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F2P Combat Training Areas


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I have 70 Attack, 69 Strength and 66 Defense. In the F2P world, what would be a good monster/area to train at? Lessers are too costly because of food. I use full Rune (minus the helmet because I hate the look) and rune scimitar. I can get all kinds of fish for F2P too.








Please help


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Do you only want to train, or do you want drops too?








For only training are the red spiders in security stronghold the best. For drops and training are moss giants the best.

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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Do you only want to train, or do you want drops too?








For only training are the red spiders in security stronghold the best. For drops and training are moss giants the best.








Where is that?!








Security stronghold is in barbarian village, here is the map: http://www.tip.it/runescape/?page=stron ... ty_map.htm








Moss giants are in the varrock sewer, and on crandor isle.

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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If u can fish then just fish your food in karamja and kills the lessers in the dungeon thingy magigy



[Admin Edit: Attempting to publicly humiliate a user in your signature is inappropriate]


Quit Runescape... Dec 2001 - Jan 2008 on and off... mostly off.

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hill giants, moss giants, lessers, and a few creatures in the security stronghold are the best to train on.




moss giants are one of the best(in the sewers in varrok), I think, if there aren't many people there. I can get really fast xp if I am by myself there, although it does require a little food(not much, though).




goal:1000 total f2p lvls.

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Moos giants are fine.








\' Moos giants ftw!








But mebbe guards, flesh crawlers, hill giants, moss giants...








There are some decent training spots out in the wild, but you need to find an world without too many PKers, and keep it safe with 3 items.








I haven't been F2P for quite some time, so I don't remember them all as well.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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I have 70 Attack, 69 Strength and 66 Defense. In the F2P world, what would be a good monster/area to train at? Lessers are too costly because of food. I use full Rune (minus the helmet because I hate the look) and rune scimitar. I can get all kinds of fish for F2P too.








Please help




Okay, here is what is likely your ultimate solution:








Location: "Stronghold Of Security" ( ~Map Link~ )




Assumptions in instructions:




1.) Not trying to make a "Skull Sceptre"...




2.) Attempting to train Melee, Range, and Prayer all in one go...




3.) You can use a Maple-Series Bow and Any F2P Arrows...




4.) You can "Teleport To Varrock"...




5.) You have 43 Prayer ("Protect from Melee/Range/Mage" all available)...








Best way to do this:




Start out with melee fighting, and only 4 "Swordfish" in the First Level ("War") of the "Stronghold Of Security"... fight the "Minotaurs (Level 27)" until you have like 200 "Iron Arrow"s... Next, pull out your "Maple Shortbow" once you have that many arrows and continue fighting with range, either at point-blank or from behind the barrier(s) in that room, using any style for range you wish (accurate/rapid/longrange)... make sure you pick up your drops after each kill. You should eventually have up toward 1500+ "Iron Arrow"s in your Arrow Holder... Make sure during this part to head to the bank if you end up running out of your "Swordfish" (which shouldn't happen, I hope!) and restock back to 4 in your pack each time this happens.








Now that you have the arrows for it, head back to the bank quick, bank your drops, and then equip along with your melee armor and weapon (and boots/gloves/cape/ammy, obviously) these following items:




1.) The 1500+ "Iron Arrow"s and your "Maple Shortbow"...




2.) 2 "Teleport To Varrock" Rune Sets




3.) 16 Swordfish... (You shouldn't end up running out!!!)




4.) 1 Strength Potion (FULLY OPTIONAL ON THIS ITEM!)








Finally, head down to the "Stronghold Of Security"s 4th Level, and go after the "Ankou (Level 75)", using your 16 "Swordfish" as needed to keep your hp up, until the Ankou go into a 'non-aggressive' state (THIS WILL HAPPEN, YOU WILL SEE!) ...








Once they go 'non-aggressive', use the safespot ranging tactics that you know from battling Minotaurs to train further with your "Maple Shortbow"... make sure to pick up your drops and such after each kill. (BTW, if you run out of food, you will have to go back to the bank and get more food and fight the Ankous in Melee Mode until they go back to a 'non-aggressive' state again... at least you'll still get some nice drops in the meantime. :) ...)




















I hope all the info I have just given helps you!








~Mr. D. V. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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An additional pair of tips:








1.) Post your RSN here and get in touch with me in-game with an "HYT, Devnull!" if you want to group up for this training. I'll gladly join you. :)




2.) The reason I assumed a "43 prayer already gained" status is because of the more nasty randoms (Shade 'Lvl 120', etc.) ... (I know, I'm 're-hashing' with this part, but I feel like I could never stress it enough. :P ...)












Good luck on your training. :)








~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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