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`Gone's blog ~~~~70 Range achieved!!!Pics Added!!!!~~~~

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Ok this is my first blog ever. First I'm just going to start off with a lil' mini-history.








PICTURES ADDED|| 200/29,000 Drags killed.




























Ok, in early December '05 I created my first account ever with my friend that introduced me to Runescape. I played the account for around a month until just after the Christmas update. Then I quit for about half a month until mid January '06.








In mid January I created my first ever "hardcore" rs player. His name was "Lord_Malace1". I played on him for around a year until a little before January '07. I was proud of his stats but not too proud. He was a level 96 with fairly good combat stats and non-combat skills were "acceptable". I eventually got bored with him and I wanted a fresh start.








Therefore I quit Runescape all together for around another 1/2 a month. After that I created a new character and christened him "U___R___Gone". At first I made him a pk'er and I was mediocre in pk'ing. Around a week ago I finally made him a member. This was a decision I had to think about because along with making him a member, I also decided to have him NOT be a pk'er pure anymore. He is now my main and I am working very hard on him.








One of the things I always have loved was range/archery/bows and arrows. I said "Hmm... :-k What better way to start my new main then something I love." So I decided to get 99 range first.
























99 Range








The reason I picked this is because as I said before I love range and I like ranging in game too. This I will be doing in two large increments.








Increment 1: ~~~COMPLETED 2/11/07 8:35 P.M. EST~~~








This is the first part of my 2 "steps" to get to 99 range. I am doing this right now and have been working on it for a while. What I am doing is using a combo of iron knives/iron arrows+msb on experiments. I am planning on getting 62-70 range with this. This actually is a pretty simple task and I can squeeze out whopping (to me :XD: ) amounts of exp to get the range levels with iron knives. I'm planning on a 3-5 day period until I achieve this goal (if I can get more iron knives that is <.< ).












Increment 2:








This is the huge amount of exp and kills part. I plan on doing this soley by killing blue dragons. #-o This will take a LARGE chunk of time (maybe even 1-4 months) to accomplish. I am going to work non-stop at this and hopefully will get it done. This will take around 28,500 - 29,000 Dragons :shock: :shock: to kill. My plan is to use mithril arrows mostly and sell *some* of the Dragon Hides to get the money for more arrows.
























































Bonus Goal:




This walks hand-in-hand with the dragon-slaying and it is something I will think of as another great accomplishment. I will take ONLY 12,000 (approx.) Dragon bones from the kills and will use them to get 85 prayer. Just a little side goal. I am planning to use the ecto-phunctus (sp?) or burn them at an alter.












Final Note:








Ok, on a final note here I would just like to say thank you for everyone that looks (and/or posts on) my blog. It really means a lot to see that you would take some time to do that. On a different topic I would like to ask all the people that say "Oh he's just another noob wishing for 99 stat(s)" to just realize that because someone may seem noob-ish and may not have a lot of good skills doesn't mean it's not possible. I have been training very hard at this and I will continue to keep my head focused on my goals.
























Post away!

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Got 70 range at 8:35 P.M. EST on 2/11/07. Now to start Increment 2 (maybe I'll have some more support now). Anyways I will start posting pics of *almost* evey level up :D. Enjoy :thumbsup:












Edit: Some posts would be appreciated <.<

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Sorry I haven't posted here in a bit. Took a little break and got 50 attack and 50 str. Then went back to dragons and got 72 range. Just went to MA and got Sara strike and zammy flames. Back to dragons I go!
















(sorry no pics)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Lord, good luck on 99 range :D










Drops: 1x Draconic Visage, 56x Abyssal Whip, 5x Demon Head, D Drops: 37, Barrows Drops: 43, DK Drops: 29

GWD drops: 14,000x Bars, 1x Armadyl Hilt, 2x Armadyl Skirt, 4x Sara Sword, 1x Saradomin Hilt, 8x Bandos Hilt, 8x Bandos Platebody, 9x Bandos Tassets, 4x Bandos Boots, 43x Godsword Shard, 82x Dragon Boots

Dry streak records: Saradomin 412 kills Bandos 988 kills Spirit Mages 633 kills - Slayer Sucks

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