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a landscape in black & colour (artwork)


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(first try at this alert)


Im doing a landsscape project so im constantly drawing/sketching landscapes over each weekend when I go to the countryside, taking a few photo's if I need to. And this was just a piece done in like an hour or so using black indian ink on paper, no references more of a cartoony approach to what im studying.. A lot like what you would see in clipart.




This is just a version coloured in photoshop, only wanted to use block colours as the intention is to develop this style to use for a printing plate for the start of my next term.








and the black and white version to whoever's interested..






two small things aswell, practices


















lol well hopefully studying landscapes will help with future projects because backgrounds are usually quite hard. :(




cheers for any comments.

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I love the rocks, they're amazing. Nice work on the main picture too, you've certainly captured the clip-art style, can't wait for updates :wink:


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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oh man, i could kiss you for those rocks! Very nice work...




to everyone else i know what its like to try and make rocks/grass/stumps look real, it is one pain in the freaking monkey!




very nice work terley



New sigzor^^

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Thanks guys im glad im on the right tracks, of course you can jak.




The rocks were done using a rubber solution, painting in some random rock shapes, splattered some dirt colours using watercolour pealing the now dry rubber off leaving white shapes, and then painting in the rock shadowing. It's an easy method really.




The grass was easier still, just slopped a mess of grassy colour in a sqaure and used my nails to scratch off some grass shapes, all your doing is taking off wet paint.




The landscape is pretty straight forward but not as quickly done, just sketched out a landscape off the top of my head, and went straight into it with a pot of indian ink and painted it in, you need to be patient cus if you make a mistake you can't un-do it.. :lol:

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lovely work once again, love it all, and remember it isnt about the ease of making but the final image look =) simple and yet decent is cool.




are you doing several of them of just those? if you do more id like to see them =)






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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Im planning to do another 2 inked landscapes this weekend, I've quickly sketched another one out already but it's all just practicing with composistion and perspective really, my final piece will be an actual canvas painting using gouache paints. gonna be hard but hopefully it'll be good. :ohnoes:

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oh have fun, and take your time!




but not too long so as you miss the deadline, but dont rush that makes its BAD!




the weekend is comming to a end, damn that rhymes, meh, so yeah, be ready for...




ok i admit, i dont know when im going but basicly i think this is it...




lemme see the new works once theyre done =)






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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the rocks are cool tho i don't really dig the black and color part on the tree black and color shoots down on tree's if don't do a leave based shading.




your studying landscapes painting?


i've got but one tip: A pallete knife, you need that more that a brush.


pallette knife's (not quite sure if thats the right english translation) are very handy with landscapes..


tried it myself once, really awesome tho i kind of find land scapes un interesting to paint



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thanks Quer for your kind words ::' , I know what you mean :( it's scary working with something that just can't be taken off once applied to the page, so maybe I just took the easier options with the shading. I'll try draw some tree's and practice some different methods.




I got a palette knife I think, but im still only a beginner at actual painting, I've got a grueling few weeks ahead of me before you'll see some good work, anything atm is just trial and error so be fair if I post something that totally sucks. :ohnoes: . Landscapes are amazing to view but I've never been able to get it right, this is really just an opportunity to study em for like future reference, even if it may be hard.




Thanks Pjb21, it's hard thinking of what you can actually achieve within a deadline, so im trying to do as much as possible as for the end of this term I have to have a completed painting to hand in as well as a 40 page sketch book filled with painting studies, drawings, research, photographs and with full anotation. I've almost finished the sketchbook, all I need is a few finalised idea's for reference for my final piece.





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