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Slaying blue dragons


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I recently received 137 blue dragons as a slayer assignment. I plan on doing it, unless I hear from several people who strongly suggest that I Burthorpe them. All my relevant stats are in my sig; what do you guys think?

perfect grammar is one thing, typing like a drugged monkey and enjoying it is another


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the only option is to range them, but it will take some time as your stats are pretty low. You wont hit often or high. You may suffer abuse from other players for 'taking' their spots being a relatively low level. To be honest, i'd burthorpe the task. This is very slow xp, especially as blue drags are almost always crowded training spots.


Best Barrows Chest: guth skirt, dh helm, dh axe, racks, gp (23/08/06); best tt reward: robin, guthix helm, guthix legs, nats, rune legs

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Thanks for the input, all of you. I think I will try baby blues for a while, and if they're too slow, Burthorpe and get a different task.

perfect grammar is one thing, typing like a drugged monkey and enjoying it is another


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can sum1 real quick explain to me what it means when you "burthorpe" a slayer task?








If you get a slayer assignment you dont like from any master but the burthorpe master. You can speak to the burthorpe master to change it. The new assignment will generally be easier but you cannot change it again.

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can sum1 real quick explain to me what it means when you "burthorpe" a slayer task?








If you get a slayer assignment you dont like from any master but the burthorpe master. You can speak to the burthorpe master to change it. The new assignment will generally be easier but you cannot change it again.

thanks for clearing that. Sounds like it could come it handy.












Now if i could just get that little thing called membership...


When I Have It, It's the World's. When I Don't Have It, The World Is Mine.

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