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Brute Warrior WIP update #8


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^ 4 posts in a row :shock: ^








i dont like the new chain to be honest...








Ok, why, please be more specific so I can maybe see what you're seeing.




sry, what i mean is that the black lines on the chainbody look like hair that is growing on metal :?

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The chainmail is indeed a verry hard ting to do its actualy just alot of rings but verry hard to put that much detail and it woudl take ages to draw every ring It think Its looking quite good the chains only they look a little liek little vertical sticks on on a long horizontal line maybe u can try to give it more a circel shape by making them bent the vertical sticks








the arm and face are looking verry nice I'm loving this piece

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wat did the old chain look like?








Worse :P








Looks good so far. Try to make the rings on the chain mail to cccc-form, and inverse c's.








Could you explain a little better? I don't quite understand what you're saying.








The chainmail is indeed a verry hard ting to do its actualy just alot of rings but verry hard to put that much detail and it woudl take ages to draw every ring It think Its looking quite good the chains only they look a little liek little vertical sticks on on a long horizontal line maybe u can try to give it more a circel shape by making them bent the vertical sticks








Yes it is! I've been studying real chainmail pics trying to pick up on the subtle patterns to recreate it. But guess I still haven't achieved it. I have tried making more circular shapes but the end product looked even worse. In my studies of the chainmail a zig-zag pattern seems to be the most predominant. I've just been trying to recreate that. The way it is now looks the best out of all of my attempts so far...








Thanks everyone for the comments I will post updates when I have them and if anyone else has some ideas regarding chainmail or other c/c please post your ideas.



Why should we buy postage stamps when we can make our own?

aperson being

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yay! he's a football player about to run off the creen and clothesline micheal jackson!! (or the [bleep] in my class?)








on topic: very nice. have the linwork still? lots of people (me included) would like it to practice on. other than that loving the chain. you should have a massive war in the backround! =D>


Thanks Terly for the best Avatar in TipIt -winks-

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Could you explain a little better? I don't quite understand what you're saying.











I'll draw up a small sketch for you tonight.




















Was a little wrong with my c's, :P But you get the idea? Looks better than small tiles. :-w


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Could you explain a little better? I don't quite understand what you're saying.











I'll draw up a small sketch for you tonight.




















Was a little wrong with my c's, :P But you get the idea? Looks better than small tiles. :-w








Oh, I thought you were gonna show me how to draw it effectively, I know how chainmail is put together, knowing how it is put together however doesn't make it easier to draw...



Why should we buy postage stamps when we can make our own?

aperson being

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Could you explain a little better? I don't quite understand what you're saying.











I'll draw up a small sketch for you tonight.




















Was a little wrong with my c's, :P But you get the idea? Looks better than small tiles. :-w








Oh, I thought you were gonna show me how to draw it effectively, I know how chainmail is put together, knowing how it is put together however doesn't make it easier to draw...




























Finding tutorials on that is the hardest. Thought, you can try out and so on...? :s


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Hehe, I didn't even think to look for a tut on it. I see what your saying about the switching it up every line and I'll try that. If nothing else it will look better than what I have atm. Thanks for taking the time. :)



Why should we buy postage stamps when we can make our own?

aperson being

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