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So Let Me Get This Straight......


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This is true, Jagex will allow you to use SwiftSwitch, but doesn't recommened it just because they like to hold our hands and believe we can't make our own choices.








As far as Tip.It goes, they do not recommend, nor do they even like to talk about this program, they won't even allow you to post a screenshot with a 3rd party client involved.








SwiftSwitch is fine with Jagex, but not with Tip.it, so your good to go. :D

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wat is switchshift is it like a bot or somethin?








no not at all. It's a program that includes helpful things like timers, links to guides and calculators, an embeded IRC chat screen, menu of worlds to change to at any second, quick stat look-ups, easy screenshot taking and uploading, and much much more. It is completely legal, gives no real in-game advantage, and is not cheating in any way.








Here's an example screenie of it that I took:


















When I Have It, It's the World's. When I Don't Have It, The World Is Mine.

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Locking this topic. Discussion and screenshot of third party clients are not allowed on Tip.It forums, regardless of JaGEx's stance on the matter. Please refrain from posting further about this topic.












~ Faelenof


Pixel Artist - Former Player Mod - Former Tip.It Mod

Not taking sig requests - sorry!

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