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Goodbye, leaving for tlp forums now ( http://www.tlp-rs.com ). I didn't want to make a big thread in general p2p or whatever, so I thought I'd update this one final time. My biggest fans may have noticed I haven't updated in ages, and they're right. I've slowly been going across, but now I'm gone. Sorry guys, but TLP forums is A LOT better, I laugh so much over there.











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Wow, Lots of posts :P












Thanks, and yeah.. stupid PC... I was maging and I died, but thanks to a glitch ( :-k If it is anyway) it made me come back to life in the boat in defence mode, so then I went and attacked a moster, and was browsing the tif, and well.. 84xp in def :(












How could I fail this? Lol, I can do bascially whatever I want, like Potter's and Robert_Rdam's..












Yeah, but he may make a return in the near future (coming to a cinema near you)












Yeah, I hope so 8-)












Another failed goal :XD: Stop rubbing it in lol.. Oh and did you make that sig for BekBrok? (The first replier).. as it looks a bit too similar :oops:



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Well, I just got it
















But I feel really angry, not happy like I should be...








X has agreed to help me do Mage Arena, you know, get my drop if I die. So we get to ardy, pull the lever, go into level 55, and I lose connection. I waited for 3 minutes before refreshing to get back to the main page. I then logged back in..Lumby :uhh: I asked X what had happened. He logs. I open MSN, tell my other IRL friend Z what had happened, and if he'd seen X. Turns out X was round Z's. They had killed me to get back at me for when I had killed Z by accident about 5 months ago.








So angry, but I hadn't lost anything, and they agreed to go again. I get to mage arena, with lag again, and they don't show. I get bored and have a try, kill the first guy, lose connection. :oops: Dead. They then log in, I tell them what happened.. They get pile. Then they tell me to come Mage Bank to get my 94 deaths, full invent of sharks, wizard robes, and 400 something fires. I get there. Don't show. They then log in and out of different worlds trying to get me to follow them around. I wouldn't, so I went back in for another try.. Got to the black demon, and died. another 60 or so deaths and about 200 or so fires gone. Another try, this time I do it. Get the cape. And here I am. No help at all, unless PKing me is helping :uhh: .. And they have 94 deaths, 400+ fires, and 26 sharks of mine. Great.



















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El rules and Chelsea are really stupid. GLAD YOU DID IT.








Add me sometimes?








And is your pure ''II Robin II' or I| Robin |i?

If anyone remembers me... PM ME. having nostaligia issues D:

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