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Everything posted by Exarch

  1. Exarch


    Okay, I re-did the sig in 4 frames, hopefully people will like this better.
  2. Exarch


    It doesn't look very good static, and that would defeat the whole purpose of me trying to make an animated sig, what I set out to do. Now that I know with some hardly noticeable optimization I could make a similar sig with 4 frames, much more smooth and less flashy. I'm going to, sometime this week.
  3. Exarch


    I am auctioning the following sig: Starting bid is 30,000 gp in RS Classic or RS2 gp, though classic is much preferred. Minimum bid incriments of 5k. I don't know how long I'm going to keep the auction open, I'll decide tommorow after I see how many people are bidding (hopefully at least one :) ) If you want to know what the first one looked like: I think the new one is much better.
  4. Exarch

    Sig Auction

    It is a bit over the limit, which is 30,000 bytes (not 30KB). 30,000 bytes is equal to about 29.29 kB.
  5. Photoshop.. I downloaded the trial of paint shop pro once, and It completely alienated me, after being used to PS I had no clue where everything was in PSP.. like how to control layers >_>.
  6. Static: Animated: I'm not very good at landscapes, perhaps I would be if it didn't take so long to render things in terragen.. (only have 64mb ram).
  7. I'll try and make a sig tonight.. though I can't put in any trees with the program I use.
  8. Exarch


    I don't remember the names of all of them, but I found them all on http://www.dafont.com/en
  9. Exarch


    The first one is yours. I'll sell you the other four (note that #5 is sold) if nobody else has requested them by the time I wake up tommorow, better than them going to waste. I'll wait until tommorow morning to edit em though, going to bed soon :P
  10. Exarch


    Lowered the price and I'll now take RS2 gold also.
  11. Ill make a matching avatar free if I win, keep in mind that avatars are currently disabled on these boads :wink:
  12. Exarch


    #1 (SOLD) #2 (SOLD) #3 (SOLD) #4 (SOLD) #5 (SOLD) #6 (SOLD)
  13. It's a mural, and I don't think thats a house. More like a store, surf or clothing shop perhaps?
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