.




I guess people who oppose extra space are the same kind of people who think people on welfare should just starve to death instead of getting barebone meals and shelter. I sure don't want my welfare tax money to pay for some hobo's limo or seaside mansion, but having it pay for bread and water is a whole different story. Same story with RS. I'm P2P and I enjoy the luxury P2P provides, the less crowded servers, the extra locations, the top-of-the-line items like dragon armor, and so on. I'd sure be angry if F2Pers got all that. But I do realize there are some necessities in order to be able to play F2P, and currently they are not being met.




Every limitation must be reasonable.

Live free or die. First option is exhausted, so guess what remains?

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Adding just 24 spaces for f2p is like adding whopping 192 spaces for members. This is because there are 8x more active accounts (accounts. not players.)




Imagine 24 spaces x 8,000,000 accounts. Thats 192million (192,000,000) bank spaces. Imagine how much server space that takes up. It's not that jagex doesn't want to add spaces, It's just that they cant.

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Adding just 24 spaces for f2p is like adding whopping 192 spaces for members. This is because there are 8x more active accounts (accounts. not players.)




Imagine 24 spaces x 8,000,000 accounts. Thats 192million (192,000,000) bank spaces. Imagine how much server space that takes up. It's not that jagex doesn't want to add spaces, It's just that they cant.




It's 12 spaces.. Not 24.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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Adding just 24 spaces for f2p is like adding whopping 192 spaces for members. This is because there are 8x more active accounts (accounts. not players.)




Imagine 24 spaces x 8,000,000 accounts. Thats 192million (192,000,000) bank spaces. Imagine how much server space that takes up. It's not that jagex doesn't want to add spaces, It's just that they cant.


If you bother to check the rest of this thread, it has been posted about 12 times how much server space it would take.

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Imagine 24 spaces x 8,000,000 accounts. Thats 192million (192,000,000) bank spaces. Imagine how much server space that takes up.


Not very much. About a couple gigabytes.




Besides, this topic is about 12 spaces. Not 24.




It's not that jagex doesn't want to add spaces, It's just that they cant


Uh...yeah they can. :shock:

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