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Why do some people call low lvl's noobs for no reason?


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I think that people call lower level players noobs because they like to feel better then them. They may be better in combat, but there personality is not nice. :|



189th to achieve "100" firemaking

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I only say to other people noob if they are irritaiting.. :?




Same here. It just doesn't have that 'impact' if it isn't said to someone doing bad stuff.

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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Meh... callin people noobs, nubs, newbs etc is all nerdy.




I do it to annoy the people that are like 30 lvls higher than me though and their like do you have 99 str noob. :lol:


I dont have 99 str but i have more than 99 friends... that is without pot thank you :shame:

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

lordofthehauntedminestextcb6.png Completed haunted mine at level 75.

Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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Meh... callin people noobs, nubs, newbs etc is all nerdy.




I do it to annoy the people that are like 30 lvls higher than me though and their like do you have 99 str noob. :lol:


I dont have 99 str but i have more than 99 friends... that is without pot thank you :shame:




You said it well, though. Those of the top 16 combat levels shouldn't be rude and cold to those who haven't had as much time and are lower-leveled. And BTW, glad to hear you have friends without having to use drugs. :) Shame on those who have to use drugs to get friends. They're in the wrong crowd. :shame:




~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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