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how do you guys stay concentrated


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well i know if you concentrate on raising a skill you can do it very fast but for me i get bored probably within the first 30min and go do something else so i was wondering how you guys stay concentrated?!!??!?! :XD:


lucky barrower-dh legs,veracs skirt,karil skirt, karils top (x3), dh pl8,karils coif,half key(x2), x-bow, ahrims robetop

goodbye Piman1053 Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:05 pm

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Guest TaDaraCampbell

concentrated orange juice of course :D




I don't really stay too concentrated, actually.. i have no idea how i got the levels i have in the time i have... i dont even remember playing :? but.. my guess is the way to stay "concentrated" is to have a motivation, i got 81 wc cuz my friend's brother called me a noob cuz i have 60 wc and he had 71.. well i showed him :twisted:


other than wc, i cant really stay concentrated, wc i can stick with, fletching i can stick with (well, could stick with for that month of membership), but everything else ill end up leaving once i gain (even if i do) a level, then leave to do something else... but now that my main is banned until i pay them $7 i cant do anything :(

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Haha i know what you mean, i sometimes have problems concentrating on Runescape myself...normally i put on some music.




I hope that helps :P


I am currently: Fishing and Cooking

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its easy for me to concintrate (sp?) i have a feature on monitor where in the bottom right cornor i can watch movies or tv so one day i got wc to 61 from 15 just cutting oaks and watching 3 seasons of hogans hereoes i havent got that much wc since though


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I'm so much like you I ussually raise one level then I walk off and feel bad about not doing anything all day except walking around. :roll:




I ussually talk to my friends to level up. Most of my friends always talk to me, whether it be about the last update or some random, stupid thing.


Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.

Oscar Wilde

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I can't stay concentrated either. In comparison to my friends, my QP and Total Levels are quite high, but my Total Exp is much lower. The reason? I tend to do a bit of this, a bit of that, a quest, usw.

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I read forums, or anyother entertaining internet site. The World Wide Web is a huge place, and I'm sure you could a website you would enjoy looking at while lvling. If you're doing something that requires constant vigilance, your best bet would be to listen to music, listen to a Tv, maybe watch tv, or anything else that doesn't require your hands and eyes. I sometimes even read a book while playing runescape.


Like others said, if you set a goal for yourself you will be more movitated to keep at it. Just make sure you mix up what you're doing. Right now I am doing alot of pest control, so I mix it up by, after every 50 or 100 points, doing somethign else really quick, such as farming, fletching or questing.

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the best way ive found is to turn on some sweet music (if you have dialup like me use the radio because anything else will lag you) and read a book or something while you train. Ill wip out my phone and start playing tetris while playing rs and it helps alot because it isnt as boring. another thing you can do if you have a pc and a laptop is play rs on the pc and watch DVDs on the laptop helps so much if you train 1 skills while watching like an entire season of The Simpsons or South Park. All you have to do is click on the stats and inventory icons every now and then and take the stuff to the bank. this doesnt really work with smithing because it doesnt take much time.

Retired from RS since Sept 06

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Drink BEER and when the next day comes around you have done what you wanted and forgot all about it :D




dont get to drunk tho you end up giving stuff away just for a giggle




[Admin Edit: Do not encourage others to consume alcohol. Most users are under age and would we violating local laws ~Alduron]

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rofl im the opposite... like the time i mined 20k coal in miners guild f2p. my original goal was 6k but i just kept going. it took a few weeks but.




lol you have some crazy motivation what mining level where you when you started?


Engl1sh of RSAlliance

Goals Att 80 - Str 80 - Def 80 - Slayer 85

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lol i always read and post on here wen lvling or chopping wood, or i watch tv...once or twice ive even played my ds between changing yew trees...




just do something fun and keep an eye on the screen




also, i duinno if its against the rules, but if i cant stand to cut more yews, i get my sister to do it for me, while i play my ds in bed or something....very relaxing, unless she screws up like last nite wen i had to trawl thru 28 mysterious boxes :evil:

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lol i always read and post on here wen lvling or chopping wood, or i watch tv...once or twice ive even played my ds between changing yew trees...




just do something fun and keep an eye on the screen




also, i duinno if its against the rules, but if i cant stand to cut more yews, i get my sister to do it for me, while i play my ds in bed or something....very relaxing, unless she screws up like last nite wen i had to trawl thru 28 mysterious boxes :evil:




lol that is against the rules you might want to edit your post before some rightous idiot starts to go off on one lol


Engl1sh of RSAlliance

Goals Att 80 - Str 80 - Def 80 - Slayer 85

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