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Sorry for not posting for a while, my internet was acting strange. Anyways, the gap between the 2 of you has grown a bit. Try to close it. Play RS like a no-lifer! :wink:




lol I cant, I get too much homework which means a lot less RS time than Rob. Maybe give 100k to each of us when we reach 1600 :lol:

Retired 8th October 2007 | 99 Fishing | 99 Cooking | Owner of a Red Mask and 2 Santa Hats |

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Good luck with this!




Btw kind of a weird rank, the youngest day at the top of it, but it was still very nice! :)




So that people have to scroll less to see the updated section :D




Was not able to get on RS today unfortunately. So much homework. My internet may be getting a limit and also my membership might be getting canceled! :cry: Not good day for me. A lot less RS. :(

Retired 8th October 2007 | 99 Fishing | 99 Cooking | Owner of a Red Mask and 2 Santa Hats |

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Wow you're such a noob. I hope a comet comes out of nowhere and hits you in the head.












...soz bro but if you want a bump you get an interesting one :wink:

Dagannoth Slayer



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Hey Potter, both a little stuck on the skilling, aren't we. I'm tryingfor 80 range now..78 atm.. and you can close the gap because I won't be doing anything else, and it's going pretty slow.


I'm amazed how many lvls we both gained.. In a pretty short amount of time..Not there yet..keep it up :mrgreen:




yes this was sort of a peptalk


Credits to Skully Sc for the signature.24picns.png

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Look, I think this is my first post lol.


I just had to wish you good luck :D




I'm not sure if your still interested in Oak Logs, if you are I'll be able to get you a few thousand this week-end (I can't go on Runescape during the week since i board and school won't allow me :cry: )




Good luck to Rob too. . . Can't be biast (spelling?)





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Noooooooo Cmon! I want to award the money to the one who gets 1600 first, not to the one who doesn't quit.




Although he's leading atm...




Don't give up! Keep on persuing your goal!




I do want to get 1600 total but unfortunately I cannot keep up in the race. At the moment I'm handwritting up my GCSE coursework which will take up 3-4 pages. I cant keep up with the race because I get a lot less time online unfortunately. I am persueing my goal of 1600 but I cannot race him anymore. Sorry.

Retired 8th October 2007 | 99 Fishing | 99 Cooking | Owner of a Red Mask and 2 Santa Hats |

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*cries like a 5-year-old* WAAAH!! :cry: :cry: :cry: *starts roling over the floor* WAAAH!!




Lol, I shall try and be online but its sure to be that I wont win the race as I have a lot less time online. Thanks for all the support as I will try to keep up in the race but I cant gurarantee that the level gao between us will remain smallish.

Retired 8th October 2007 | 99 Fishing | 99 Cooking | Owner of a Red Mask and 2 Santa Hats |

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