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The Amazing Guide to F2P Merchanting! RIP Merchanting...


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The Amazing Guide to F2P Merchanting!!!


By Guthix121


RSN: Kal Guthix






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I have created this guide to help all fellow F2Pers, because Runescape makes it so that it is not very easy to make a lot of money as a free player. I have spent hours searching the internet, and all of the F2P guides were either out-dated or required lots of gp. So now I have decided to make my own merchanting guide. Please read this guide, and do not post comments until you have completely read it. I will be very greatful for suggestions, so this guide can grow.




Feel free to PM me ingame.




Table of Contents




1) What is Merchanting?


2) Merchanting with only 5k


3) Merchanting with 100k-1mill


4) Merchanting with 1mill-5mill


5) Merchanting with 5mill+


6) Afterword








1) What is Merchanting?




Merchanting is when you buy a certain item for one price from a person, and then sell that item to another person for a greater amount of money, thus earning a profit. A great place to merchant would be Falador and Varrock. Varrock is the main place to merchant, but in order to sell ores and bars, Falador is the place to go. Popular F2P merchanting worlds are worlds 1, 3, 4, and 5.


Runescape's economy is made up of merchanters, and because of merchanters, prices of items are slowly increasing. For example: right now, full rune costs about 175k. But then someone buys it and sell it to another merchanter for 180k. That person sells it for 185k, and they sells it for 190k. If runescape was made up of only merchanters, then prices would get higher and higher, a little too quickly. This is where the skillers come in. If the price of rune armor is getting higher and higher, but a skiller comes with a a bunch of sets of armor they just made, then they would be able to sell it without making the price too high. This balances everything out. And then there are autoers, who are disrupting the economy. Because of autoers, people have trouble selling rune essence and other raw meterials for a good price, especially yew logs. I know this because everytime I pass a yew tree there are atleast 15 autoers crowding it. This is a small description of merchanting and how it plays a part in Runescape's economy.


Nobody may use this guide for any reason without the permission of Kal Guthix


Merchanting with only 5k






Welcome to the merchanting world. You have just earned your first 5k. Now what to do with it? Here is a list of a few things you could merchant with only 5k.




Feathers-Go to the chicken farms in north of Lumbridge. They will be atleast 5 people killing chickens. Bring the 5k with you. Most likely, they will gladly sell you their feathers. A good price to pay them would be 3-5gp per feather. If you are lucky, someone will be selling them for 1gp each. Once you spend all of the money, go to Varrock and below the bank and to the left of the anvils, you can sell your feathers for about 7-10gp each. Also, people will not usually buy feathers unless they are in a big bulk (maybe around 10k).




Cow Hides-A popular beginner way to earn money. You can either kill the cows, run around in the fields collecting hides, or you can stand in the field buying them for 75each. Either ways, once you have about 100-1000, depending on how much money you have, you can sell them in Al Kharid for 100-110 each.




Earth Runes-To me, this is one of the most effective ways to earn quick money, and transform 5k into 20k. I suggest it for people who even have over 100k. Here's what you do. You go to Port Sarim with your 5k. Go into the Magic Shop and buy the earth runes. ONLY BUY THEM IF THEY ARE 5GP OR LESS!!! This means that you can buy as many as you can until the shop has 4500. This is when the price goes to 6gp. At that point, switch worlds and start over. You may be thinking, its only 1gp difference. But when you buy runes in mass amounts, EVERY GP ADDS UP. If you brought only 5k with you, you should leave once you have 1k Earth Runes. Go to one of the world indicated in the first chapter. Sell the runes right under the west Varrock bank. Sell them for about 15-25 each. You should get a quick buyer. You can do this with fire and water runes too, earth runes are just in stock most often.


Note: I think that based on the October 2, 2007 update-you can no longer do this.This used to be a great money maker though. Technically you can still use this technic with player stock-but it is no longer recommended.






Merchanting with 100k to 1mill






Nobody may use this guide for any reason without the permission of Kal Guthix


Now you know something about merchanting. You are no longer a beginner, and you know where to buy and sell things. If you want you can even try out merchanting treasure trail armor. Here are some more things you can start merchanting.




Runes-Earth, water and fire runes are still a great way to earn some quick cash.


Note: I think that based on the October 2, 2007 update-you can no longer do this.




Eye of Newt-This, I think, is the best way to turn a small amount of money into millions. Depending on how many you want to buy, you will need 15k, 30k, or 45k. With 15k, you can buy 5k eyes of newts, with 30k, you can buy 10k eyes of newts, and so on. First, go to the bank and take all of the money that you will spend. Then, go to Port Sarim and buy the eyes from the Magic store for 3 each. Then go to Draynor bank, put the eyes away, and repeat. Keep doing this until you have spent all of your money. After you are finished buying them, go on the Tip It forums, or ask a member friend to go on the Runescape forums, and sell the eyes of newts for 90-100 each! You just turned 15k into 500k, 30k into 1mill, and 45k into 1.5mill!!


Note-Going back and forth from the store and bank will take a long, long time. If you don't want to spend a lot of time doing this, and you have a bit of extra cash, you can hire a few people to do this for you.




Iron Ore-Go to one of the merchanting worlds and buy iron ore for 100 each in Falador, or just mine it yourself. If you have a bit of extra time, there is a store in the northern part of the Dwarven Mines that sells Iron Ore for around 12gp each.If you buy from other people, it will be much easier to buy it in quantities, since people are more willing to buy and sell greater amounts. Once you have a reasonable amount, sell them for about 100-110each.




Coal-Just like iron ore, go to a merchanting world in Falador and buy a large amount of coal ore. You can mine it yourself ,too, or use the store at the nothern part of Dwarven Mines. A good price to buy is 150-175gp each, and you can sell it for 175-200gp each.




Big Bones-You can either buy these bones west of the Varrock West Bank or you can fight Hill Giants and make money and sell the bones for pure profit. Ok, you should buy the bones for no more then 415 each. If you can try to buy for only 400each(If you want, you can even try to buy the bones in Edgeville Dungeon near the Hill Giants for 300 each, although I have not tested this out). After you buy them-I suggest you buy either 50, 100, 500, or 1000-go to World 1. World 1 works the best because for some reason people are buying big bones there for more money. Once you get to World 1, sell them for 450 each. If you are selling 1k of them, you can even try to sell them for 500 each.


Note-In the last few months, big bone prices have increased by up to 25%.




Limpwurt Roots-Bring money (around 10k) into Edgeville Dungeon (where the hill giants are). Make sure you are not in a merchanting world. Go around saying "Buying all limps 100each!" People should sell them, if all else fails, offer 150gp for each limpwurt root. Some people will probably go "Lol, Limps are 500each." Remember to stay firm. Once you have about 100 or so, go to Varrock in a merchanting world and sell them inside the bank. They will sell for 500-700each.






Yew Logs-These are a popular item. The only problem is now with all of the autoers, most people are selling and not buying. If you do want to try yews though, you can buy them at 300each and sell them for 320each.




Rune Essence-Like yew logs, rune essence is being sold rather than being bought because of all the autoers. Still, you can buy these for 30-35 each and sell the, for 45each.


Note: Rune Essence has not been very popular to buy and sell lately, so I would not recommend this.




Trout/Salmon-Go to the fishing spot in Barbarian Village. There, ask for free food. The fishers will give you food, and then bank it in Varrock. Continue this until you have a high amount of cooked fish. Then sell them in Edgeville. Trout will sell for 30 each and Salmon will sell for 50 each.




Lobsters-Go to either Edgeville or Varrock. Buy 100-1k cooked lobsters for 200-210 each. Then, go to Edgeville. If you where already in Edgeville, switch worlds. Sell the lobster for 240-250 each.




*Full Black (t)- This treasure trails armor is not as popular as its (g) version. You can buy it and sell it for around 300k to 350k.




*Full Black (g)- This armor is pretty popular. It will sell from 350k to 400k. You can sell it for 400k-425k.


Note: Some people try to sell this armor for crazy prices like 500k! Don't buy from these people! Also, if nobody is selling full black (g) for a good price, you can try to buy parts instead. This is more of a gamble though-because you never know if nobody will sell you a certain part once you have 3/4 peices.




*Full Adamantite (t)-This armor is sold for about 325k, you can the sell it for 375k.




*Full Adamantite (g)-This armor can be bought for 400k-425k and you can sell it for 435-450k




Willow Composite Bow-You can buy this treasure trail bow for 115k-125k and sell it for 130k-150k.




Full Runite Armor-This is a quick moneymaker that is generally foolproof. Go to Varrock, and buy Rune armor parts seperataly. Buy the full helm for 25k, the kitesheild for 40k-50k, the platelegs for 40k, and the platebody for 50k. This will add up to 160k-165k. You can then sell it for 185k, or possibly even more. I personally have been noticing that people have been selling rune full armor for more and more, so selling it for 185k, if other people are selling it for 190k, will get you plenty of buyers. If they are selling for 200k, you can sell for even more-it depends on the current street price.


Nobody may use this guide for any reason without the permission of Kal Guthix




Merchanting with 1mill-5mill




Now you are an experience merchanter. You are become one of the richer runescape players. You understand what price to buy things at and you understand the economy. Now is when merchanting gets a little risky. Items cost more money, and if you don't sell them, well, tough luck. This section refers to treasure trail armor, since that is what you would be merchanting at this stage. Remember, you can continue merchanting cheaper goods if that works for you.




Full Rune (t)-This treasure trail armor will sell as low as 850k. This is a good price to buy it. You can then sell it for 900k-950k






Full Rune (g)-You can buy full rune (g) for about 1.1mill. You can then sell it for up to 1.2mill.






Full Wizard (t)- People will sell this for around 550k. You can then sell them for around 600k.






Full Wizard (g)-This is much more popular than the trimmed version. You can buy this for 700k-750k and sell this anywhere from 750k-850k.






*Guthix Armor-Guthix sets are the least expensive and the least popular of all god armor. They sell from 1.1mill-1.2mill. Others will buy them for about 1.3mill.






*Green Dragonhide (g)-You can buy this ranging armor for around 415k and sell it for 430-450k.




*These prices may not be exactly accurate. I would be helpful if someone posted the correct and current price.




Merchanting with 5mill+






Now you are with the big boys. It is recommended that you still sell the armor in the above section until you have around 10mill. If you don't want to risk a lot of money, you can countinue with the methods like coal and limps or runes, only in greater amounts. If you feel daring, you can merchant things like god sets and other treasure trail items. Once you have over 20mill, you can start merchanting discontinued items.


Nobody may use this guide for any reason without the permission of Kal Guthix


Full Saradomin Armor-This is the most expensive god set. It will sell from 2.1mill-2.2mill. You can sell it for 2.3mill-2.45mill.






Full Zamorak Armor-You can buy this god set for about 2mil-2.1mil. People will buy it for 2.1mill-2.2mill.






Easter Eggs and Pumpkins-Easter Eggs and Pumpkins are pretty inexpensive compared to other discontinued items. you can buy them for about 6.5mill-8mill and sell them for around 9mill-12mill. These two item's prices greatly increase during the holiday they are associated with.




Santa Hats-Santa hats are a very desired discontinued item among runescape players. People will sell a santa hat from 18 mill to 22mill. You can sell these for up to 25mill.






Halloween Masks-Masks are also one of the most popular items in Runescape.They come in a variety of colors. Halloween masks increase in price during Halloween. Below is a price list of Halloween Masks:




Green Halloween Mask: 17 mill - 22 mill




Blue Halloween Mask: 24 mill - 28 mill




Red Halloween Mask: 36 mill - 42 mill






Party Hats-Party Hats are by far some of the valuable items in the game (blue party hat being the second to most expensive item in Runescape). Anyone who managed to get one during the 2002 Holiday Drop would be filthy rich. Here is a general price of party hats:




Purple Party Hat: 140 mill - 160 mill


Yellow Party Hat: 155 mill - 170 mill


Green Party Hat: 150 mill - 160 mill


Red Party Hat: 220 mill - 240 mill-This Party Hat is very popular during the Christmas Season


White Party Hat: 190 mill - 205 mill


Blue Party Hat: 450 mill - 500 mill


Nobody may use this guide for any reason without the permission of Kal Guthix


Other Discontinued Items-




Disk of returning: 13 mill - 16 mill


Half Jug of Wine: 50 mill - 60 mill


Christmas Cracker: Around 750mill


Nobody may use this guide for any reason without the permission of Kal Guthix


Because discontinued items are rare and the prices are constantly changing, it is impossible to tell the actual current price. These prices are only to be used as a general outline-and may not be correct.






The Amazing Guide to F2P Merchanting is coming to an end. This is an overview of the all of the things you can merchant. Along with items listed here, there are other treasure trails items, amulets, other runes such as natures and laws, and much more. I will be adding to this guide frequently, so check back often. If you feel something has been left out, please post a suggestion here. This guide will grow greatly if other people help out. Also, I am recommending this guide to Members as well as Free players.


There are is one more thing I want to mention. Charcoal, Empty Boxes, and Polished Buttons are all WORTHLESS!!! There are noobs who are trying to make a profit by going "selling charcoal 100k" and some person who thinks charcoal is rare goes and buys it. Don't fall for this.


Thank you for reading this merchanting guide, and I hope it helps F2Ps and P2Ps alike. Your support and suggestions would greatly help. Feel free to rate this guide out of 10. I would also like to ask that if anyone rates this guide below a 9/10 I would like them to suggest what would make it better.:D




Please, do not flame in this thread. I only want CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISISM! If you want to flame, I suggest the rants forum, although I don't think your allowed to flame about another person's thread.




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I would like to thank tcmstr134 for his blog on using this guide, if any of you are interested, click here to read it.




This guide may not be used by anyone without the permission of Kal Guthix(Guthix121).

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Nice, but I must pointout that autoers are also effecting the economy. EVERY raw material that can be autoed, has been, and the prices have crashed on them.These include yews, flax ess, etc. also, about the Santa, on Christmas it usualy goes down. Everyone is trying to sell their for a bigger profit, and there are much less buyers.


Dungeoneering isn't a skill.

I'm faster than bots at Sorceress Garden.

PM me if you want to chat. My PM is always off.

My keyboard is on fire. Want some?

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I know everyone wants pics, and I just got the old version of hypercam. I don't know how to take pictures. I can only make videos. Can anyone tell me?








As for Autoers. I should state that they are causing a problem to skillers and the Runescape economy. I agree that they shouldn't be there, but they do keep prices from completely soaring.

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I have finally figured out how to make pictures. I would like to thank bballer and moonshadow for suggesting and showing me how to make pics. I also want to thank bballer and pantim for suggesting a few other things.

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You need to make the read feel like it is something they can accomplish and with not a ton of time invested in it. This guide I felt was more of a "I did it, you can do it, it SHOULD work" kind of guide. Not saying that what you wrote but that's a little bit of the impression I got. But you get a lot of points for presentation, grammar, and useful tips.

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Hey give me a break. This is my first guide. Plus-in order to be a merchant, you do have to work a little(but not much :wink: ) and it is not the easiest thing in the world.

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Did you know that you can buy iron ore for as low as 1 gp each in the dwarven mines?

Ah, this reminds me about the noob on the Runescape forums who was upset with the quest "Cold War" because apparently his grandparents died in the war. :wall:
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yes but the problem is you have to keep running back and forth since you can only hold so much. Plus, the shop doesn't keep restocking. It only restocks when someone else sells the ore. You have to world hop. I guess you can do that. But I don't recommend it.

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Alright, point taken. Your guide doesn't have unusual items to merchant which is understandable due to the fact that F2p items are very limited, but the layout is very original and I like it. I put some of it to use and made about 200k in 1 and half hours using 3 million in cash ;).(While using the methods I found you had create/influenced the most.) Not bad. I'm sure I could've made more, but for a person who has rarely ever merchanted, as myself to make 200k really has motivated me somewhat :D.




I Revise my rating to a 8.25/10.

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wow... i like this guide just by reading it soo much.. im going to start with just 5k and see how many gp i can make using only these methods... ill post alot with my progres.....




anyways: nice guide! il going to give it a 9/10, seeing as your selections are limited(there are many other effective merchanting items in f2p) but you went with the basics.. anyways im off to try your guide!




that can easily change.. depending on how fast i can make gp using youre guide

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I am going to be posting more ways gradually. Right now, I am in the process of making a few videos. The problem is if I did it all at once, it would take to long, considering the possibilities.




Coming Soon-Lobsters, Big Bones, Videos, and a few more pictures.




Remember to post any ideas you may have.

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Pretty cool lol i made my money through big bones also good to merch but takes awhile, need patience in this 1. Buy 400g each buy at a precise number for an example: Person gives u mhmm 267 bones=106,800g lol buy it as 104,000g in other words round it DOWN to the nearest number. Believe me it works gained 5m in 2 weeks in f2p worlds :XD:



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do you mind if i make a blog on this forum as to my progress?




i will give you credit in there(and include a link to this topic) and add that i am only using your methods.... Might even give you some more people that look at your guide




I guess you could-Just put The Amazing Guide to Merchanting in your title, add my name, and put a link.




Oh, PM me a link to the guide when you make it. I might add some quotes to this guide. Can't wait to read it! :D




Nobody else may use this guide for any reason without my permission.

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8/10.need update prices.




*Full Rune (g)-You can buy full rune (g) for about 1.1mill. You can then sell it for up to 1.3mill.




:arrow: 1.05 mil-1.25 mil .1.3 mil only mech sell it(like you) and you will be able to sell it in about 1 year of screeming: sell rune full g 1.3 mil.




Also add more iteams like heleradic armor.



Always buying something.

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8/10.need update prices.




*Full Rune (g)-You can buy full rune (g) for about 1.1mill. You can then sell it for up to 1.3mill.




:arrow: 1.05 mil-1.25 mil .1.3 mil only mech sell it(like you) and you will be able to sell it in about 1 year of screeming: sell rune full g 1.3 mil.




Also add more iteams like heleradic armor.




I would love it if you gave me updated prices.

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Christmas crackers are the most expensive item in the game :wink: . It's a good guide, nothing I didn't know, but useful for a new player beginning this game.





So you're actually suggesting JaGex implements something into the game which for several years have been trying to stop?... :XD:
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