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Everything posted by dahool

  1. That's Magic Cards. I don't know if I can post websites here so just search for a website named dafont. And I'm glad people like it =] For the people who'dd like to see here are 3 I recently made for clanmates: S C U L L Y: Sir Wout95: Shark609: I would appreciate if people rate them too =]
  2. looks quite cool actually 8) I only got 1 tip: you might want to spread up the cb and total texts a little bit IMHO.
  3. I Just made these 2 sigs: Number 2: Number 3: Rate them both please and post any tips you've got ty :wink: P.S.: Yes, I know I use renders and you can flame me for being an amateur, but i just don't care 8). __
  4. Red Devil Clan Clan name: Red Devil Clan (RDC) Clan website: http://www.reddevilclan.nl Clan leaders: Markjow, Floritus F2p clan cape: Red P2p clan cape: Red Number of Members: 140-150 (see memberlist for most recent) Average hitpoint and combat level: 91+ Hitpoints - 111+ Combat (again, see memberlist for most recent) see this link for up to date memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=rdcml Type of clan (skill or pk): Player Killing / Community Recent War Record(6): Click here for the war history from RDC forums.
  5. ok another one: if the enemy punches, grab his arm and do a full force frontkick right into his arm pit and u will rupture his arm of. ... jk of course dont try this ;) (do not try this at home pl0x)
  6. 1. train your muscles hard. start off by doing 0.5-1 hour of push/situps every day. 2. then go to the gym 1 hour a day. 3. train the muscles near your polse so you can hit easier. 4. every time you got like nothing to do, put gloves on your hands (do this, else you will ruin your hands!) and hit the wall as much as you can to harden your knuckles and kill the nerves. This is so you can hit harder without feeling pain. 5. when you meet the bully again, say something back this time! he will try to scare you, keep taunting him until he will attempt to hit u. this is so you arent to blame 4 the fite. then you beat the hell out of him. good luck, this should take about 4-6 months in total, i hope u will succeed, i once had some1 anoying me too he enden up with a few broken ribs after he tried to beat me.
  7. spicy food owns =] i like sate-sauce, sambal, e.g.
  8. making signatures, training, selling herb drops u get, e.g. and since i have no extraordinary stats nor alot of money to start off with, i also have another way to make money (200k per hour), but i won't tell here or the market for it will collapse =]
  9. nice tut :) I like the result too.
  10. hmm I agree with you there... but I am just trying to think of a text that matches the general atmosphere of the sig. Well, here's a bit brighter one, V2: Better?
  11. atleast i give credits to the person who rendered this pic, i see so many people just using them and not doing that! :evil:
  12. I just made this sig: I tried to add a sort of rain effect, I think it came out pretty well. Rate #/10 please, and add comment if you wish [ Credit to creator of the render ] _
  13. dahool

    Pixel WIP

    ouch.. the floor had bad perspective :?
  14. very nice effect, but the text kind of screws it up :S and try to add a border too. other then that its very good for first aps sig :)
  15. omg thats like total noobism lol :? its more like folk-metal
  16. PICTURE 1: Original: My signature (edited 1 times): Its my first photo-manip thingy. As u might see the thingy in the right of the sig was smudged wrong but that was just because of a bright spot I couldn't get away on another way :( What you think of it? PICTURE 2: I'm just not sure if it looks ok, but I dont thinks it looks good. Do u guys have any tips for me please? Please note that I'm not the rioter displayed in the picture, lol :P. Im not either for or against the riots. Original: Sig:
  17. Its good (7/10) Try working on light and shade effects. Maybe you should try adding the spear, and add some more things to the background (trees, clouds, e.g.)
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