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rate my first mspaint sig.. it sucks.. :)


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If you think it is bad, then so does everyone else. Please don't post such things, in my eyes it's just spam. If you truely think you did good, and want a second opinion, ask a friend or something first. Then post here for C&C.

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In the sticky above:








"Don't post your first ever sig. To be quite honest with you, they are hardly ever decent. Remember, if you think it doesn't look good, it doesn't. For those of you who truely feel that you are hot stuff, ask for a second opinion such as family member, friend, or messenger buddy if you want a real opinion as to if it's any good. If they give good feedback, post away. "








It sucks, dont post it. If you think it sucks, dont post it.

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Hm.. My first ever pixel sig didn't suck at all.. according to peeps who rated it.. Meself wasn't to pleased with it though :? Just didn't say it to the others :P








Mine sucked. I posted my first one... To make you remember, it's here again pix22.png Then wasn't yet real pixel sig boom yet, that everybody wanted to be an artist.








removed the sig, cause of ''whining'' lol hahahahaha








You are having fun, loling, hahahaing? You are pleased that we don't like it? Well, having fun is allowed. But you should listen people. The whining means, that you are bad. You should use more effort for your sigs. People aren't interested about some 2 minute crap. Seriously.








omgomg its my first lol i think it 0wnz.




Well, yes, it's your first. We aren't interested about your bad work, you aren't artist when you have randomly clicked something with microsoft paint. I hope people who really are going to make pixel art, would do it with effort.








I am seconding myself and other people, yes. But that's the truth.


99+ all 23rd March 2012 - 2496 total 13th June 2012.

9000+ dragon drops! Including draconic visage, d chains, d spears, d2h, d claws, d meds, d legs, d skirts... d bones, d hides :)?


I want jagex to put resource dungeons and dungeoneering skill doors to dungeoneering floors so I can dungeon and get dungeoneering xp while I dg so I don't have to dg to get dg exp, but I can dg while I dg :)?

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