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Hardest to lvl up?


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I would have to say mining is the hardest f2p skill just becuase you can buy runes and buy runners for runecrafting(really fast xp) and for prayer you can buy big bones sure it take a lot of money but i have a lot of money but can't buy stuff to get my mining up. This allso includes woodcutting and fishing but mining is 10 x harder then woodcutting and fishing. For example mining coal (lvl 30) gives you 50 xp each, Cutting willows (lvl 30) gives you 67.5 xp, Fishing salmon (lvl 30) gives you 70 xp. You get allmost 20 more xp for those then you do mining and when you get one coal you have to move, but wow look i cuaght a salmon i can stay here and oh look i cut a willow i don't have to move.








For p2p i would say Farming, but slayer might be harder.

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Assuming you have unlimited money, runecrafting is faster because of the runners option.








Big bones can be buried once a second, meaning 14.5 xp/s; a Runecraft runner, if you pay ess and money, will probably get a transaction across in AT MOST eight seconds. With a tiara on, that's 26 ess, which means 130 xp. 130 xp/8 s = 16.25 xp/s.








Since none of us have unlimited money (especially not free players!) Prayer, requires more money for less experience; You never get a return on your investment, whereas with runecrafting you can and eventually do. Time is money, and prayer is a money-suck, so clearly runecrafting is the faster skill to train, even with the Ghost Quest.








I would have to say mining is the hardest f2p skill just becuase you can buy runes and buy runners for runecrafting(really fast xp) and for prayer you can buy big bones sure it take a lot of money but i have a lot of money but can't buy stuff to get my mining up.








At 17.5 xp/s powermining Al-Kharid iron ore (There exists a technique that allows one to keep his or her inventory clear as they mine, saving them time from having to pause and drop all of the ores they mine, but I will not share it), I would have to strongly disagree with you.

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Probably runecrafting.. 'Cause you can buy both ess and bones, but you don't need to walk that long to bury the bones. You also get very little exp per essence...

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IMHO HARDEST are non-buyable skills like mining, wc, fishing and so on.




you can "buy" prayer with money and stay in bank/near bank also combat skills(COMBAT, not prayer)








but yeah, that's because you have to get them yourself!








that is HARD, it's easier if you just buy 1k bbones and bury them in bank, really not that HARD












What have you been drinking? By the time you have gathered the 100's of mills for the big bones, found bone sellers and bought them all, and buried them. You would have level 99 mining twice.












And you are talking about 1k bones.. Thats only 15k xp. We need more than 13 000 000 you know,


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Prayer??? C'mon... look who has 61 prayer and didn't spend a single gp on a bone. (I'm serious!)








In my opinion, I would have to say either RC or mining. (Mining takes so much patience, which I don't have. :cry:)








rofl pinkbullet shops at wal-scape. 8-)

RSN:P H Osho

Progress: Out of Tutorial!



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The first most easiest skill to lvl up is smithing..








Did I really hear you say that? :shock:








Smithing is hard to lvl up once you get past lvl 75.




I'm currently lvl 77, if I want to get 85 I need to:








- buy 35.000 mithril bars = 35 Mill! and smith them all








- mine, smelt and smith 21.500 mithril bars = 21.500 mith ores + 86.000 coal (atleast +400 hours of mining + 60 hours of smelting + lots of hours of smithing = 500+ hours)












Thats not the right opinion to raise smithing. You have to think of an ultimate goal, "let it float in front of your eyes", and do the little ones first. If you'd go for the big goal in one "turn" (that is, you'll do only that until you reached that goal), eventually you'll blow a fuse. And we don't want that happen, now could we? Ok, I would, but that's not the point :lol:. So, try to lvl up 1 or 2 lvls at a time, go have fun a little or something, then sit back to smithing, another 1 or 2 lvls, etc.








By the way, at the summer of 2006, I mined 17k coal and 8,5k iron, and I leveled my smithing from 59 to 70. I mined it from February, and I finished smithing at July. And here I am at 2007, still at the nuthouse :mrgreen:...

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prayer, because even though you can buy it, you would then need to consieder the time its takes a f2p to earn money, which is quite a bit longer than it takes a p2p to earn the same amount...








but then i also see the point for mining, because that takes forever! and thats if no ones mining the same rock as you, which happens often in f2p.. just think.. for every 10 times you click to mine a rock, you would end up with about 9 ores becuase someone would beat you to it, and that would add up over the long haul

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I'd prolly have to say smithing, because of the immense amount of time and effort you have to put into it. Even when you buy ores, it still takes a very, very long time to level witht he addition of hefty prices.

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