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Would u rather


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don't understand the question but i think I'd take the flamage




would you rather swim the English channel or climb Everest



God dammit Seany, STOP SHARING MY MIND

" I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without sin. I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there... I'm a monster.What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done."

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you edited your post!!!


I'd rather die peacefully of old age btw.








Would you rather be kissed by a monkey at the zoo.. or by one of your aunts.... either way.. your glasses get fogged up by the kiss monster.

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I think the monkey




would you rather dance like a fat kid or dance worse than me



God dammit Seany, STOP SHARING MY MIND

" I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without sin. I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there... I'm a monster.What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done."

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oh dear.... depends on the date hit it and quit it or wife material??? (haven't had experience with either one)




but i think id throw up on a hit it and quit it, not sure about wife material




would you rather be sleep deprived or food deprived....



God dammit Seany, STOP SHARING MY MIND

" I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without sin. I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there... I'm a monster.What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done."

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either sounds fine.. I couldn't care less about food.. unless I can smell it.. and for sleep.. i couldn't care less about it if i have a good boook.. or a buddy to keep me awake..so.... there you have it.




Would you rather being able to eat all the food you want, never getting fat, and marrying the devil, or... dieing of thirst and starvation in the harsh desert?




[hide=she devil.]she-devil.jpg[/hide]

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well i can already eat all food i want and not get fat(high metabolism FTW), and i dont make judgments on datable based on animation, but the dying in the desert sounds hardcore and even though I'd probably cry liek a baby during certain points in the ordeal I mgiht choose to starve, as long as i lived to tell everyone of my hardcoreness




would you rather live in a freezing cold area , or an unbearably hot area



God dammit Seany, STOP SHARING MY MIND

" I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without sin. I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there... I'm a monster.What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done."

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i don't know what imbibe means but probably knowingly



God dammit Seany, STOP SHARING MY MIND

" I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without sin. I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there... I'm a monster.What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done."

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probably pepper sauce



God dammit Seany, STOP SHARING MY MIND

" I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without sin. I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there... I'm a monster.What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done."

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light it on fire




would you rather be a zombie or a werewolf



God dammit Seany, STOP SHARING MY MIND

" I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without sin. I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there... I'm a monster.What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done."

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Werewolf would be bad [wagon].. But getting back to the classic "[cabbage], I really don't know.. that's a hard question."




You're in a room, and you must shoot, and kill, one of these two people, one is your childhood friend, the person who you grew up with, have lasted through some of the hardest, and no doubt strangest, crap life could throw at you.


The other, is an innocent 5 year old girl, with the family there watching your every breath.


You must take one of the two lives, and it cannot be your own. Who do you pick?

I like stir fry



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whoever ate my potato salad.




if my best friend never touched the salad, and never licked the knife before putting it in the mayo bottle.. then I'll shoot the 5 year old girl instead of my friend.




Would you rather plant a tree, water it, and then have it attack you inyour sleep, or not plant a treet, not water it, and have it attack your loved ones?

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Have it attack me.




Would you rather eat a handful of coins or a handful of dollar bills?

Link to Forum Games signature.

[hide=TIFer Quotes]

This lack of discussion value..disturbs me.
English is the only language on this forum.

If you use another language, you need to include a traduction

bgok5jn dsgtalg

Oh wow, I hate everything -.-

Death kinda scares me.

your obsession with phallic objects shows quite clearly in your artworks.

Ffs, someone put this in their sig.


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I'd rather eat bland food




Would you rather be cursed to use the :twss: smiley forever or eat your thingy?



Felix, je moeder.

Je moeder felix

Je vader, felix.

Felix, je oma.

Felix, je ongelofelijk gave pwnaze avatar B)

Felix, je moeder.


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Ill take the $100,000 cos i dont wanna be a noob




Would you rather eat a sponge or look at spongebob



Felix, je moeder.

Je moeder felix

Je vader, felix.

Felix, je oma.

Felix, je ongelofelijk gave pwnaze avatar B)

Felix, je moeder.


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check it out. the sponge.




Would you rather have really really bad diarrhea on your first date with someone, making that person have a really nasty impression of you because you crapped your pants, and it was explosive, and burst a hole in the seat of your pants... or would you rather have really really stink farts, and be unable to control their occurance? :ohnoes:




[either way.. I'm glad I don't have to choose.. both loook good. ::' -.- :-# :wall: ]

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Farts of course. Diherra is way worse smelling. Plus you can muffle them.




oops, forgot question >.<




Would you rather bunjee jump over a volcanoe or jump the grand canyon on a bike?

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