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I've quit runescape. I am now playing another game called eve-online (along with a couple of my friends who were converted to it from wow) and I'm paying 15$ a month for it (and I've still yet to set foot in a members world :P )








In case I ever decide to come back I'm going to keep my mask (sorry guys no drop party :P )








I'll still be here fairly often, and I will show up in runescape every once in a while (currently trying to track down rai because someone wanted to take some screenies of the old rants board regulars), mainly saying goodbye to friends who aren't tipiters.








Why I'm quitting:




Well there are a couple resons, one being my clan:




On feb 6th of last year I joined a clan called the Holy White Council. It was my first real clan and I made several friends. We didn't have many members (and it was fairly rare for new ones to show up) so we all got to know each other fairly well. Eventually the clan was disbanded, but one of the members decided to make a new clan, so not much changed there.




Then that clan was also disbanded. At this point rs started going downhill for me. See, one of the things I enjoyed most about rs was the weekly meeting my clan had. That was my motivation to try and level up, as we'd each talk about what we'd achieved that week. It was also a chance to meet up with what had soon become my closest group of rs friends. After the second clan disbanded most of them rarely logged on, and rs became less and less enjoyable.








At that point I tried to find a new clan, and I think I've gone through 6 since July. But it wasn't the same. These weren't my friends, and I just couldn't enjoy myself with them like I could with the HWC (and later on the UC).








Reason 2:The monotony




Click,click,click,click etc. At one point I had goals that were fairly easy to achieve (compared to the ones I'd set for myself at this point). 85 mining, owning a rare, getting 43 prayer etc.




Now however (also partially because I no longer have anyone to talk to about it on a weekly basis) every level I gain seems meaningless. It's just pointless clicking.








Reason 3: EVE




This was the straw that broke the camel's back. Nicer people, better graphics, bigger world, better clan support, better market system,better gameplay... The list goes on. A friend introduced me to eve like 3 weeks ago, and not a day has gone by where I've spent less then 3 hours on this game :P (if anyone else here plays it feel free to send me an eve-mail, my game name is cambarus)




I needed something to replace runesdcape before I could actually quit it, and now I've found it.








Anyway, I made a rant where I announced that I'd quit, but practically no one saw it, so I figured I'd post here.

Quit runescape, now playing EVE-Online(Mail Cambarus and say hi :mrgreen: )

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Zubeedoo, I never really met you, but I always agreed with your rant comments. Plus the sig entertained me. Doubtless you shall be missed...








I've played EVE at a friend's house. Great stuff! If only I could afford it...








And if you really DO quit RuneScape forever... you could always give me your mask! :P



Sig credit goes to ThruItAll. :D



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didnt overly know you but we were both in the same clan for a breif time(legion of light), and i liked reading some of your rants posts some interesting and also by the fact you knew what you were talking about,




cya mate, good luck in life,







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has anybody heard from rai in a while? apparently neogeo has some way to contact him. he never said goodbye :(
I've been looking into that as well, I'll be e-mailing him when I get back from school today.








Heh and I'll only be missed in rs, I intend on haunting the rants board here for the rest of eternity :twisted:

Quit runescape, now playing EVE-Online(Mail Cambarus and say hi :mrgreen: )

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i gota admit i never met ya, but your posts on the rants board were always of the highest quality, and i often read poorly written rants just to watch you pull them apart =)








have fun on eve, and find a rants board for them to!

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has anybody heard from rai in a while? apparently neogeo has some way to contact him. he never said goodbye :(
I've been looking into that as well, I'll be e-mailing him when I get back from school today.








Heh and I'll only be missed in rs, I intend on haunting the rants board here for the rest of eternity :twisted:








hehe as long as you promise to stick around. please let me know if you contact rai.

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