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Everything posted by SnWRifleman

  1. Have you read any of the previous posts... he said train skills until the last day of the event... then get the free exp.... What happened to your signature?
  2. Wow you guys are idiots. I'm not saying, get 60 in a skill then get the goulash. I'm saying like level 10. It saves like 20 minutes of training in hp or strength or mage, and if mage, might save you a couple K on runes. FFS
  3. Maybe it's a way to get F2pers back to P2p? SUBLIMINAL MESSAGING!!!!
  4. Well that's why I'm saying to do it now. Instead of waiting till the last day of the event, you can train your skills and get more xp.
  5. Well Prayer can actually be useful in F2p too. If you plan on BHing it's good to get 31 for Ultimate Strength. World PvP in F2p is good too, since there are alters on every corner. Idk it's all about opinion..
  6. Forget this, you guys apparently have nothing to do except try to make yourselves seem smarter than me. My God... I'm giving advice, not opening up a flamer's thread.
  7. I never said to use it right away. I'm saying use it when you actually get a skill up and the xp to the next level ratio is good. Sigh...
  8. I would say this is the best time to start one, because of the Halloween Event. Free 10 genie lamps from the quest and it's very easy. Don't miss out on it :P
  9. PKing has never been like that. BH is just a massive PJ-fest. When the wilderness was here, you never got PJ'ed DURING the fight. It was after, and you actually had a chance of escaping. If you get pj'ed in the middle of a fight and don't even expect it, and you are no armoring, you will die 99% of the time.
  10. I don't get it either. If you are in combat, you should not be able to be attacked by anyone until combat is over. I'm sick of losing 300k from a pj'er. They can just wait till the end, and attack you. It's so damn frustrating... I've already lost like 4 sets, 2 from PJers, 1 from a 4v1, and another from an actual fair fight. And another. Thus ending my time on my main, since I lost 3m. 2 Fights were actually fair. I dc'ed on one, 4v1 once and PJ'ed twice. Happy, happy...
  11. Short and simple. Pkers, all they can call you is, noob. First off, they PJ you after your target get's PJed, which makes you automatically on the penalty. Then the noobs follow you and call you a noob and scrub and kill you. The system is whack. Somehow you can get attacked by 4 guys all at once. It's very agitating...
  12. Since the new age of pking has altars at every corner in pking zones, would getting 31 prayer be wise? I want to create a custom pure that is very effective and seeing if it's good to get.
  13. How on earth do you kill someone with a half decent loot when you've got d hide and a rune scim? The only way to have a good chance at killing someone with good loot is to wear good stuff yourself, which in turn makes you a good target for other players wearing good stuff. It's a nice system, really. You're saying you want the entire standard lowered, where every pker is running around in d hide with a scim. I think that's pretty ridiculous, why should the entire standard be lowered because some players don't want to risk their precious items? I get really annoyed at these 1/3/4 itemers. 3 and 4 aren't that bad because they will never skull on you, so you'd have to attack them to get in a fight. Anyone with a brain would realize it's stupid to attack a 3 itemer unless you feel like getting an easy kill. It's the 1 itemers who are annoying because they can and will skull. I wish protect items prayer was just gone, it's simply being abused by players who don't want to take any risks. The people who one item (myself included) generally do it because we are unexperienced in Player verse Player combat. I myself have never been taught on the small things that you people use and have an advantage over us with, and until then I don't feel like spending money on armours and foods to find out how to do this. One-4 itemers are generally experimenting with a new technique. I bet you didn't know the best way to do everything the very first time you tried it (unless you read up about it, which is what most of the people don't do, and most of the pkers don't share). Also despite this being a f2p thread many have referenced to p2p features, so if you are fighting a one itemer use smite to make them scared and make mistakes. You aren't going to learn anything by running into Lumbridge, attacking someone who is actually risking items and enjoying the spirit of the game, die, and repeating the process. You get nowhere with that, and it pisses everyone off. You come back constantly, attack, make them eat like 5 times, and then die. Repeat. Rinse. I HIGHLY doubt 1-4 itemers are "experimenting", unless they are experimenting how dumb and stupid they are. P2p 1 iteming is different. Many single items in p2p are vastly superior than 4 iteming in f2p.
  14. Tactic. While they are typing "safer", whip out your 2h and p00n them. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  15. Yeh that's a good idea. But basically, since I didn't explain very clear, I meant like if you die with -3 items would not be allowed to kill or be killed by any player, along with maybe an indication. Or they could be sent out of the world or something and not be allowed on until their "ban" was over. Or something on the lines of that :lol:
  16. Well I'm sure you've ran from fights as well. It's not illegal nor dumb. It's very smart, because I like to keep 30k over dying. But if he agreed to a deathmatch, that's a different story.
  17. If you have 1-3 items of 5000 value or less, and you die, you should be given a 10 minute dishonorable fight ban from the wilderness. I'm sick of people with a rune scimitar, 9 levels higher than you, attacking you, dying, and coming back and fighting you again. Then they call you names and try to act tough. It's sickening. PS: My game froze just as soon as I started a fight, and woo, I died. How dumb...
  18. What do you guys think of a marketplace, not an official one or anything, in the castle, underground in the dungeon, if it isn't a PvP area. It would be good to sell supplies like dragonhide, weapons, food, armor and arrows for a quick buy. I'm pretty sure not many people like to run to Varrock and world hop to buy supplies if needed and people hardly ever sell it at the bank. It would be good here because it isn't populated nor small like the bank. Discuss.
  19. God, this topic is messy. You've edited it like twice and it's still unclear. Anyways, I see what you mean. I thought you meant going into the actual mini-game, not sitting in the lobby in a PvP world, which you did not mention. That could actually be a good idea, except for the fact that people could attack you easily. And I'm pretty sure just training normally would have pros and cons over this.
  20. What is the point. The chances of you getting a kill by 1 iteming, 2 iteming, 3 iteming, and 4 iteming are slim, in f2p. Why does Jagex even allow this. People run into the PvP zones, attack you, waste like 10 food and then run. Wow that's more money out of your pocket and then you are frustrated because everyone runs. I think Jagex should make it that you have to take in something worth value instead of being an idiot and risking no cash whatsoever just to attack people and run. Discuss. PS: Varrock doesn't have many 1 itemers, but Varrock is more aimed at higher levels, eg. 85-100+.
  21. F2p isn't a "demo". If it was a demo, you could play for like 3 days and then pop you gotta pay to play more. F2p, is just minus half the armor in rs, minus a lot of quests, and some places to roam. Many people are happy with the f2p style of playing and I prefer some of the aspects of f2p over p2p.
  22. It's annoying when you fight against someone and they just protect themselves. I would run, but then again, fighting in the 20-40 bracket, no one has protections prayers :lol:
  23. Let's stay on topic. F2P, if you read carefully. Now, I'm just going to say, Duel Arena is pretty bad xp/hr. Short and sweet.
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