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These buddy shops are getting annoying. Even though I run one. I just made mine because I don't like runescape and I was bored. I don't like RuneHQ so that leaves me with this. Well now there is like fifty million buddy shops. And it is stupid to have more than one. So I would like to see your opinions here if I should close my shop or not.

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no way man, your buddy shop is beter then all theirs, besides, they all jsut copied yours lol?




kinda agree with yours and + yours is nearly 50 pages long and so has a good reputation and deserves to be keep. all the other buddy makers should come on yours to help you and keep the forume clean

Please click below to help with my ICT A Level, for which I have to monitor my website for 8 weeks, hits and feedback welcome.




Feedback page now up and working.

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the only thing i dont liek aout buddy shops is they are all the same, and they all mostly use the same kit... so you have 50 things doing the same thing... but anyway, do what you wanna do, the buddies will eventually die out again, even if it takes a few months


Sigs made by Runemetsa, Nuzza, Dark_Shadow, Kuroi and Me.

liquid blobs attacking eachother


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Close them ALL




couldnt agree more.




if your bored take up pixeling or getting high, the later is more expensive so i suggest the first.




it doesnt matter if your bad to start with (you should see some of my firsts :oops: ) theres many kind helpful people here, including me, who can he you, please do it, if only to help save us from buddy related insanity!






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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yeh lol, i got back from vacation yesterday, and i look here, no buddy shops? what the heck happened?






art bizzar oppened...all shops are now there


Sigs made by Runemetsa, Nuzza, Dark_Shadow, Kuroi and Me.

liquid blobs attacking eachother


American Anime... YAY!

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These buddy shops are getting annoying. Even though I run one. I just made mine because I don't like runescape and I was bored. I don't like RuneHQ so that leaves me with this. Well now there is like fifty million buddy shops. And it is stupid to have more than one. So I would like to see your opinions here if I should close my shop or not.




I made mine to have fun. Its not about competition for me.

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Just keep 1 or 2 shops open....Eventually they'll die out....






Me... I LOVE buddys....


- 60,023rd to 99 Firemaking on April 29th, 2012 -- 15,152nd to 99 agility on August 21st, 2011 -
- 30,569th to 99 Prayer on June 26th, 2011 -- 22,646th to 99 Hunter on Jan 9th, 2011 -
1993 Miata; sold - 2001 E46 330i; "totaled" - 2001 E46 325iT; Bags and wheels ;)

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