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Moving topics instead of locking?

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The mods lock things so people realize it's in the wrong forum and start posting in the correct forum, therefore reducing work. If they just move everything, nobody learns, they keep posting it in the wrong place, and it just creates more work for the mods. Making people post in the correct place the first time reduces work for them and keeps the incorrect forum posts from multiplying like rabbits.

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As a mod on other forums myself, I'm forced to disagree. All you have to do is to move it and post saying that it was moved and not to do it again. Locking threads is pointless and does little more than to irritate all those involved. If we pulled this bs on my clan forums, people would get mad and tell the mods to stop being idiots and to just use some common sense and move the topics.

124 Combat

Retired Echo of Silence Council


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As a mod on other forums myself, I'm forced to disagree. All you have to do is to move it and post saying that it was moved and not to do it again.




If people posted in the correct place, they wouldn't have to waste the time moving things.








If we pulled this bs on my clan forums, people would get mad and tell the mods to stop being idiots and to just use some common sense and move the topics.




Your clan forum more than likely doesn't support tens of thousands of users or require much modding work to keep in order. Looking at the clan forum in your sig, it doesn't. When you're reading at least a few hundred posts a day, moving all the bad threads becomes a huge waste of time.

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As a mod on other forums myself, I'm forced to disagree. All you have to do is to move it and post saying that it was moved and not to do it again. Locking threads is pointless and does little more than to irritate all those involved. If we pulled this bs on my clan forums, people would get mad and tell the mods to stop being idiots and to just use some common sense and move the topics.








Good your a mod on another forum, your not a tip it mod so don't think you know exactly what and how tip it mods process wrong posts, also methods taken by tip it mods doesn't mean it is in ur words "bs", if tip it thinks that locking a topic is better then moving it, its probably the rightful action to take, along with a reply to why and hwo to prevent and where to post a correct topic, if its important enough to the person they'll learn and then re-post their topic in the right thread.








The differences between locking and moving a topic are a plenty, locking a topic porbably has a more viewable and more public way of getting the message(don't post that kind of thread in this forum) across, but it discourages the thread creator and if that thread was created for a question purpose(this imo is the highest rate of threads posted in wrong forums), and may cause them to go to another forum, but thats an extreme possibility, very unlikely. Moving a topic will give them what they wanted for posting that thread but it won't give a public view and hardly a private view on where you should post a topic.








Locked topics are good for examples, if someone has read the topic and agrees with it, that it should be in that forum, well the rules are getting borken without much knowledge. So if that person had read that topic previously and then came back to find why it got locked(especially if they posted on it), and when they find out its in the wrong forum, they're learn.








Moving a topic may also do the same good as above, stated in the locked topics part, but like i said its not as strongly put across the table to the users, and is probably why(my opinion) tip it prefers to lock rather then move.








Would you have more rule breakers, or more work for the mods/tip it officials which would hender website work?

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Looking down the General P2P forum right now, I see 10 locked topics. That's pretty pathetic. How much longer does it take to move these ten to the correct forum than locking them and leaving your signature so that we can be in awe of your mod-powers?

lulz @ rs

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Looking down the General P2P forum right now, I see 10 locked topics. That's pretty pathetic. How much longer does it take to move these ten to the correct forum than locking them and leaving your signature so that we can be in awe of your mod-powers?












Did you even read or consider my reply?








Tip it officials shouldn't care wether or not they are awed and what not by users, they are simply put regular users of the forums who have shown enough responsibility to be seen by tip it as a good person to help keep rules in-line. Their objective is not for people to "awe" them, but keep order.








10 locked topics? does that really bother you? those 10 topics could have been answered before they were locked, weren't the right topics to be moved, you assumed these topcis were topics that should have been moved, not all topics are topics that need to be moved, you didn't check out the topics and read all posts i am assuming, since you so blindly insulted tip it mods and totally missed the topics by saying that they ALL should have been moved i believe this sentence clarifies that:











How much longer does it take to move these ten to the correct forum than locking them and leaving your signature so that we can be in awe of your mod-powers?








the first phrase proves to many that you didn't read any of those topics and you assumed they were topics that needed to be moved to other forums, you didn't even take into consideration that they could be spam, flame topics, have or break the rules.








your second phrase insults the tip it mods by saying what they are doing by locking a topic, this is untrue and if it were i don't think tip it would be around, the objective of the reason why the topic got locked is in the tip it officials mod post....usually that last post.

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Looking down the General P2P forum right now, I see 10 locked topics. That's pretty pathetic. How much longer does it take to move these ten to the correct forum than locking them and leaving your signature so that we can be in awe of your mod-powers?








About 7 times longer to be precise, dont think you can just assume how things work here.








Although I'm technically website crew and have little to do with the way the forums are run I still have mod powers on a few boards.








Cruiser was correct in saying that a person is more likely to learn something if they have to correct their mistake themselves rather than someone else doing it for them. If we move topics without leaving ghost topics (topics that say Moved: Thread name) then we'd still be getting complaints.








Threads are locked for a reason and isn't taken lightly, we dont go around locking threads for the fun of it. Of course we wouldn't have to if you take the time to look where you are posting in the first place. All actions take are at the discretion of the moderator, and if the topic is of such importance I'm sure if you asked nicely for the topic to be unlocked then moved I'm sure the mod will help.

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Here's why we lock many topics instead of moving them:








If we just move every single thread in the wrong board, people don't learn to look for the correct board in the future. They feel that they can just post in the wrong board and it won't matter, because it will get moved anyway. Locking threads teaches people to look for the correct one instead of posting.








Some of us tend to move topics for newer members, since it can be hard to figure things out at first. But people who have been here a while should know by now which thread to post correctly in.

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Instead of playing the lock-as-many-topics-as-you-can game, it would be cool if some of the mods could move stuff to the RIGHT forum.








Nazimodding ftl.








Not reading the rules, posting in the wrong forum, and then getting mad at staff for enforcing the rules you claimed to have read when you signed up?








Stupidposting ftl.

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Whoa guys, I guess my last post came out wrong. It was not intended to be against any mod personally, nor was there a specific incident involving a mod and me that inspired this topic.








I did not know how long it takes to move a topic on these (phpBB?) boards as I have no experience with them, so honestly I had no idea. I haven't seen much of a recurring problem with people whose topics have been moved (there are some, still), so I did not really see the point of continuing to lock the topics of people who have a few hundred posts but accidentally post them in the wrong forum. They know they did this, and it was a mistake; why should they be disciplined in order to be taught if they know they made a mistake? Tripsis says that it's because they should know by now, but if they do usually post correctly then why not just move it and let them continue posting normally? The point of locking topics is to teach, but if they already know then locking does nothing but fill up the boards.








In any case, I'm sorry if this seemed like a personal attack against the mods, it was not meant to be that way. I was pretty frustrated when I made this topic anyway, but I hope it hasn't offended anyone.








And insane?








Not reading the rules, posting in the wrong, and then getting mad at the staff for enforing the rules the rules you claimed to have read when you signed up?








What forum is this to go in, pray tell? The description says it is for the discussion any ideas, issues, or suggestions regarding the forum.

lulz @ rs

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What forum is this to go in, pray tell? The description says it is for the discussion any ideas, issues, or suggestions regarding the forum.








Not this topic. All the topics that are supposed to be moved are in the wrong forum. Else they wouldn't have to be moved.








What I was saying is that users should take the time to post in the correct forum in the first place. Moving topics for them is saying "here, let me move your topic for you. You don't have to post in the right location because it will be moved there. In fact, don't read any more rules because we're going to babysit our users".

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I did not know how long it takes to move a topic on these (phpBB?) boards as I have no experience with them, so honestly I had no idea. I haven't seen much of a recurring problem with people whose topics have been moved (there are some, still), so I did not really see the point of continuing to lock the topics of people who have a few hundred posts but accidentally post them in the wrong forum. They know they did this, and it was a mistake; why should they be disciplined in order to be taught if they know they made a mistake?















About 7 times longer to be precise, dont think you can just assume how things work here.








Although I'm technically website crew and have little to do with the way the forums are run I still have mod powers on a few boards.








Cruiser was correct in saying that a person is more likely to learn something if they have to correct their mistake themselves rather than someone else doing it for them. If we move topics without leaving ghost topics (topics that say Moved: Thread name) then we'd still be getting complaints.








Threads are locked for a reason and isn't taken lightly, we dont go around locking threads for the fun of it. Of course we wouldn't have to if you take the time to look where you are posting in the first place. All actions take are at the discretion of the moderator, and if the topic is of such importance I'm sure if you asked nicely for the topic to be unlocked then moved I'm sure the mod will help.








and then:











Tripsis says that it's because they should know by now, but if they do usually post correctly then why not just move it and let them continue posting normally? The point of locking topics is to teach, but if they already know then locking does nothing but fill up the boards








How would we know they post, correctly, i think the mods would have no way of knowing that users history unless a database for people who post wrong, break rules, is created(i'm sure there's a database, but not for people who post wrong, unless its severe). So i think almost everytime its a blind guess on what to do with the topic, assuming it doesn't break anymore rules then wrong forum posting, and like someone said its their discretion, the mods.








i agree with that last little bit though, but one thing still, if they already know, the tip it mods may not know that they know, so the users may know this and knowing, post in wrong forum out of laziness and know they're topic will be moved. I think if tip it mods moved more then locked alot of people would be to lazy to bother posting in other forums, they'd just stay in the forum they are then and well yeah-.-.








*ever since i learned how to quote back in september, psoting has never been so much fun!*








Nazimods?hmmm, strangly thinking about it, i get a warm feeling, feeling that i gonna get shot by a nazimod-.-

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