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An Average Player's guide to waterfiends.


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waterfiend.gifBobinort's Waterfiends Guide - For The Average player!waterfiend.gif








Table of Contents.


1. Why Kill Waterfiends?


2. Requirements


3. Gear and Inventory


3.1. Gear


3.2. Inventory


4. Getting There


5. Killing the Waterfiends


6. Leaving


7. Conclusion/Credits




1. Why Kill Waterfiends?




This may be what you're asking yourself. Why spend the time and money required to kill these little devils? Well , I'll tell you. Charms. These guys are the best economical way of getting crimson charms. If you're feeling rich(and I mean REALLY rich) stop reading this guide, and go burst some rock lobsters. But if you don't want to spend tens of millions(hundreds if you're planning to get very high summoning) on getting charms, you should probably stick with this.




2. Requirements.




But what do I need to do to get my hands on those crimson charms? Well, for starters, you need to complete the firemaking task of Barbarian training, which requires 35 firemaking. Other than that, I would recommend 70+ attack and strength(not 80+ like most guides say) to kill these, and 50+ prayer. I would also recommend a decent magic level(55+) to help block their attacks, and 70+ range(60+ minimum) for dragonhide. I(at the time of writing this guide) am 75 attack, 74 strength, 63 magic, and 52 prayer. You also need a bit of cash to purchase supplies, though you will make back some of it with water orb and raw shark drops.




3. Gear and Inventory.




3.1. Gear




This is what I personally bring as gear.








Here is the gear in order from best to worst. (Note: I do NOT have the best possible gear.)




Head Slot: Helm of Neitiznot > Dwarven Helmet(crush bonus) > Berserker helm


Neck Slot: Fury > Glory > Strength


Cape Slot: Fire cape > God Cape(Mage Arena) > God Cloak


Chest Slot: Karil's > Black D'hide > Red D'hide


Legs Slot: Karil's > Black D'hide > Red D'hide


Weapon Slot: Saradomin Sword = Zamorakian Spear >Verac's Flail =Torag's Hammers* > Dragon Mace


Shield Slot: None (with a 2-handed weapon) = Unholy Book > Book of Balance > Holy Book > Rune defender(it gives negative magic defense bonuses)


Hands Slot: Best RFD Gloves > Combat Bracelet


Feet Slot: Infinity Boots > Mystic boots = Dragon boots(Mystic is better if you don't have Karil's)


Ring Slot: berserker > seer's > explorer's > Life = Wealth. Take your pick.


Quiver can be empty or have mithril arrows, which they drop occasionally.




*Hammers have slightly better bonuses, but flail has +6 prayer. Choose whichever you prefer.




3.2. Inventory




This is my inventory setup. You can change it depending on your prayer and magic levels.








Reasons for each item:


Dragon Mace - Specials.


Games Necklace - Teleport to Barbarian Outpost, and Bounty Hunter for banking.


Super attack & strength - Boosts your offensive stats.


5 Prayer potions(4) - So your prayer doesn't run out.


2 Sharks - For quick healing.


13 pineapple pizzas - 22 hp each, in 2 bites.


3 monkfish - to make space for charms, when you don't want to waste a whole shark or pizza.


Teletab - In case you need to make a quick escape. Can be replaced with any other 1-click.




Note: If you want, you can bring an enchanted excalibur to heal. But DO NOT use it as a weapon, it has a -2 crush bonus.




4. Getting There.




NOTE: Before you go, it helps to take a dose of antifire potion, so the brutal green dragons don't damage you your way to the waterfiends.




To get there, first teleport to the Barbarian Outpost with your games necklace. Then proceed south, as in the map below.










Once inside, head down the stairs and turn on protect from magic. Run southwest(shown in map below) until you reach the waterfiends. Then turn on protect from range, and get killing!






(map from tip.it)




5. Killing the Waterfiends




Once you get there, drink your potions, and begin attacking. The waterfiends Have two attacks, a magic-based ranged attack, and a magic attack. You should pray range the whole time, which is why the gear i suggested maximizes magic defense bonuses. When killing waterfiends, you need a good crush attack. They have strong defense against any other style, so a good crushing weapon is a must(see section 3.1). Before you go, make sure your weapon is set to a crush attack, or you will find killing the waterfiends to take an extremely long time. Remember to pick up water orbs(they're noted!), raw sharks,and anything else you think is worth keeping. Re-pot whenever you feel it's necessary, but don't use up your doses too quickly. Whenever you can, unleash your mace specials, and you may get some hits like these(remember this is at 74 strength):








6. Leaving




When you've run out of supplies, or have just had enough, there are a few things you can do to leave. You can exit using your games necklace to bank at bounty hunter, or use your teletab. Or, you can exit via the "aged log" (shown below).








7. Conclusion/Credits




Thank you for reading my guide, I hope it helped, and i hope you enjoyed it. If this guide has helped you, or you have some nice constructive criticism, please leave a comment to help this guide grow.




Special thanks to: Other Guides(for being proved wrong :lol:), and to Tip.It and The Runescape Wiki for their pictures.




People who have given suggestions for this guide:









the current dance looks like ur on crack lol.

so true lmfao!

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Move to General guides, as it's finished.




Also, a "noob" is a person who makes the game worse for other people, not someone who has medium- level stats.


Maybe change the title to "A medium-level guide to waterfiends". (the "noob" part may be a turnoff)




*EDIT* Just did my first trip there, got 14 crimsons, think I'm doing something wrong, had almost all of the req'd equiptment and invy. Stats are in siggy.


Sig by me, in MS paint, but I'm still working on it.

Suggestions appreciated


This guide is as concise as a gourmet's handbook with the guidelines of "Pick up fork, stab food, insert into your mouth, then chew".

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Good guide, instead of drinking antifire, you can also hit magic protect for the little run, curs down the damage by alot. :thumbup:




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Instead of this:












Do this:












Stupid dumb test...


Thanks to Uno for the awsome sig <3

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how do i get that alternative code?




I took it straight from your post.




Imageshack gives you this:





which results in this:








All you have to do is take out the small part that's actually the picture, and not the advertisement or the link. So,




results in this:






Usually, just look for the url in tags that ends in the file you uploaded, without the "/1/w500.png" at the end.


Thanks to Uno for the awsome sig <3

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no, hammers have better bonuses, and according to wiki they are same speed.




Flail has 6 prayer.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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I use the enchanted Excalibur which is a versatile weapon in there It heals You + Raises your defense so if infact you get hurt entering by mith dragons just use it and You will be healed right up without having to waste your food. and You will have the effects of a defense potion before entering battle.

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But what's the point? Your defense level doesn't affect how much you get hit by waterfiends, your magic level does.




Both are factors. But it heals you, which is more important.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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I like this guide, just because It shows many different setups. Only thing is is torag's hammers are the junkiest barrows weapon. Flail is better.

Thoroughly retired, may still write now and again

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hammers have +13 better strength and +3 better crush, but i forgot about prayer bonus, ill change to =


and i'll add enchanted excalibur for healing.




Nope, hammers have the same strength as flail.

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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