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how to do a shepard sky


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well what program are you using? you could do it in vector, photoshop digitally, pixel art.. etc.. no one can tell you how to do it, find out yourself, do it and ask what you're doing wrong.. people will be eager to help then.

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but, but....




i'm awful at shading :(








Everyone was awful at shading when they started, just like you are a starter!




They have read alot of shading tutorials, and experimented with sorts of shading. This way they discovered their style, and knew how to shade.








In other topics people have given you some tutorial links, its really worth it to have a look at those and just see how those people shade. :wink:



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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first attempt, looks bad in my view :(








hmmm water is one the hardest things to pixel (along with glass ice and light streams), for the water you have to make it wavy or it looks bad... let see in order to make the sky don't use the spray brush... it is your enemy. use the line tool, fill bucket, pencil, paintbrush....ect., do the sky first so you can "lay" the sun on it, and you don't have that random purple spot between the sun and spray of colors, i see you only used the basic colors, use better colors those colors are so bright that the image looks like day light, i suggest using colors from the picture your using for reference, it saves time...








well good luck




hope i was helpful

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