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A quick 20 min sketch. What do you think??


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Yeah, I was bored and i randomly drew this.








Yes, I know the Staff/Book is muffed up, that is something i dont need to be told.




Other than that, what do you think? :ohnoes:


Thanks To: Everyone for the siggies, especially Kal for the Pixel.

Currently Playing: FIFA 07, NFS: Carbon, Morrowind and Dungeon Siege II.

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hands and arms shrink at the end eh? compare staff > person - staff looks like a twig... And his hand that holds the staff seems to suffer with side-effects of using too much steroids, if you know what I mean... supermuscles



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Dude that guy is ripped!




Which is kinda what's wrong with it. The cloak doesn't hang right on the arms and it makes him look uber-muscular. The massive size of the muscles make the hands look really wierd but, then again, they were too smal in the first place (compare the size of his biceps to the size of his hands :shock:). For 20 min, not bad but considering how simple a shape and position it's in, I think you could've done better in that time.



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lol if you really want to know what i think, is that somebody loves runescape a little to much... lawl... and the arms are small




There are alot of games that contain staves, books and cloaks. Why does it have to be RS? You said quite hypocritical aswell with a signature like yours.






As for the drawing, it's pretty basic. Not a lot of shading (I know one side is darker than the other) and yeah, the cloak makes him look uber muscley.




Are you a confident drawer? Really you shouldn't need to do a "look what I can do in -- minutes". If you draw, you should take your time. Or if you are determined to be able to speed-draw, take time on the actual linework and do little shading. It looks like you're trying too hard, that's all.

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