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Everything posted by crossfire39

  1. Wow..... 10,225 kills... thats 10,225 drops.... thats 10,225 drops that weren't chain..... SWEEET Lol, only like 12k more till 99. Enjoy.
  2. Sad that the poeple who lost money unfairly do not have any compensation, but I am pretty happy they will not roll back. It would have probably caused a lot more problems, like people who got chains and such complaining that they don't get to keep it, and imagine the millions of xp that would be gone.
  3. This is not meant to be spam, but he is most likely talking about the forums being online due to the fact that on the front page it says they will shut down the forums for 24 hours...
  4. Will do it when I update next. Will be on front page where log is lol. Um, also, some of you may not know, but the coins do not really add up. I use about 12k knives a week, and that is 480k per week. The coins give maybe 150k a week? so in reality I am loosing money untill I decide to sell anything.
  5. There is a mod like that. It is called ProfilePC or something like that, would have to check. The buddy list thing is very nice to have, but it is a mjor PAIN to install. Took me several days to get it to work properly on my own forums even when there were no mods installed.
  6. Well I used to run my own phpbb forums, and over the few years that I ran it, I found some very usefull, and at the same time easy to instal mods. I know that fater five or so mods you have to start playing around with the code and seeing if it works or not, but these are small changes that will not require much coding (Especially if you use EasyMod). Topic Description: http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=148241 Many forums have this, not totaly needed but it is kind of nice to have that extra space. Avator Resize: http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=237723 Plain convenience, I personally hate resizing what is already uploaded. This just takes it and resisizes it automatically. Very simple and usefull. Resize Images: http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=243046 Well we all complain when people post pictures that aren't cropped. This mod resizes the picture so it fits on the screen and doesn't break the template. Usefull, and simple. Broken Layout: http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=263135 Makes sure the post can fit into a regular window. Stars: http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=384941 Not useful, but just fun. Gives us old timers some fun stars for how many years we have been here =p. You can change the images to mini baxes or something. Just adding some fun to the forums. Printer Friendly: http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=141443 Makes it so we can print out posts. FAQ: http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=149259 Makes it so you can easily edit the FAQ's. You could add a lot more info into it so people ask less questions. Save Bandwidth: http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=196348 Make sure you want this. In the long run it will help alot... Spell Checker: http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=208855 You will need to configure this so it doesn't always pop up, but it adds a button at the bottom of posts so people can spell check their posts... Useful for those who cannot spell (like me :oops: ) Drafts: http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=223319 Let's people start a post, then finish later without having to spam forums.. Quick Reply: http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=230887 Easy to use, and I am pretty sure it saves bandwidth and lowers loading time. Other mods include a lot of security mods, but I ma sure you are planning to look their yourself.. I also suggest that you fill the avatar gallery with Tip.it appropriate avatars so people can use them if they do not have their own. Thank You for taking the time to read, Crossfire39
  7. Wouldn't work... see, I thought of that as well, but these people have really thought this out. The tops are noted... therefore, you drop one, you drop all. I would have just put protect item on, and owned him. Too bad for your loss dude, I feel for ya =(, alched my own whip...
  8. OOOH noes, running out of space... Day 29 addddddded BTW, free bumps always welcome
  9. Lol very interesting to read.. One comment: you actually log out after close to one minute.. or about 50 sec. Question: What weapon are you soloing him with......
  10. Ya good idea... but you all say you hate autoers.... have you ever thought how bad the economy would crash if all the autoers just stopped playing? yews would be like 500 and flecthing for magic would be gone.
  11. Lol which one did you choose?
  12. http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/5770 ... ed19ze.png Yay
  13. The best way is to stay at the back of the boat (As far away from the ladder as you can) whenever I do this, I always get in on first try.
  14. Lol of course, my friend used to ask me why I waste my life on a stupid crappy graphics game, but like half the people int he game, he tried it, got addicted and now loves it lol.
  15. Well I have a missed feeling about this. Trying to get a person killed the way they were doing it (closing doors so he couldn't get away) is screwed up. When people die while afk, I do pick up their stuff, but sometimes I am nice enough to give back one or two things. At wars, looting is not really looked upon, but I do go on noobs to get the scimmies and larges that people drop.
  16. Lol, very nice on the loot. I really like the part when you gave back his other stuff, was very kind of you. Gratz again on whip.
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