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Thiesje2's blog - Outdated - Retired

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Good luck!




Thanks ::'




Bump, just tried to hit my max hit:






:shock: You own.




Nah, one strenght level and I can hit 28 \'




:o Inspirational fellow f2p-er. ^0^




Hehe thanks :)

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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Woot grats on the strength level and new max hit...




Thanks, I'll try to hit a 28 today ::'




Hope you can do the new max-hit!! What was your overall max hit again? The one with the DDS?




Ehh I don't know, I can calculate it :lol:




I added in the main post the interview with N_Odie, thanks dude!

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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Thiesje picked up my full rune when I died at the stronghold of security =D>




Never go afk and forget you are logged in while in an area with agressive monsters ! :oops: :P




- Back to casual f2p scaping due to limited time (university and girlfriend <3:) -

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Thiesje picked up my full rune when I died at the stronghold of security =D>




Never go afk and forget you are logged in while in an area with agressive monsters ! :oops: :P




Isn't that against the rules? :-s


Click for my little bloggie, please...?

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Thiesje picked up my full rune when I died at the stronghold of security =D>




Never go afk and forget you are logged in while in an area with agressive monsters ! :oops: :P




Isn't that against the rules? :-s




Lol you'd better watch out you cabbage! I'll give your stuffies when you're on.




Good Luck on your goals! Might have to get a pic sometime :-k . Also, maybe check out my blog? It's in my sig \'




Thanks! I'll check out your blog ::'

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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And another month has gone, time for comparisons:








Havent gained many levels this month only:




2 str lvls


1 runecrafting level


3 cooking lvls




And that's it.




[hide=For MrBennie only]Gained xp this month: 2.483.672[/hide]

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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Thats not bad at all bud!


Keep up the great work and by next month i hope to see 90 str!!




Thanks! I should get 90 before the first of july, asuming that I'm gaining around 50k str xp a day, should be possible :D

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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:( Missed alot for some reason, grats on str level :) , hawt max hit :thumbsup: , but I can hit 3's so watch out ::' , nice pic with me lol :XD:




Grats on hp level in advance lol <3:


taking a break

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