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.........*deep breath* No shading, no linework, poorly colored, poorly drawn, no straightness, unrealistic. I really recommend looking at some sort of tutorial befor you go attempting these kinds of things. I am sure that you are excited about your first and such but you really should take some more time and effort. There are some really nice tutorials in the resources sticky.

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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it's a Caricature. It's not meant to be realistic. You know those street artists that draw people with giant heads? Yeah, those are Caricatures.








I wouldn't really classify your drawings as Caricatures :? Yours are almost exactly like the screenshots themselves, just redone in a drawing program with the paint brush. Caricatures are more like.. Cartoony exaggerations of people. You know: big heads, exaggerated physical features that reflect personality, humerous, etc.. I don't see any of that in your drawings :?

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carÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷iÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷caÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷ture (kÃÆââ¬Å¾Ãâ Ã¢â¬â¢r'ÃÆââ¬Å¾Ãâí-kÃÆââ¬Â°Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢-chÃÆàÃâ¦Ã r', -chÃÆââ¬Â°Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢r)








A representation, especially pictorial or literary, in which the subject's distinctive features or peculiarities are deliberately exaggerated to produce a comic or grotesque effect.








I don't see any deliberately exaggerated features, nor do I see any comic or grotesque effects. In fact I'm afraid the only way you could perhaps argue that those are caricatures is that they are in fact "representations". :lol:

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Alright, then it's a cartoon. Jeez.








We're just trying to help you out here <.<

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yeah, but it seems eveyone is focusing on labeling it instead of constructive criticism, just because I said it's not supposed to be realistic because it's a Caricature, which it is not, i guess.








I didn't mean anything rude by it, I was just trying to help you turn your drawings into real Caricatures and I gave you advice on how to do it (or at least told you the proper definition of a Caricature). If you'd rather us give you comments and constructive criticism on your images as they are and not as potential Caricatures, I can do that as well.
















Overall the images have pretty good structures. I would suggest going more in depth with shading. I'm not sure which program you're using (if it's Photoshop I can give you some shading pointers. But if it's not, I probably can't help you much). In the little shading you have done, try blending the colours a bit more with more midtones. When I shade, I usually use between 3-10 different shades of the same colour. I use low flow (15%-25%) and full opacity to set down the basic shades. I then go back later with low flow and low opacity (10%-50%) to blend the colours together a bit more.








Also, for the first picture especially, try using smaller brush sizes for the little details (i.e. the black lines on the cape). I think it's look better if they were (1) straighter and (2) smaller lines, but maybe a few more lines. If that makes sense.








I hope that was a bit more what you were looking for and I hope it helps.

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it's a Caricature. It's not meant to be realistic. You know those street artists that draw people with giant heads? Yeah, those are Caricatures.








no you idiot... that would be a japanese type of art called chibi...








When your rude about something make sure of two things








1) you dont sound like a complete [developmentally delayed] while saying it.








2) you are correct.








You fail at both.












Caricatures have over dramatized features, and most street artists ARE doing caricatures.








Chibi is characterized by stubby bodys about the same size as the head, with innocent looking qualities.








Both are similar in concept, the classification of the two cant be made until the finished product is made.








Much like cartoon/manga classification.



thanks everyone for the sigs!

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it's a Caricature. It's not meant to be realistic. You know those street artists that draw people with giant heads? Yeah, those are Caricatures.








no you idiot... that would be a japanese type of art called chibi...








Your RSN says retired. Why would you still come to a RuneScape fansite forum?

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it's a Caricature. It's not meant to be realistic. You know those street artists that draw people with giant heads? Yeah, those are Caricatures.








no you idiot... that would be a japanese type of art called chibi...








Your RSN says retired. Why would you still come to a RuneScape fansite forum?








i come here out of habit. because i like it here. because i know and am frends with many of the people here. i am also a proud member of pixeljoint, a profesonal art community. not to mention a member of 2 other gfx sites.








why do i come here you ask? because i can.








btw 900th post. \'








@ muffin man-

that draw people with giant heads?











stubby bodys and similar sized heads




^^ sory for itn inaccurite quote, its like 11 pm here.

wop wop

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i come here out of habit. because i like it here. because i know and am frends with many of the people here. i am also a proud member of pixeljoint, a profesonal art community. not to mention a member of 2 other gfx sites.








Rofl. No ones judging you here mate, there really is no need to light your own candle. ;)

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