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heres the simple way to my opinion....JAGEX SHOULDN"T DELETE ACCOUNTS!!!!!








lots of you are saying it would get rid of autoers.








they usually don't take a month brake.








and even if jagex banned the autoers they can just make a new 1 and start it over again and again and again.








NO support on this at all. :shame: :shame: [/b]


N0valyfe an idol to some, a great player to many, and a true runescaper to all


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I have updated my idea so check it out it might change your mind!








Please Don't post a reply without reading my entire post I don't want to have to answer the same questions again and again. :wall:

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A person who first heard of Runescape way back in 2001 may think it was bad, and quit with a lvl 19 account. If that same person goes back in 2006 and finds it really cool and stuff he may want to be a member. But if his account got deleted, he would change his mind, so it would be another $5 a month oppurtunity gone for Jagex

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A person who first heard of Runescape way back in 2001 may think it was bad, and quit with a lvl 19 account. If that same person goes back in 2006 and finds it really cool and stuff he may want to be a member. But if his account got deleted, he would change his mind, so it would be another $5 a month oppurtunity gone for Jagex








#1 How many people do you think really care about a level 19 account it would only take about 1-2 weeks to get a new one leveled up.








#2 How many people do you really think actually remember their username, password, and bank pin after 5 years of not playing? Probably no one. And if they had it written down, they would have probably just thrown out the piece of paper.








#3 Do you really think he/she would really all of a sudden, out of the blue want to become a member after not playing for 5 years? I think not. They would want to play as a F2P person for a while before upgrading to members.








Im sorry if I seem a little harsh, but your reason has hardly any support at all. :-s








---gandorf61 :thumbsup:

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i want to say, 1 year no log on and delete them








but think about n0valyfe :shock: :shock: :shock: , i dont think ppl wud want to see his name gone..








so really no comment.. just givin u guys sumthing to think about



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one problem... what if someone has a friend named baconownz then he gets account deleted and someone makes an account baconownz....baconownz old friend will still think its him wont he?

Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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a nice idea. i agree with your new format not mainly in the hopes of more space hence more bankspace ectra, but becouse i myself have sevrall old accounts that are forever lost to me due to forgetting their passwords. if they deleat them I can get back those names as they wher all noobs anyways. and haveing more freedom of choice when it comes to names is a good idea me thinks. i dont know of anyone who dosent play for an entire year not loging on at least once but if their are some who dont then they probaly dont reely care about their accounts or the game anyways and are under level 20 combat.

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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