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72 new mini pixels and mini font. UPDATE 37! (21-07-07)


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Can u make me one Buddy?! Id like one like Rybeks... Just different




Head: Wizzy G FTW! Lol


Body: Same as hat


Legs: Blue D-Hide G


Weapon: Iron throwing knives


Shield: Sara Book


Cape: Sara


Boots: Wizard


Gloves: cookin gaunts


Neck: Power ammy


Hair: [bleep]es down forehead


Hair Color: White


Face: Looking down


BG: Same as Rybeks but grass and blue sky


Text: Sara Manger




Thanks PJB21! Please lol








Same stance as Rybeks.


Love ur siggeh!




im guessing your talking about this, um not really, its just kinda boring. ill tell you what tho, you give me a sorta style and mood and ill create a sig for you ok? and i will do it even if its the last thing i do! but only if i like the mood if not, ill change it to one i like (darkk and evil...) =D




yes darkk has 2 K's, live with it, and dont type it with 1 K ever! you hear me!










100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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I requested one in Art Bazaar...


If you cant do that one I have a Plan B.


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1993 Miata; sold - 2001 E46 330i; "totaled" - 2001 E46 325iT; Bags and wheels ;)

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I need a pixel sig...


Action type


Char 1


Gender: Male


Head: Iron full


Body: iron plate


Legs: green d hide (g)


Cape: Sara CW


Boots: Wizard


Gloves: Gold


Neck: Glory


Expression: like hes fighting


Hair: White


Hair Style: [bleep]es down forehead


Skin Color: Tannish


Weapon:Rune scimmy


Shield: Sara book




Char 2:


Head: Blk Beret


Body: Rune plate


Legs: Drag


Cape: Legends


Boots: Rune


Gloves: Barrows


Neck: Fury


Wep: Whip


Shield: Obby


Face: Scared


Hair: Black


Hair Style: [bleep]ey


Gender: Male


Skin: Tan


More on next Post...




*next post*




Setting: Wild, corpses on the ground, and blood.


Actions: Char 1 is casting wind blast on char 2, Char 2 is hit on 21. Were both skulled.


Size: 360ÃÆÃââââ‰â¬


100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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Ive gotten into smaller sigs cuz I like underbanners so.... smallen the size to say.... 200x100???ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃââÃÆââââ¬Ã¢ÃâëÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃââThanksya Pj!ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃââÃÆââââ¬Ã¢ÃâëÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãââ


- 60,023rd to 99 Firemaking on April 29th, 2012 -- 15,152nd to 99 agility on August 21st, 2011 -
- 30,569th to 99 Prayer on June 26th, 2011 -- 22,646th to 99 Hunter on Jan 9th, 2011 -
1993 Miata; sold - 2001 E46 330i; "totaled" - 2001 E46 325iT; Bags and wheels ;)

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200*100 eh?




good and bad news.




good: well i hadnt started any linework so there no loss of work.




bad: at that sizeit can be hard to fit in detail.




so yeah, if its smaller the quality is gonna suffer while big well, it may take longer, but will look better, however its bigger o0




your choice.






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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Ya true... hows about 300x150? That'll work!






ÃÆââââ¬Ã°ÃâÃÂ¥I love that symbolÃÆââââ¬Ã°ÃâÃÂ¥


- 60,023rd to 99 Firemaking on April 29th, 2012 -- 15,152nd to 99 agility on August 21st, 2011 -
- 30,569th to 99 Prayer on June 26th, 2011 -- 22,646th to 99 Hunter on Jan 9th, 2011 -
1993 Miata; sold - 2001 E46 330i; "totaled" - 2001 E46 325iT; Bags and wheels ;)

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Im willing to do anything! Ill draw what layout i want (if its ok)




Edit::: Ima edit BG if its ok... Make it duel arena???


and here is rough sketch (it sucks!)






Lol it is a sketch of what it should (maybe) look like... You may change if you would like :D thanks soooooo much Pj ( can i call u that?)


- 60,023rd to 99 Firemaking on April 29th, 2012 -- 15,152nd to 99 agility on August 21st, 2011 -
- 30,569th to 99 Prayer on June 26th, 2011 -- 22,646th to 99 Hunter on Jan 9th, 2011 -
1993 Miata; sold - 2001 E46 330i; "totaled" - 2001 E46 325iT; Bags and wheels ;)

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i quite like how its gone so far, but now is desicion time,spend ages working on a bg and make it look really good, or use one of my 'new classic' backgrounds?








comments welcome and help on that bg desision =)






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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Ooo nice, I think it looks good but I would just use a classic bg that you have already I only think this cause I dont think the artwork is very... from the hard in this case, you've made much better drwaings in my opinion :mrgreen: (It's still great though)

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yeah my texturing isnt really that great, while my linework and shading arnt too bad. so yeah texture is rather important, part of the triangle, but im constantly learning and so with time i will (hopefully) improve. i may even do some pure texture avvys or whatever, but then again i may not...




well i added a classic bg to it and it looks like this:








and with text... (quickly runs it to another program, and... done)








there you go sara, finaly i have made you a siggy =)






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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Pj... I love you. Its awesome just 1 thing. Can you move the 21 into his chest like on the game? If not its still sweet!!!


- 60,023rd to 99 Firemaking on April 29th, 2012 -- 15,152nd to 99 agility on August 21st, 2011 -
- 30,569th to 99 Prayer on June 26th, 2011 -- 22,646th to 99 Hunter on Jan 9th, 2011 -
1993 Miata; sold - 2001 E46 330i; "totaled" - 2001 E46 325iT; Bags and wheels ;)

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Pj... I love you. Its awesome just 1 thing. Can you move the 21 into his chest like on the game? If not its still sweet!!!




if its all ok id prefer not to, cos then i lose work! lol.




311, whats kinda weird? o0






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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Pj... I love you. Its awesome just 1 thing. Can you move the 21 into his chest like on the game? If not its still sweet!!!




if its all ok id prefer not to, cos then i lose work! lol.




311, whats kinda weird? o0








well the fact that his neck is as long as his chest.. and that the arms are longer then the legs.. that the upper body is longer then the legs


(left person)


the feet are as big as a cd case.. which is way to small.

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well the fact that his neck is as long as his chest.. and that the arms are longer then the legs.. that the upper body is longer then the legs


(left person)


the feet are as big as a cd case.. which is way to small.




short chest long neck, some people have necks as long as their fore arm ;) but still your point remains, its not perfect anatomy, as for the legs, sara specificly asked for the mage boots, and i wanted to fit those in and it couldnt go up any more due to the skull and he also didnt want it too big, so hence anatomy suffered, cd sized feet, where? the arms may also be a bit longe with doesnt help in it, but that would mainly be because i went straight into the main thing, no sketches, no planning, which anatomy-wise was a mistake.




but mistakes are there to be learnt from.






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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well the fact that his neck is as long as his chest.. and that the arms are longer then the legs.. that the upper body is longer then the legs


(left person)


the feet are as big as a cd case.. which is way to small.




short chest long neck, some people have necks as long as their fore arm ;) but still your point remains, its not perfect anatomy, as for the legs, sara specificly asked for the mage boots, and i wanted to fit those in and it couldnt go up any more due to the skull and he also didnt want it too big, so hence anatomy suffered, cd sized feet, where? the arms may also be a bit longe with doesnt help in it, but that would mainly be because i went straight into the main thing, no sketches, no planning, which anatomy-wise was a mistake.




but mistakes are there to be learnt from.






Sooo.... All that I care about is that one of the Legends Himslef made me a pixel, also its the first finished one I've had :D


- 60,023rd to 99 Firemaking on April 29th, 2012 -- 15,152nd to 99 agility on August 21st, 2011 -
- 30,569th to 99 Prayer on June 26th, 2011 -- 22,646th to 99 Hunter on Jan 9th, 2011 -
1993 Miata; sold - 2001 E46 330i; "totaled" - 2001 E46 325iT; Bags and wheels ;)

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Sooo.... All that I care about is that one of the Legends Himslef made me a pixel, also its the first finished one I've had :D




:oops: :3>




id barly call myself a lengend, im just a mere member who likes to pixel.




yes it is the first finished one... how many unfinished or unstarted did i do? hmm... to many :?




dude this music isnt helping, its very emotional music that makes me feel like crying and meh, it dont matter.




anyway, im glad you like it =)






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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Sooo.... All that I care about is that one of the Legends Himslef made me a pixel, also its the first finished one I've had :D




:oops: :3>




id barly call myself a lengend, im just a mere member who likes to pixel.




yes it is the first finished one... how many unfinished or unstarted did i do? hmm... to many :?




dude this music isnt helping, its very emotional music that makes me feel like crying and meh, it dont matter.




anyway, im glad you like it =)






You may not think you are, but I know you are! Thanks again Pj! (could you maybe make me another? alittle one)


- 60,023rd to 99 Firemaking on April 29th, 2012 -- 15,152nd to 99 agility on August 21st, 2011 -
- 30,569th to 99 Prayer on June 26th, 2011 -- 22,646th to 99 Hunter on Jan 9th, 2011 -
1993 Miata; sold - 2001 E46 330i; "totaled" - 2001 E46 325iT; Bags and wheels ;)

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