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Sparty's Guide on AVOIDING F2P Rune Pkers! Pictures Galore!


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Perhaps you should state that you should put your chat thingy on 'friends' so they wont come and track you.








Thanks, I added that.








And yes Skeroh, prayer would remove that.








huh? wait which prayer would remove bind? i need to use this when im pking








Well it doesn't remove it, but it gives you a almost 90% chance of not getting bound(binded?) Its very useful.




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Even though im only a lvl 62 i loved it . Im sure it will help in the future

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I have a question, what's the point of having the Rune Scimmy? Do we have to kill something?

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great guide =D> =D>








maybe can u make another guide about geting to 85?








ty :thumbsup: :thumbsup:








just power mine +/- 100k iron... or bank 50k coal :P


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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I have a question, what's the point of having the Rune Scimmy? Do we have to kill something?








Its actually very helpful, because you can make it seem like your not a rune miner. I've actually saved my self several times, passing myself as a pker. In addition, I have killed many lvl 40 miners, and got their ores :P




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I have a question, what's the point of having the Rune Scimmy? Do we have to kill something?








Its actually very helpful, because you can make it seem like your not a rune miner. I've actually saved my self several times, passing myself as a pker. In addition, I have killed many lvl 40 miners, and got their ores :P








I see.....

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I have a question, what's the point of having the Rune Scimmy? Do we have to kill something?








Its actually very helpful, because you can make it seem like your not a rune miner. I've actually saved my self several times, passing myself as a pker. In addition, I have killed many lvl 40 miners, and got their ores :P








I see.....












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What are lvl 3 skillers supposed to do about rune ore pkers? I would appreciate some input on this, as I am not yet 85 mining, but intend to get it.

"Gain lvls? As a "lvl 3 skiller"? The clue's in the title, nub!"




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What are lvl 3 skillers supposed to do about rune ore pkers? I would appreciate some input on this, as I am not yet 85 mining, but intend to get it.








The best thing for lvl 3 skillers to do is to use scouts. As for if your attacked, there is nothing you can really do, mainly because you will be owned by lvl 40 pures who can hit 10s. I would recommend gaining some lvls, so you have somewhat of a chance.




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