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Whats the simplest item you've tried to attain that frustrated you the most?












Currently, I'm trying to get full white mystic for my quest to fill my house wardrobes. Pretty easy, eh?








Mystic white gloves. Arghhh! No one sells them. I spent an hour spamming W2. I offered to overpay out of desperation. None of my friends have any. I can't find any on forums. Forum posts are ignored.








I have resorted to camping at rock slugs! People walk in, stop, look at the 124 killing rock slugs and say "?".








My quest for simple white mystic gloves is killing me! Argggh!

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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I got white mystic gloves from desert lizards. made that task a bit worthwhile. but, unfortunate for you, this was a long time ago and ive sold them.








hm, nothings really taken days to obtain. its just general stuff I find annoying, like torags legs and body, ahrims hoods. thats all I can think of, lately.

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I remember trying to sell Fishing pots. NOONE would buy them. I spent about 3-4 hours trying to sell them. <.<












I still have them lol.


Thanks Jason321 for the sig!^


Proud to have served the Tip.it Crew


Drops: 2x D Chain, 1x D Legs, 2x D Left Half, 1x D spear, 2x D med (monsters), 5x D Med (Barrows), 4x D Axe, 2x Zerker, Abyssal whip x1, 7x D Boots

Barrows items: 55 (not counting the meds)

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I was after the gnome scarf since the minigame was released...








After I had lost count on how many pairs of gnome googles I did manage to get, I was about to give up. Then on Christmas Eve I gave it one last try, and Ninto gave me the long awaited scarf on my first delivery. \'












Zou Lou.

Retired from RuinedScape 12/15/07.

Now playing a Tauren Shaman on World of Warcraft.

Server: Ravencrest.

Username: Zulu.

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:lol: That made me laugh.








Reminded me off something I did.




I was going for buying a cannon. Sounds easy right? well it took 4 hours 2 was in world 2 another was by edgeville but each one kept going into the wild. That last hour I just gave up and bought it on forums after clicking refresh over and over ::'








It was a fun Saturday

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I was doing FT1. That mortifus something guy told me to get 3 items that I needed to take to the nature altar.




One of it was a crushed gemstone. Heck, just a simple crushed gemstone!








I've cut gems myself, hoping I'd fail and crush them. Heck, just when you want to fail, you don't fail -.-




Spend half an hour in W2 trying to buy them. Big suprise that nobody has them...








I've spend a couple of days getting that darn gemstome. Untill the day my membership ran out.












So I'm still don't have that crushed gemstone. <.<



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I was doing FT1. That mortifus something guy told me to get 3 items that I needed to take to the nature altar.




One of it was a crushed gemstone. Heck, just a simple crushed gemstone!








I've cut gems myself, hoping I'd fail and crush them. Heck, just when you want to fail, you don't fail -.-




Spend half an hour in W2 trying to buy them. Big suprise that nobody has them...








I've spend a couple of days getting that darn gemstome. Untill the day my membership ran out.












So I'm still don't have that crushed gemstone. <.<








Mine was edible seaweed. I killed rock crabs for like an hour, then I walked all the way to the nature altar and...a ghast comes by and makes the seaweed rot. In total I wasted hours to get that seaweed. But back then the quest got me 18 farming levels, so it was worth it :P

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I was doing FT1. That mortifus something guy told me to get 3 items that I needed to take to the nature altar.




One of it was a crushed gemstone. Heck, just a simple crushed gemstone!








I've cut gems myself, hoping I'd fail and crush them. Heck, just when you want to fail, you don't fail -.-




Spend half an hour in W2 trying to buy them. Big suprise that nobody has them...








I've spend a couple of days getting that darn gemstome. Untill the day my membership ran out.












So I'm still don't have that crushed gemstone. <.<








Mine was edible seaweed. I killed rock crabs for like an hour, then I walked all the way to the nature altar and...a ghast comes by and makes the seaweed rot. In total I wasted hours to get that seaweed. But back then the quest got me 18 farming levels, so it was worth it :P








woah and what quest was this?


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I was doing FT1. That mortifus something guy told me to get 3 items that I needed to take to the nature altar.




One of it was a crushed gemstone. Heck, just a simple crushed gemstone!








I've cut gems myself, hoping I'd fail and crush them. Heck, just when you want to fail, you don't fail -.-




Spend half an hour in W2 trying to buy them. Big suprise that nobody has them...








I've spend a couple of days getting that darn gemstome. Untill the day my membership ran out.












So I'm still don't have that crushed gemstone. <.<








Mine was edible seaweed. I killed rock crabs for like an hour, then I walked all the way to the nature altar and...a ghast comes by and makes the seaweed rot. In total I wasted hours to get that seaweed. But back then the quest got me 18 farming levels, so it was worth it :P








woah and what quest was this?








Fairy Tale Part I, no Farming requirement and a few thousand farming xp as reward. I went from 3 to 21 or something. But my record is 21 levels at one time when finishing Digsite Quest right after getting members and the requirements. :)

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lol this is turning into "hey I'm selling/buying this and that"-topic fast :)








Muggi I'll send you a pm, I'm looking for some skeletal pieces and as you said, the market is really small.




Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :)

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I was doing FT1. That mortifus something guy told me to get 3 items that I needed to take to the nature altar.




One of it was a crushed gemstone. Heck, just a simple crushed gemstone!








I've cut gems myself, hoping I'd fail and crush them. Heck, just when you want to fail, you don't fail -.-




Spend half an hour in W2 trying to buy them. Big suprise that nobody has them...








I've spend a couple of days getting that darn gemstome. Untill the day my membership ran out.












So I'm still don't have that crushed gemstone. <.<








Err, can't you just use a pestle and mortar with an uncut gemstone to crush it?


^^Credit to rooneyrules0 for this awesome sig <3:

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trying to learn people that using the horn is an essential part of the new minigame :wall: there is no emoticon with pure anger is it?








On Tip.It? It's :twisted: (second row, last one)








*EDIT* Whoops, I mean :evil: (second row, second to last one)








On Runescape... there's the one where you shake your fist at people, and... you can stomp. That's all I can think of.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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Right when some holiday event came that you needed a spade for-i forget which one. Well I had just cleaned my bank and was doing a TT. EVERYBODY wanted a spade all the spawns were full of people, the one in draynor, falador, I can't think of any more right now. And the least people would sell for was like 30k -.-

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it took me ages to get a ham robe bottom for a quest (can't remember which). I killed about 200 guards, pickpocketed about 200 ham members, got like 5 of each other bit of clothing, but no bottom! In the end i had to resort to buying one, but still the people who were wearing ham, completely ignored me. Finally i got one, for like 3k


Drag drops: D legs, D spear, shield half, d med

Obby Drops: Shield x 2, knife x 2, maul

Barrows drops : none yet :(

Treasure Trails: Guthix Robe legs, Zammy pl8body, pirate hat, Robin hood hat!!

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Leesters i can sell white gloves. For a price :P








Add d34th w1sh x when he's on












Also, most difficult? eh that 1 item you need for a quest, its always the only item you need and the monster you kill em for are supposed to drop em often yet they never drop any :P

well today at 11:30 am 14 years ago i was born.. wo0t!!!
At 11:30 you should start holding your head underwater wo0t!!!
Stop acting such a moron.
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