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Just when I thought wilderness sigs were gone.


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You may remember the kalphite sig I made a few fridays ago. Well, one of the people in that sig happens to be in this sig, dead:
















Bigaboys was another victim of a wilderness sig. I didn't realize until I read the names to be added. I think it's the second time I kill Supa. I sure am glad to have killed Bibbleboy on this one, he ripped some of my sigs in the past. I'm neutral about these sigs, I do not like one clan more than the other. A request is a request.








EDIT: Viper's sig won't be used on tipit, I'm just posting it to show to anyone who'd like to see what I did last friday.








Here's Dragon's old sig edited to be in a wintery environment:
















It's not really new, but I added a few requested things.








Rate and comments on any of them, thanks. :)


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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lmao how many axe hut sigs have you made? 5+ ppl need new ideas :|
Got that right. No offense or anything but your sigs are starting to bore me, they all look the same. The arms on that sig are looking a bit chubby too. That's just my 5 cents.
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lmao how many axe hut sigs have you made? 5+ ppl need new ideas :|








Probably around that lol. Funny thing is I still don't know why this "hut" is so important, I don't even know what it looks like so I just make it up in every sig until someone send me a screenshot. Grey place with a hut. :lol:








And wether it speaks the truth or not, it's not really up to me. I just make whatever is worth making, so any and every statement in those sigs are from the customers themselves, not me.








Thanks for comments. :) I noted the text box thing, I'll see what I can do.


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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^I don't think he's selling them, I think they're examples...








Oh and please stop complaining about Mr. X's sigs 'boring' you because they're in wildy... Cause the fact, and the truth of the matter is: He can't really help it... If that's what his customers request, he does it for them, you can't really blame X for completing his requests... You CAN blame the media board thouh :lol: :lol: :lol: j/k...

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