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Everything posted by crossfire39

  1. First of WRONG FORUMS. Sorry to be a [puncture], but it really gets the mods on these forums. Next timee you should post in the mdeia forums. Anyways, you need a program like Adobe Image Ready. There is a tool there that takes a vid and converts it into say thousands of frames that you can then save as an animated gif.
  2. That sounds pretty good. Every time i'm at pest control I think "Maybe I should mage?" Then the thought of running in the desert comes to me and I rethink my plan. This would make it very convenient though.
  3. Ya I agree with you, but for the alternitives, I am not sure if number 1 will work or not, but I am positive that number 2 will NOT work. Autoers can easily read what is on the screen, so if anywhere on the screen it say enter "12" it will easily be able to hit the appropriate boxes. An example would be the mysterious old men boxes. The autoers get around them don't they..
  4. To clarify, even though this is not my guide, the egg ring is just like a rock ring. If you get attacked, you will turn back into a ... well human, otherwise, unmorph.
  5. Haha sweet items + lag = great fun. Nice find, will try it out asap.
  6. Gotta love the new holiday events Jagex is rolling out. They are fun to do, have great graphics, and are awsome rewards. Good job to jagex even though they prob won't see this =p.
  7. Camo... well I geuss it actually looks like real camo, but I believe the old one fit into the game more.. Drag Chain... All you poor souls that have one.. I feel for you :lol: lol, but anyways, I prefer the old one better, even though this is supposedly supposed to bring around better graphics. I am perfectly fine with the way they are now, would really like to see th old chain brought back.
  8. Watch, I bet you they did this on purpose and are having great laugh down in headquarters watching us all go crazy trying to find what isn't there. Otherwise, dam, they did a good job hiding this... I checked dusties, killed basalisks for an hour, talked to the curator, and digsite workers to no avail....
  9. Personally I think the reward is some kind of bag to carry bones in, but how would I know
  10. Dam these stories are fun to read. Gratz on the chain, totally paid off eh
  11. Lol you guys are great. Not forcing them to do pointless hours at abyssals and such, but you seem to have a lot of fun with him. Fun to read again.
  12. That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard on here. If Andrew had never ever played Runescape, he would still know more than any of us, and I am pretty sure that goes for everyone working for them. They designed the game, and they know how everything functions. We just have to find out things for ourselves, and some we might never even know. The people at Jagex know that the Galddar hammer is good on shades, but did we know that untill someone decided to use it there? For all we know full veracs could be the best way to kill skeletons or something like that. We only find out things from trial and error, they know it from the start.
  13. Personally I think that they should make it that you can set the priority of the items you have in your inventory at the time. Stacked items you would still loose because that would be totally unfair. It would prevent people from tricking other by giving them mystic tops and then koing them, and pking would still be possible because most of the whip drops people get are from when they ko the person.
  14. I have 2 huge projects and a group project coming up, so I won't be doing dusties for a few days, but i'll be back.
  15. Downloading now, but I have to take the time to compliment you right now. Thank you for taking the time to make this post easy to read and follow. Looks like you have even spent a while making this post appealing and put together with thought, even the way the links are arranged is nice. So thank you and I will add more once I watch this video, which is hopefully just as good as this post=p.
  16. Woooooot 4000 Killed. 4000 Drops. 4000 times I felt a little pang of hope. 4000 times that little bit of hope has been killed.
  17. This is great. Time to go get my share of the cheap runes =p. Thank you for taking the time to make this.
  18. Iantiger, I was planning to do that as well. But go ahead and feel free to use mine as well.
  19. Well first off here are some tips: * Also this should be in the help and advice board but since I am not a mod :cry: then this is just a suggestion to you in the future. Anyways, Tip1: Bring dispensible food like cakes with you. This is good food because you can get it at ardy (stealing) and then quickly take the boat back to the arena Tip2: Only have the cost of getting in and 2 boat rides = cakes in inventory, and only wear boots of lightness. If you wear rune you will still get hit a ton, but you wont loose anything if you die. Plus with less wieght you will be able to run longer. Tip3: Keep your health at about 30 to 20 hp. At this hp level you get hit less damage than you would at full hp. Tip4: Keep your tickets untill you have 100 or 500 (you get a better sence of accomplishement when you go up like 5 levels in a second :wink:) and once you get 53 agility (or whatever it is for wildy) go to the wilderness course. Even with the danger of pkers and such, it IS the best place to train. I went ther from 51 to 73 agility and only died once. Tip5: Once you get to 2 cakes left. Start heading for the exit. Head towards whichever corner it is at (se, sw, ne, nw). Once you are out, go to ardy, steal 27 cakes (heal with bread and such), get coins out again and start over.
  20. About the last comment. I was pking the other day and came across a guy that kept letting me try new techniques on him. Well nither of us died because we kept letting each other live. Well our skulls went away at edge while banking, but we decided to go have another go. It was a good 10 min after we had faught each other. Well, we go out, and I attack. Believe it or not, I get no skull.. 20 min later we fight again but this time he attacks.. again, no skull for him. I am not sure how this works, but I geuss the player that attacked you first has to log out before the thing gets reset.
  21. Well.. if this IS true, then OMFG FINALLY@@@@ And if it is true, then it seems POH's will be ALOT better than what I have planned. If you think of it really.. who lowlife would spend their whole day typing out 1000 items to get the hopes up of a few people, who when they find out the truth will just be like.. "meh w.e". Personally, I think POH's will be something like Mysthelania where you have to pay a certain amount every day or so. The items seem pretty well thought out though. Will make decorating the house a day long event. :lol: But who knows, maybe it is a fake, maybe its not. Also to the thing about jagex releasing 1000 new items.. I dunno. 1000 seems an awfull lot. Like in the game right now there are only what 1000 items max? I think it might be somewhere along the lines of 100-200 items and they will release more (like quest rewards and such). They might even do it like farming (give people a month to gather items then release it). But it would also be smart for them to slowly put in items every update so the main one doesn't bog down the servers with peoples comps downloading all the gifs.
  22. Nah, read the descriptio again. Smite is when you hit the person, whatever you hit, 1/4 is taken from their prayer. Sabotage is when the person hits you, it takes 1/4 of the hit from their prayer.
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