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New sig- Simple Abstract


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well, this is the "technology" side of that one nature vs technology sig i made a week ago. It does (i think) look better without the other side, and i was going for a simple look. I got help for the abstract from keiph so hope thats good :D








however, text i'm not sure about. Anyone know any good fiting fonts for this? i tried looking around and couldn't find any :(








anyways, rate and comment please :)

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Guest Dreamlove

wow... simple and stylish... nice!! :D








edit: i just found out it is also very easy to steal... save as, use black box to cover, write my own name, done... :shock:








not like ill do it :P

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Guest Dreamlove
Nice, it's simple and killer. :)








I see the sig has a link on it. To click or not to click, that is the question. Lol jk, good luck with shop. :)








link takes u to Nadril and Ryan's shop :wink:








their sigs always have links to their shop, free advertising :P

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If you want simple, this looks alright i guess.









I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

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Guest Dreamlove
If you want simple, this looks alright i guess.
















i like this font that he used... looks better then nadril's original font anyway :P

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Hmm. I like the idea. But I reckon the render needs to be more "interesting". It's very dull and boring right now, I think. The transition from the render and to the background could've been better also.








The text also needs a change, and it looks sort of off-placed.








Either way, I'm liking the idea, but I think you should work on it some more. :)
















// Azvi.


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Hmm. I like the idea. But I reckon the render needs to be more "interesting". It's very dull and boring right now, I think. The transition from the render and to the background could've been better also.








The text also needs a change, and it looks sort of off-placed.








Either way, I'm liking the idea, but I think you should work on it some more. :)
















// Azvi.








Thanks :D i'll try and work on it some more today.








and thanks vlad.

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