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  1. You gave us reasons that are down to ones own preferences and then you ask why we would continue to play.
  2. How I understood it: Ourgs are a refined forms of ogres, being stronger and more intelligent. That new Graardor model suits that description pretty nicely.
  3. "He was only having some fun, you idiots take this game too seriously." :wall:
  4. i looked around on the forums and they all need 70+ dung or sumshit what if you don't have that yet? solo till you get to that point? i mean wtf I have only soloed or played with my brother and I have 82 DG.
  5. In case anyone wonders, the darkness special hits lots of damage (around 500) and can only be avoided by making you character face a wall and having your screen face away from Vanstrom.
  6. I did it with torag armour while praying magic protect and had no problem with him. Ganodermic does however help a lot if you get hit by Vanstroms specials. You might want to bring terrorbird or other energy restoring items. If you need it or not depends entirely how much Vanstrom is going to use his special attacks (namely the blood bombs). Remember to orient your screen to face away from him at all times.
  7. it's ok...I've been stuck on this quest for over six months now and cannot get past it...I give up...will cancel my membership You were given 3 good guides for that quest and then you just go "I give up." I don't really understand what your problem with the quest is.
  8. If you wish to do barrows, complete ritual of the Mahjarrat quest. It unlocks seventh barrows brother.
  9. If you leave monsters in the room before the boss room, the boss music won't play. Pretty sure that's the reason.
  10. Getting to Jad has never been a problem. Trouble arrives with the healers for me. I'm never fast enough to pray against Jad and attack them at the same time and I just panic. Should I kill the healers or just make them attack me?
  11. The best part is how predictable their timing is. As soon as I enter G.E. or some other high-population area, it takes around 5 minutes for me to receive 3-5 posts in a row. Every day. Every time.
  12. Though I don't like bots, Disrupting their activities is great fun for me.
  13. Well... That's a lot to digest. Certainly some very good incentives for me to continue. Thanks for all the replies! :thumbup:
  14. I am back. And I see stuff has changed since I last visited. So now I am asking for a brief summary (or a complete one, I love those!) of the changes that have happened since april of last year. And since I am already here, someone please tell me what is a good way to train my crafting level, which is 71.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31g0YE61PLQ
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