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_.:'/-]~ LEGENDARY ~[-\':._


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I've been wandering around the legends guild... And I have to say, it's left me feeling unfullfilled... Meening the legends guild, the hardest guild to get into... is also kinda pointless. I meen the Hero's guild has better things, so heres my thread, enjoy.








NOTE: This is alot of reading, if your to lazy or dont want to spend the time reading it, go to the overview section.








NOTE: To gain access to all the extra benefits, you must complete the 'Expansion' quest, it is mentioned at the bottom of this post.








_.:'/-]~ LEGENDARY IDEAS ~[-':._








Fountain of Legends: you know that fountain east of Sir Radimus's office? well that is now the fountain of legends! and it now has a fence around it, after doing the quest, you can enter this area and dip your ammulet of glory in it, much like in the hero's guild, only now it gives you 6 charges and the added gem mining ability.








The cave of Terrors: A minigame that is started in the dungeon, now there will be a ladder behind the dungeon's stair's. This would lead to a minigame like the tzhaar fight pits, only it will offer up jungle monsters, demons, and spirits... rewards are 10 tickets that you can use to buy any of the guild items, or trade in for xp with Sir Radimus.








The Totem of Life: You know that totem pole that's in the guild after the quest? When you look at it, it says your filed with pride and whatnot... well, what if when you loked at it, 10% of your hp is restored, your prayer is raised by 2 like at the monastary alter, and it gets rid of any and all poison you have been infected with.








Alter of Legend's: This is no ordinary alter, for it alows your to switch magic books, and when prayed at, restores all stats to there normal level. It will be situated between the ladders on the second floor.








The Legendary forrest: inside the guild, there is a mysterious portal that leads to a secluded forrest of nature, it has variouse high leveled tree's and has different segments connected by bushes and things that you must cut through.








2 'old magic trees'(they are older so they give logs easier than regular magic tree's, they also give less of a yield.)








4 'majestic yew trees'(they are bigger than normal yews, give more logs than normal, only they're harder to cut)








3 'soft maples' (these are just easier to cut)








The dungeon: The dungeon would be bigger, deeper, and have more monsters.








1 green dragon




1 blue dragon




5 lesser demons




2 greater demons




2 fire giants




2 moss giants








_.:'/-]~ LEGENDARY IDEAS 2 ~[-':._








The Shops: in the dungeon, in the shops and rooms I mention in the Legendary Overview section, would be numerous shops.








Potion shop: sells: attack pot(4), strength pot(4), defence pot(4), prayer pot(3), antipoison pot(3), agility pot(3), energy pot(2), restore pot(2), super attack pot(2), super strength pot(2), super defence pot(2).








Herblore shop: This shop has Guam, Marrentil, and tarromin, 500 stock water filled vials, 100 eye of newt, and variouse other second ingrediants, it also buys all unid herbs for 100gp each, and sells them for 250gp each.








Weapon shop: sells rune scimitar, rune long sword, rune two hander, rune battle axe, dragon long sword, dragon dagger(p),(+),and(s), dragon mace, dragon battle axe, dragon halberd, you can only buy these weapons if you have done the required quests.








Armor shop: sells all rune armor including the plate, requires appropriate quests the wear it.








The Tome of Legends: A book that allowes you to read legends and watch cutscenes from previouse quests. Explained later.








Legendary cloak(mini quest): The upgraded form of the legends cape... it looks like the one Sir Radimus and the guards wear, only it has a hood that can be worn over any helm without a plume or horns(except dragon med). The hood could be put down and raised at will, allowing you to where normal helmets. To get this cloak you would have to talk to Sir Radimus and ask him how to get a cape like his, this mini quest involves hunting down a long lost legend, and saving his life and convincing him to come back to the guild.












































Legendary mine: Finaly a mine that's worth going too!




it would be located by the pit scorpians in the dungeon.








2 rune rocks, 12 coal rocks, 4 addy rocks, 8 mith rocks, 5 iron rocks, 6 gold rocks, 6 silver rocks.








_.:'/-]~ LEGENDARY OVERVIEW ~[-':._








GRAPHICALY: Jagex definitly needs to update the graphic's on the legends guild... there already great graphic's, but there a little dated. So i suggest remaking the guild... make the guild walls silver or pure white with gold designs on the bricks. The door can still have the blue glow on it, but make it more intense, and make the door's wood pannels pure gold or silver.








STRUCTURALY: Make it bigger! Make it grander! Make it have more fancy rooms and walls and shops! in the dungeon, make it so the first parts of it are made of fancy stone walls and have a few differnt shops and rooms: then make the dungeon itself bigger, have more monsters...








OVERVIEW(the short version):Improve the legends guild, update the graphic's, do a mini quest to get a legends cloke thats better than the obby cape, expand the dungeon, make a minigame, improve the use's of the totem pole, ad an enchanted alter, make more shops, make the dungeon more fancy, make the "fountain of legends" that allow's 6 charges.




_.:'/-]~ THE CAVE OF TERRORS ~[-':._




A new minigame that takes place in the legends guild dungeon, the ladder to access it is behind the staircase, the mini game will be alot like the tzhaar fight cave's.








The mini game looks like a jungle cave, inside are all the monster's that you fight in the quest, and other asorted monsters from shilo village, waterfall quest, and other jungle monsters...








There are 10 waves of enemys that you must face, each successful wave that you kill, will get you 1 token, for a total of 15 tokens(5 bonus) for completing it fully.








tokens can be exchanged for half the xp you can got for one commendation ticket at the old pest control, they can also be used to buy things in the legends guild, to keep it fair, You will not be able to buy a Shield half with the tokens.








When you exchange the tokens for xp, it will only give half the xp the old pest control gives, but you can use this xp on every skill in the game, you can also use it to get the mineral packs, seed packs, and herb packs from pest control.








I have Also seen Alot of "Jungle survival" minigame thread's, well, this is a good place to put it, A portal in the legends guild that brings you to the jungle.








_.:'/-]~ JUNGLE SURVIVAL ~[-':._








You start out on a small island's beach, in your inventory is a knife, some broken glass, a hammer, and a chisel.




On the island there are variouse rocks, a lava forge, and a very hard rock that you will use as an anvil, there are various trees that you must cut down, after you make an axe. You can also make ranged armor, no melee armor... After you are done preparing, Make you way into the cave on the Island. The cave is very large, and has 3 levels, after you complete the levels, you will be teleported to the legends guild, and have your reward. The rewards are the various crude items, armor, and weapons you made on the island, they has stats in between rune and addament. You can also buy advanced jungle items(stats in between barrows-dragon) with 'leaves' a new token as a reward, you get 'leaves' from killing monsters, making items, and discovering ruins on the island. Every minigame sesion will have a random map, meening no island will be the same, so you have to look for ruins and other things to get more leaves.








_.:'/-]~ THE TOME OF LEGEND'S ~[-':._








I've seen alot of threads floating around of people asking for a "magic mirror" or a "flashback portal", my idea is different, and involves construction...








In the legend's guild, in the 'shop of usefull items' there will be 2 new item's, the "tome of legends" that is untradeable and costs 2,000gp or 20 tickets. This book would contain pages of literature, and in it would be every single legend and tale from every book in runescape, you can put this in your quest hall on a new "book pedistal" that goes on both sides of the staircase or carpet.








_.:'/-]~ BOOK OF MEMORY'S ~[-':._








The second book would be the "Book of Memory's" and would allow you to choose any cutscene that you have memory's of from every quest that youve done, and allows you to watch them again. This book would be tradable and cost 500gp, it is tradable so people who havnt done legends quest but want a book of memorys in there house to have one.








_.:'/-]~ EXPANSION ~[-':._












Quests- Legends quest, Lunar Diplomacy, Desert treasure, Swan song, Recipe for Disaster, The Fremmenik Isles, Eyes of Glouphrie.




Skills- 60 Herblore, 60 crafting, 55 construction, 60 hunter, 60 smithing, 60 slayer, 75 woodcutting, 70 mining, 50 farming, High combat and prayer lvl will help.








ITEMS: 20 mahogany planks, 40 teak planks, 60 oak planks, 600 steel(or better) nails, 10 cloth, 20 artic pine logs(split), 4 Fremmenik shields(new kind), 100 of each rune(Air, Water, Earth, Fire, mind, body, chaos, death, blood, cosmic, astral, nature, law, soul.) Construction tools, Crystal saw, Other items that I will not mention.








REWARDS: Access to all the new and improved legends guild, A chest that you found while expanding the dungeon(contains 100k gp, 3 ancient lamps[15k each].), Ability to do the legends cape expansion miniquest.








|_.:'/-]~ ~[-':._|_.:'/-]~ ~[-':._|








NOTE: I made this thread a while ago, so some of the information might be out of date or has already come out.








NOTE: If anyone wants to try making a new map of the legends guild, and edit in areas for my ideas, I would appreciate it very much.








NOTE: This thread was originaly made for the official runescape forums, sone info might be in a format for those forums and not these.








Edit: Im not going to have a support list, im too lazy to edit it every time someone supports.


Veni Vidi Vici

I came, I saw, I conquered.

Hail to the wiki! For all your information needs.

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I dunno, seems kinda too good for a quest that can easily be done at >80 combat. If there were a new quest (and guild; dunno what it'd be called) that was at a much higher level of difficulty then i might support. But for now, too much reward for too little effort.


Dragon Drops: D spear x 2, D skirt, D half-shield, D axe, D 2h

Barrows Rewards: Ahrims hood, Karil's Coif, half key x 6, D med, torags legs, veracs flail

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I dunno, seems kinda too good for a quest that can easily be done at >80 combat. If there were a new quest (and guild; dunno what it'd be called) that was at a much higher level of difficulty then i might support. But for now, too much reward for too little effort.








I agree. Perhaps create a separate guild, with a separate quest? You could try "epic" as a name. Hmm... "Epic Guild." OK, maybe not guild, per say. Hall, maybe?








I don't know. That's my suggestion. Good work though.

perfect grammar is one thing, typing like a drugged monkey and enjoying it is another


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I dunno, seems kinda too good for a quest that can easily be done at >80 combat. If there were a new quest (and guild; dunno what it'd be called) that was at a much higher level of difficulty then i might support. But for now, too much reward for too little effort.












thank you for that im far to lazy to right it my self but ya far to much for such a esey quest maybe a much harder quest for this but come on green dragons rune rocks those to things are not likly to hapen at all the one part the may hapen is the fountin but other than that nah not vary mini are likly maybe the totaum and a few others but for the rest we need a new guild with a mega quest that needs like all of rfd done that gives a heck of a big quest list for it witch is good.
















btw this is vary nice and well thought ideas just to good for such a guild


By 'fittest' do you mean 'most selfish brat with the fastest internet connection?'

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i like the idea, but the alter is a bit of an overdo, dont want ancients to get even more stuff, spells are hard so getting them should be rather than a simple walk. glory is a good thing as long as its not 500k just because its an extra 2 charges. as for the totem, it should instead: heal you 100% heal poison, and have your skills returened to normal, eg: attack= 20/ 46, goto totem, attack= 46/46.




the books thing is the best so far, though with it, have quests names (only ones with cutscenes) and when you select it, it shows a log of th cutscenes.....








surrender to penguins!


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I would 100% get members on my account that's done legends if this came out Jagex look at it now, change the guild and you get another ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã3.20 a month!!!! i support 100% this would kick [wagon]


Sig by me....

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nice idea!! :) good worked out, must have cost you a lot of time!


^click to visit my blog! And if u got some spare hammers for my collection, i will always take them just pm me :)

5743th with cooking 99!--8 november 2006--

16361st with str 99! --15 april 2007--

35000th with Attack 99! --20 June 2008--

29524th with Hitpoints 99! --3 August 2008--

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Thanks for all the input, now I do realise that the guild might become to good, so Im going to edit the first part of the post with new info. I think it should even it out.


Veni Vidi Vici

I came, I saw, I conquered.

Hail to the wiki! For all your information needs.

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i'll edit this post with ideas on the expansion quest, but heres some reqs!




60 Construction




60 Hunting




65 Slayer




70 Mining




65 Strength




Must have completed The Golem, Legends Quest, Big chompy Bird Hunting and n/a




HIGH Combat Level

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i'll edit this post with ideas on the expansion quest, but heres some reqs!




60 Construction




60 Hunting




65 Slayer




70 Mining




65 Strength




Must have completed The Golem, Legends Quest, Big chompy Bird Hunting and n/a




HIGH Combat Level








Sorry, didn't see your post, im guna use mine though. Sorry.


Veni Vidi Vici

I came, I saw, I conquered.

Hail to the wiki! For all your information needs.

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hmm i think the requirments look a bit too tough, for those requirments, screw the Legends quild that would be the Godlike Guild, as well as the high level things, you would also need, 175 quest points and have done some of the toughest quests in the game, i just think that there should be no requirments for the quest and make it a fun but relativley hard quest, not annoying, hard, riddles, codes too remember things like that rather than Jagex's way of making quests "hard" really annoying slidey puzzles, lots of failing obstacles and high lvl monsters...wow....


Sig by me....

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