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~Death Dude's Blog~

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I've been doing various and sundry things the past few days. I'm mining some ess for cosmics, which I'm using to enchant orbs, which are getting me 66 crafting as well as over 860k.




All the ess is mined, I just need to finish rcing, enchant, and craft/alch. (I really need to start working with d leather).Went DKing. First time we got an archer. second time Ant died, but he got his stuff, and I stayed around and soloed Rex 2 or 3 times or so. It's late; news in the morning.

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I went DKing to mage Rex with Ant, Rancid, and Ben. Beer came for the first trip.




First entrance: No drops. Someone attacks Rex and lures him the wrong way which causes everyone to have to go up the ladder. Beer has to tele for lack of supplies.




Second: We did much better. I knew more about what I was doing. Rex went up one time for some reason, but we all just got in a safespot with me and waited for his death. Here's a pic








That was I think around 10 rex kills altogether. Give or take 1.




We all tele out and reconvene in Fally. Ant, Sweety, Ben, and I decide to go again.




Long story short, Ant dies (I couldn't see; I don't know much about the situation). Ben and Rancid went up the ladder. I stayed and soloed Rex 3 or 4 times.








My drops were junk: 25 mith ore, 25 mith ore, steel kite, addy hatchet, etc. I hope I'm more profitable the next time.

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hmm. was that night exciting enough for everyone? =) Lol.




@Death: there's a DK trip in the works for monday evening (not sure what time). Let me know if you might be able to come along =)

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T-storm today prevented me from playing in the afternoon.




Went on a DK trip with Ant, Randy, and Ben. Ant died, and I teled shortly after.




We went again. Ant and Randy had to tele. Ben was alive, but decided he could do nothing to help with Rex/attack prime. I stayed and soloed, but alas, no drops.

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Hey Death!!


Long time not posting on your blog sorry :oops:




Gratz on being able to Dk :P




Your new friends (Dagganoth Kings) are not very kind with you, huh? where's your D axe?


O Well, better luck in your next trips :thumbsup:




Don't forget Agility -.- lol


^Click it to see my BLOG

Barrows Drops: 3[spear, dh helm, t helm]

Law Crafting guide

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Hey Death!!


Long time not posting on your blog sorry :oops:




Gratz on being able to Dk :P




Your new friends (Dagganoth Kings) are not very kind with you, huh? where's your D axe?


O Well, better luck in your next trips :thumbsup:




Don't forget Agility -.- lol




I'm considering lobbying jagex to make an agility course in the waterbirth dungeon. you like the idea?




Also, to go with my brewery idea, I think jagex should make more ales available in barrel form.

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Dk trip! I went on a Dk trip planned by Dahkros. I'll hold my thoughts on that trip.




Ant and I went on a duo mage no suicider trip after that, first drop from rex was a Dragon Axe.




Then I went to bed.




Nah, Rancid and Ant wanted to go so I suicided for them. 3:45 am EST Ant. 3:45 EST Rancid.




Loot: (My inv is a bit off because I banked and had to recreate it.)





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Thanks Sweety and Zaid.




Got 66 crafting from fire battlestaves!




I made 926,507 gp from it exactly (926k)




I'm working to get Guthans, and here's the status report:




Current funds: 4581k (as of selling 1k mahogany logs 500 ea)








To sell:


500 maho logs


69 ppots (4)


974 bloods


Possibly 5k chaos.




and some other stuff.






Going to a Jimmy Buffett concert Tuesday! I won't be on much in the next few days because of the concert and going camping.

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Good luck dude! Don't know how you enjoy agility really... :-k . But aside from that, pretty managable goals if you keep to it! Mind checking out my blog? Just clicky on the siggy :wink:








I'm the first person in 3 days to post!? Wow.... for shame! :shame:

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Good luck dude! Don't know how you enjoy agility really... :-k . But aside from that, pretty managable goals if you keep to it! Mind checking out my blog? Just clicky on the siggy :wink:








I'm the first person in 3 days to post!? Wow.... for shame! :shame:




Lol. Being gone caused less posts, but that's ok.




Concert was great. Ate Shrimp and Scalops Americana at Mitchells before the concert. Great show.

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Welcome back, i wondered where you had gone.




Maybe you'll get cracking with agility now <3:




Well, sort of. I'm working to get full guthans for DKing as well.






Completed Knight Waves!!




Got 71 attack, 73 hp, and 88 combat.




Killed some bronze dragons with a friend today. Got a fair amount of d bones.




I saw Shrek 3, it was terrible.




Ahrim's staff from barrows! (even if it's worth nothing) (I'd make more money alching it than wasting my time trying to sell it) <.<

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i dont no if u remember me, heck, i dont no if u even got my post, but im the one is also trying to get 99 agility, but i finished monkey madness and now im also using the monkey course..thing ya :) maybe i'll see you there ::'

stupid is as stupid dose

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