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Thanks! *Rawr*








I concur..I think










Maybe I'll levelup fishing to 84 today, maybe not.

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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Huge goals, eep! G'luck with 'em. Fishing is ftw :D




Thanks! Fishing actually bores me :anxious:




Pked a bit today:








Lost full rune after that lol.

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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Silly nub, why'd you die?


Actually, that was probably because of me... :-#




Haha, you were talking to me when I was pkin nub :XD:












+ Nacceh is back <3:








Thanks! :)

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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And you could get some cooking levels with those trout and salmon, right?




Thanks! Yes I have now over 10k salmon and 12k trout. :)




Congrats, one left :D.




Thanks, 'just' one :)




Woop! I r famous! :D


Gratz again!




Again you're in the pic lol, thanks! ::'

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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:uhh: I collect bronze axes :anxious:




Uhh cool, go collect some in Lumbridge :anxious:




Just passed 3.1m fishing xp :D

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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Thanks! And welcome back! :)




I just left my clan, I just didn't feel comfortable there anymore, ask Xanotex. Although I was a high-council there, it feels like a great relief :)

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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Thanks! And welcome back! :)




I just left my clan, I just didn't feel comfortable there anymore, ask Xanotex. Although I was a high-council there, it feels like a great relief :)




Lol, you tried to recruite me for it 2 days ago :P.




I'll try to be there tomorrow :D.

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Thanks! And welcome back! :)




I just left my clan, I just didn't feel comfortable there anymore, ask Xanotex. Although I was a high-council there, it feels like a great relief :)




Lol, you tried to recruite me for it 2 days ago :P.




I'll try to be there tomorrow :D.




Yeah, things have changed, I've been member of that clan for about 4 months (from the beginning), but it wasn't fun anymore.




Yes, be there! 72k to go

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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Just achieved my fishing goal!








The image is a bit messed up, sorry




Thanks Xanotex, Sir Jem 05, Warberserker, Nac Fan and Speedy1135 for coming!




Thanks Nacceh for this one:









Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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AMG! Wheres my text? :x




purple:wave2:Congratz thiesje on 85 fishing - You rawk <3 - Xanotex! :shock: 8-)

ooh eeh ooh ahah, ting tang wallawallabingbang m8

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well heph, if everything goes good, i level 3 times today :D enough chance to come




thiesje gratz again, to bad i missed the firework so i didnt know you leveled


^click to visit my blog! And if u got some spare hammers for my collection, i will always take them just pm me :)

5743th with cooking 99!--8 november 2006--

16361st with str 99! --15 april 2007--

35000th with Attack 99! --20 June 2008--

29524th with Hitpoints 99! --3 August 2008--

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AMG! Wheres my text? :x




purple:wave2:Congratz thiesje on 85 fishing - You rawk <3 - Xanotex! :shock: 8-)




Uhh it disapeared :anxious: Thanks!




Sorry, I had to help out my dad.




Missing about all levels of friends. <.<




Gratz :D.




You'd better be at my next goal complete! Thanks :)




well heph, if everything goes good, i level 3 times today :D enough chance to come




thiesje gratz again, to bad i missed the firework so i didnt know you leveled




Thanks, you were like 20 secs too late :lol:






Now I'm off training attack to 90 :twisted:

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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