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new potion idea


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Jagex should make a Special Attack Potion, that has 3 doses and recoveres 1/4 of your special attack bar. You would need 60 herblore, and a rannar weed, and a 2nd ingriedient. Construtive critisizim accepted.

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*Ice Bliz, frozen*, 4 dds specials, drink pot, dds special, drink pot, dds special, drink pot, dds special, drink pot, dds special, dead. See how this couldn't work?

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Its good thinking, but this would make pking all too easy.


Imagine this: your normal attack would be the ddp++ special attack (so it would be 2 attacks in one)..Absoultely shattering the opponent/monster. Its a good suggestion, but i dont think it would work. Plus i think if this idea was considered into the game, i think there should be a higher herblore level requirement, and the 2nd ingredient expensive to avoid over-usage.





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It's a good idea, but it is a bit too powerful.




Maybe instead of 1/4, 1/8 of Special Attack? (I'm not a member, so if 1/8 is worthless or had no point, someone can correct that.) 1/8 of it would mean it would require two doses to actually use the attack. With pots at 3 doses, it'd give you one special attack, plus a head-start for the next one later on.




Also, as a few have said before, a much higher herbore level and probably a rather expensive second ingredient.

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maybe it couldn't be used in the d arena or the wildy, that would prevent pkers overusing it.








good idea but then the only people who would buy it would mainly be pcers and cwers and if its to expensive no one will buy it. Kind of a pointless potion if no one ever uses it :?


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Oscar Wilde

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i think its a good idea, though can make pking all to easy like previously said, maybe there could be a restriction to how many you can drink in X amount of time?








just addin suggestions :) ill keep thinking and bounce it about a few friends see what they think

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Yeah, it'll make PKing quite easy. But if there's a downside to it, then it COULD be good...Maybe -5 all combat stats?


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make it three ingredients!








Potion of Restoration - 60 Herblore




2 toadflax




2 strange fruit juices




1 food of your choice








to add a food, it must be cooked with 50+ cooking (you can't add a redberry pie, as it is 10 cooking), and must be a 1 bite food




depending on the amount of levels above 50 it is, your special bar will be restored by this amount:




EG: a guy sacrfices a shark to his potion, and gains 1/4 of his special bar back due to it being 25 lvls above, the 20 counts but the 5 doesn't

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