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Spirit Banisher: F2p quest made by p2p player


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Must have completed:




Restless Ghost


Cook's Assistant


Demon Slayer








60 Woodcutting.


50 crafting.


60 smithing.


Ghostspeak amulet.


Be able to defeat a level 97 monster.




Quest overview: Delerith the demon is back but this time he has poisoned the mind of duke horacio (duke of lumbridge). You must expel Delerith from the Duke's mind.




(walkthrough of the quest)




1. Talk to cook in lumbridge and he will tell you everyone in the castle is acting strange (he's a religious man), he will ask you to go to the priest and find out what's wrong with them if there are evil spirits inhabiting them.




2. Priest says the only way to know for sure is to summon a ghost as there are no highly experienced clerics nearby. The ghost will be able to tell if the duke's people are inhabited by evil spirits.




3. You figure out that you could summon the same ghost you released in restless ghost but you don't know how to summon him.




(cutscene as the priest and you are discussing this dilemma)




A Necromancer is passing by and is annoyed with his ill-luck. The cleric recognises him as a necromancer and although knows he is their only hope of summoning the ghost he will not engage in the dark-arts.




(cutscene ends)




4. Ask necromancer what is wrong. He explains that the undead axe that he used to summon spirits is broken. You explain to him your dilemma as you find out he can summon ghosts and related spirits. He says he will help you banish delerith as long as he is allowed ownership of delerith's soul and you repair the axe. He gives you the axe. The necromancer will now be following you until the quest ends. If you happen to leave the lumbridge area he will take back his broken axe and say that after you have done with your chore come back and return outside of the chapel.




5. Go to the axe shop and ask him what is needed to repair this axe. He will ask you why you need to repair such a strange axe as the blade is not even in the shape for woodcutting (don't tell him about the axe's ability to summon ghosts or he will not do it and you will have to buy a few of his axes to get him to trust you again.) He will say:




Normal logs


Oak logs


Willow logs.


Yew logs.


1 cut ruby.


2 cut sapphires.


Mind Talisman


Body Talisman


50 Blood Shards (stackable item unique to this quest) Obtain blood shards from killing the air, fire, water and earth wizards near the necromancer South of Fally. After you obtain 50 blood shards talk to Necromancer outside the chapel and he will in exchange give you a blood bar. (blood bar is a type of metal it's just red and contains blood infused with the essence of mages and wizards) He says to smith the blood bar into an axe handle. Go to an anvil and smith it like any other bar (gives 1k xp)




(need 60 woodcutting to gather the logs and 50 crafting to fix the axe)








Now head to the restless ghost's coffin and this will activate a cutscene. The same ghost will appear and he will speak complete gibberish at first until you wear your ghost speak amulet. He tells you that he cannot leave his coffin to find out but he can transfer his vision to you. You find out the vision of the ghost lets you see other spirits. He gives you ghost goggles.




Ghost goggles show you that almost everyone has a ghost that is possessing them. You can tell they are possessed because there will be a faint shadow following them, level 19 ghosts usually.




Go up to Duke horacio and talk to him. You will see Delerith behind him clearly thanks to the ghost goggles. You talk to the necromancer in whisper:




You: Delerith is right behind him but i dont have silverlight


Necromancer: Silverlight can't hit something that isn't solid anyways.


You: How do we kill him?


Necromancer: By turning into a ghost.


You: How do i do that... WAIT... how does that even help?


Necromancer: Well if you turn into a ghost your whole shape and inventory has the properties of a ghost so your normal sword can harm him.


You: Okay turn me into a ghost


Necromancer: Okay.. ready. (turns you into a ghost)




(Delerith can now attack you so be ready the battle should be no problem for higher levels, for lower levels bring lots of food and maybe a few potions)




After you kill Delerith duke horacio thanks you and rewards you:








10k gp.


5k attack xp.


5k strength xp.


5k defense xp.


10k woodcutting xp.


10k crafting xp.


The Axe is gifted to you by the necromancer if you talk to him again after the quest, he says a broken axe that has been fixed doesn't work all too well. (you can use it as a battleaxe, which could perhaps be the f2p trophy to say ive completed this quest, axe could be as good as rune, if you lose axe then you can make it again by gathering the materials for him)




A hard f2p quest. thanks to seanite for the suggestion to make it more f2p. :D

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

lordofthehauntedminestextcb6.png Completed haunted mine at level 75.

Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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I had an amazingly long reply to one of your other 5 identical topics and it got deleted!




Curse you for making 5 topics!




I fixed all the flagrant errors in your thinking!!




I give up...


People just need to learn to share crabs.
I'd prefer my nether regions clear of diseases, thank you very much.
just turn off accept aids
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I had an amazingly long reply to one of your other 5 identical topics and it got deleted!




Curse you for making 5 topics!




I fixed all the flagrant errors in your thinking!!




I give up...




:lol: Wow now that made me laugh like hell lol.

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

lordofthehauntedminestextcb6.png Completed haunted mine at level 75.

Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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Hey, That's a pretty good idea. You should definately consider sending the idea to Jagex. It's better than some of their rubbish-y quests!




woot i think i like this guy. =D> thanks man. :thumbsup:

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

lordofthehauntedminestextcb6.png Completed haunted mine at level 75.

Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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Seeing as you need to complete many f2p quests, why do yu have maple logs, f2p can't get those normally




Hmm good point i'll make it yew logs. Thanks. :)

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

lordofthehauntedminestextcb6.png Completed haunted mine at level 75.

Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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If this is going to be a F2P quest... It should be alot harder. Maybe instead of the necromancer being there you have to go talk to the guy south of Fally(can't remember name. :oops: ) And maybe you have to get fragments of bone metal, from killing some monsters, and asking other NPC's. Because getting gems is kinda easy, considering everything.


Just my opinion.




It looks like it would be a good quest, and a valuable addition to F2P.

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Come on i really want more people's opinions on this please. :)

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

lordofthehauntedminestextcb6.png Completed haunted mine at level 75.

Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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good quest idea, but its not a hard quest more like medium. Anyway...f2p quests are dead..fine' no more dont even try to convince jagex. The blood axe should not get exp for making..um..the rewards are too good also. Just cause the quest is long and hard doesn't necessarly mean bountiful rewards..look at mournings end part 2. You have to go all the way through the entire quest series and wind up with a death tally and 20k agility exp. Anyway...nice job.

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No, I don't think this is too much, because you can't finish this quest at level 25... I would say at least 50, and have good skills.




Personnally, I'm level 67 and I don't have any of the skills mentionned. So I don't think that much xp is too much. For the money reward, maybe 5K would be enough, but 10K is nice too. Maybe 100K is better... :-w

Never Quack when you can Moo.


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Well, maybe the level 97 monster is a bit too low... because at 60 smithing, 60 wcing and 50 crafting, the level 97 would be easy as a pie. You should think about the poor f2pers stuck with a level 92 as the CHALLENGE MONSTER :ohnoes:




I think level 110 would be okay.

Never Quack when you can Moo.


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I agree.


Don't use delrith.


Make it like a level 90 or so demon.


That way a) the quest deserves the huge rewards


B) it doesn't mess with member quests


c) it's more challenging

Knitting. At level 1, you can make fuzzy mittens. At level 50, fuzzy rainbow sweaters. At level 99? Fuzzy pink toe socks.


Oh yeah.

'Scaper since 2002
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I think it's a good quest, but:




- You shouldn't have to be lvl 60 smithing, it's way to high, say maybe 50 smithing!


-50 crafting is almost to high to! I mean who many F2P has 50 smithing, I only got like 34 or something...


- I don't care if it's Delrith or someone else, but he should be higher lvl! 97 is to low, I can kill a lvl 120 with some food... (I'm lvl 68)




Besite from that, a very good quest! (F2P needs more quests!)

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I had an amazingly long reply to one of your other 5 identical topics and it got deleted!




Curse you for making 5 topics!




I fixed all the flagrant errors in your thinking!!




I give up...


A little something I learned, type out extensive posts on word and copy them onto the forums.




I like the idea, but you would have to add more elemental wizards.

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I had an amazingly long reply to one of your other 5 identical topics and it got deleted!




Curse you for making 5 topics!




I fixed all the flagrant errors in your thinking!!




I give up...


A little something I learned, type out extensive posts on word and copy them onto the forums.




I like the idea, but you would have to add more elemental wizards.




No i think you must've misunderstoof me, the blood shards, being specific to the quest, are dropped by elemental wizards. The elemental wizards will stop dropping blood shards once the quest is over.

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

lordofthehauntedminestextcb6.png Completed haunted mine at level 75.

Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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  • 4 weeks later...
Wo, that is a proper decent idea, i remember when i was f2p id be like dying for quests dis to happen.

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

lordofthehauntedminestextcb6.png Completed haunted mine at level 75.

Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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I think it's a good quest, but:




- You shouldn't have to be lvl 60 smithing, it's way to high, say maybe 50 smithing!


-50 crafting is almost to high to! I mean who many F2P has 50 smithing, I only got like 34 or something...


- I don't care if it's Delrith or someone else, but he should be higher lvl! 97 is to low, I can kill a lvl 120 with some food... (I'm lvl 68)




Besite from that, a very good quest! (F2P needs more quests!)

I almost have 60 smithing, like 53 crafting, all on f2p. 97 isn't bad, 120 would be fun




Great idea though

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